I took this photo (stairs to my basement in where OPT started) in 2004, and seeing I had some time to reflect on this hot winter night.... It was moments before the last trip up these stairs to get the last piece of equipment off the Atlantis order that had come...i think some plate mates...and i captured the moment because I knew afterwards I would be in for a doozy of a time for the next few years. Many have doubted and disagreed the path that I have taken, but I NEVER flinched. So I pass on to those who have some obstacles in their way (mine at the time of photo was being more than broke, quitting my job and risking it all) that when you put your mind to a goal that you truly believe in, become a finisher. In the end, you'll see that it will not matter what place you finished, but if you give it your all on the trip, the results are amazing!
Day 11 Training:A. Dead Lift - build to a heavy triple quickly; rest and then take no more than 3 more sets to build to a heavy but not 1RM; rest as needed b/t 1's
B1. Press Cluster - x 5; rest 120 sec
B2. KBS - 21 unbroken x 5 sets; rest 120 sec
C. DB External Rotation - 4-7/arm x 3 sets; rest 45 sec b/t arms
cluster - perform 1 rep, unload and rack weight for 10 sec, reload and perform another rep..for five reps total per set; weight should be just higher than your regular 5RM press overheadpost loads and notes to comments as well as your latest best 5K run time; if not lately, your PB and last time it was done; double on Friday.
Hey OPT,
Great Picture and Great Inspiration... I am the kid, Kevin O'Malley who emailed you today and talked to you a few times over email... Gives me something to shoot for as I have done the same thing, well not quit my other job yet as a teacher, but something to strive for.. Just started my first OPT training day today... Good Stuff... Hope to talk to you soon...Going to run a few days behind you guys because I am still an endurance athlete preparing for the Vermont 100 and my other ultrathons over the next 6 months...
Vagabond CrossFit
One more thing... Can you explain the PRESS CLUSTER... Is this a variation of all the press movements.. Any help would be greatly appreicated from anyone..??
Ahh, the good old days in the basement. There are some original gangsters from that place that are now BIG DAWGS! WOOF!
Good memories, good quote.
Kevin the press cluster is explained there on the page. Was it not posted when you first asked your question?
No I did not see that.... So, it's just a regular shoulder press aka overhead press.. near your 5 rep max??
Message for Geoff
Yup, just use something higher (or progressively higher, as you want to up the weight/set) than your 5RM overhead press and follow the instructions given. Give'r!
I can still remember our consults in the basement with Red barkin' in the back yard.
Good Memories.
Thank you for the words of wisdom. I'm passing them on to Keith as I believe its something he needs to hear right now.
Very inspiring James, as I make a run at becoming a fire fighter at age 39. From computer geek to firefighter. Can it be done. I believe It can.
I'm starting at the Justice institue of BC in late April for the 12 week pre employment Fire academy. Taking an unpaid leave from work and will stop at nothing to acheive this goal.
Thanks for the motivation boost and sharing your moments of "There is no turning back now"
Nice work, Sterling, you'll do awesome.
Thanks Geoff, It is going to be a very long road. You are a fire fighter and I've been meaning to get your email address. I was hoping I might be able to pick your brain along the way!
Can you shoot me an email at sterlinghaglund@gmail.com
I'm guessing that the DB ext. rotations are done with elbow pinned and ext. rotating out to perpendicular (rotator)? Any weight recommendations for the kb swings; 1.5 pood or 2?
For DB Ext Rot, check out:
Great words, and very timely. I am reaching a milestone in my journey right now. I took my psych exam/interview today and have a start date as a firefighter on Jan 11 (so long as I passed). I worked in a large bank for almost 10 years and started this transition 2.5 yrs ago. Always good to remember to enjoy the ride and give your all.
is any one participating in the lumberjack wod on saturday??
I am in the same spot with my box. Very similar story. I know I will have the same results. Thank you for leading the way. You are the MAN!
I just realized that I posted this comment in a previous entry so I'm re-posting here so that it will be read. Sorry for the repetition.
Thanks for the advise, I'll stay current with the WoDs. My first post-flu recovery WoD will be today. I'm still unclear on the rx'd rest period though. Is the timing set as a minimum, maximum, or is it precise?
Thanks, Noah
Thanks for the inspiration James, great timing for me as my facility will be opening Dec 14 th. Have risked everything to pursue my dreams... definitely flying with out a net. Thanks for all your help and advice too brother. See you on the 19th
CrossFit Optimum Performance
Very timely post. Being kicked out of the university gym we use on dec 24th. I love that place but hey.. New begginings.
Best 5km 16min back in the full time triathlon days. Now 18:45 on just crossfit..
rb 28/78kg
Thanks for the inspiring post James and thank you for all you do for this community.
I bought a new rower for my place last night. A model "E" with PM4 for $500! My little garage gym is growing by the week.
I will stand at that crossroad within the next year if our box grows and we get our own space. Right now I am clinching a bit to safety having a full-time job at the side of running CrossFit Uppsala. However being a father of two you have to play it a little safe sometimes...
Todays training:
3xdeadlifts up to 3x150kg then 170kg, 180kg (felt heavier than I thought, and tech went horrible so I went down in weight), 170kg
Press: 55kg, 60kg, 62.5kg, 63.5kg, 63.5kg (fail on forth rep)
KBS: 24kg, 24kg, 24kg, 32kg, 32kg
DB ext rot: 7x8,5kg
Last 5k run was this summer at a local amateur competition, measured & timed. 20:41.
A. Deadlift - Worked up to:
3 x 365 (Felt good)
1 x 405 (Felt very heavy today)
B1. 115, 120, 125,, 125.125.125.f.f
B2. 1.5 pd unbroken all sets. Felt easy. Should have attemped 2 pd.
c. out of time. Also, these seem to aggravate shoulder.
So, I have decided to dip my toes in the waters of OPT.
I have been Crossfitting for about 2.5 years at Crossfit Atlanta.
A. 3 * 140kg
1 * 150kg (trying to work through some technique and staying tight)
B1. 50,52,53,54,55kg (could go heavier next time)
B2. 24,24,24,28,28kg (give it a go with 2 pood next go round)
C. 10lbs, new move for me
5k time previous 21:59 on a slightly long course, been using the same one for about 5 5ks for better comparison
deadlift. 3x365, 1x415. 1RM is 442.
press cluster 135,135,137,139,139. 5RM is 132.
kbs 55,55,55,55,70.
no db's so skipped part C.
latest 5k was on 1-10-09 in 20:37. All timme PB approx 19:20 about 6 years ago.
A. Worked up to 315 X 3
Then 1 rep of 355
B1. 135/135/135/135/135
B2. 1.5 pood for 21 unbroken X 5
C. 20/20/20
DL didn't feel that strong. My erectors need to be strengthened.
Last 5k was a couple months ago 21:30.
A. worked up to a 150kg 3RM and a 160 1RM (1RM PR = 165kg)
B1. worked up to 65kg for 4/5 reps in the final set (65kg was my previous 1RM but press was feeling strong today so I went all the way)
B2. Heaviest KB available today was 1.5 pood so focused on speed and pulling the KB downwards from the top
C. 7/7/7 (used 10kg db for both arms. My right arm is definitely weaker. Could probably have done 9-10 reps with left but I seem to recall an earlier comment from James to start with your weak arm and do the same number of reps with the stronger one...perhaps I'm dreaming)
My best 5k time is 20:34 completed in September 2009.
A. 275(3) 320(1-1-1)
B1. 95-105,115,125,130(failed on 3&4)
B2. 1.5 pd
C. Ran out of time and had to head to work.
I missed the last two scheduled WODs due to hectic work/family schedule/sinus stuff. Not complaining, just noting.
A- 308x3 326,340,350 (PB is 380..but this is a PB for 6am lifting. Previous best in am was 330)
B1. 115/135/140/145/147.5 (failed on second rep)
B2. 2pd x 21 x 5
C right arm- 15/17.5 (6)/17.5 (4)
left arm 15/17.5/20(2)
*At the firehall*
Worked quickly up to 315x3 then got to 350 for 1 and that felt awful. DL is in serious need of help and it's usually much worse at the hall. If anyone has seen my old PB of 411 tell her I miss her and I'll do anything to see her again.
B1. 135x4 (started too heavy so stuck with 4 reps so I wouldn't have to lower the weight), 135,137, 138,139 x 2. Wow.
B2. 60,65,70,75,80 - all unbroken, which is the goal.
C. 25x7, 27.5 x 7, 30 x 4
Sleep issues last night, may have lead to poor decisions with weight selection.
Haven't run 5K in about 1 million years but my old PB is about 20:20.
Sterling, I'm at gaucoin13@hotmail.com
Taking this two day cycle off. School stress has really really brought me down, I have seriously felt it in the last two metcons we have done.
Hopefully I can chill out and be ready to go on Sunday.
Don't know my exact 5k but I am going to say around 19 minutes.
Last 5k was 20:20. PB 5k is 19:31
M / 5'11'' / 205# / 32
Worked up to 1 heavy rep of 365#, which felt heavy.
Had to cut the B1 and B2 to three sets. 115# / 125# / 140#. 2 pood KBS unbroken. No time for C.
Felt no to hot on the dead lift, actually weak.
A. 335x3 built to 385x1, felt hard (not happy)
B1 105/115/135/145/145 (last one in last 2 rounds were almost a foil)
B2 21 unbroken 2 pood
C 25 lbsx5
Been following the main site WOD's and was just checking out this site everyday to see what's up. Decided that I would follow this site starting the beginning of December so here I am.
A: 225, 275, 330...dead lifted heavy a few days ago, stayed light for today
B1: 135x3 115x2, 115, 115, 115, 120
B2: 2 pood unbroken for all sets
c: 10 lbs x 5
A. 154(6)/198(3)/218(3)/242(1)/262(1)/267(1)
B1. 65/75/85/85/87.5
B2. 1 pood/ 45# DB for the remaining 4 sets.
*shoulder was feeling good so I decided to hold back on the weight. Def. could have gone heavier.
C. 15#(7)/20(4)/20(4)
These felt great today. Feeling very pleased with my shoulder. Here's hoping it continues!
A. ....405x3, 455, 465, 475
B1. 145, 145, 145
B2. 70, 80, 80
C. 25, 27, 28x7
Backed off a bit due to lack of focus and intensity. Long day ahead.
5k: 21:12
23:30 on my last 5K, forgot to post this earlier
A1. 355x3, 375x1 fairly easy went for 395 which would have been a 10lb PR but it didn't budge
B1. 135, 145, 155, 145, 145
B2. 2pd for all sets, all unbroken
C. 12# x 7 each set
My PR on Dead Lift one year ago was 375. I pulled 385 last time we did a quick single but other than that it's been a struggle to even get 375 off the ground. If i get it off the ground ill finish the rep. Any suggestions on how to improve this would be appreciated. Everything has been going up steadily except dead lift. OPT I talked to you briefly about this posterior chain issue at BBS. Any suggestions to add on to Big Dawg training would be great.
Last 5k was in May 2009 which was 24 minutes.
A - Worked up to 365 for a triple. Stopped at 405 for the single. Speed was slow but it felt strong.
B1 - 155 for all sets (no missed reps)
B2 - 80 x 21 / 80 x 21 / 80 x 21 / 80 x 21 / 90 x 21 (All sets unbroken, though there was some arm bend on the last set. Safe to say it wasn't 100% legit.)
C - 12 x 7 / 12 x 7 / 12 x 7
Intended to move up on the press cluster but found that it was harder than I thought it would be. Barely managed to get all the reps. Bar was crawling upward on the last reps of the final two sets.
I can't remember the last time I tested my 5k run time. Very old PR (back in the late 90s) was just under 19 minutes over hilly terrain. Certain there is no way I would crack 20 minutes if I were to test it today. The steady diet of sprints we're being fed here is helping to move me back in that direction though.
A. DL - 356X3,396X1, I jumped up a bit too fast, but 396 felt easy.
B1. Press Cluster - 110, 115, 120, 122.5 x 4, 122.5 x 1. On the last 2 sets as the reps became difficult, my right elbow kept coming inside towards the sternum as I was pressing out of the bottom.?
B2. KBS - 2 pood 21 X 5 unbroken
C. DB ext rot, 22.5 x 7, 25 X 7, 27.5 X 7
Woke up this am with a sore throat & runny nose. I felt like I had the energy to do the WOD, so hopefully it passes quickly.
275x1, 315x1,335x1
Kept this light as this is by far my worst lift and I hurt my back in the past. I've had so many different people tell me different lifting corrections for my DL I'm now just lost.
B1 - 115x5,135x5,140x5,150x5,150x5
B2 - 21,21,21,21,21 1.5 Pood.
C - Had to skip due to lack of time.
The presses felt solid all the way through. I could not have managed 155x5 though I would have failed there.
Last 5km time was 19:49 May 24,2009
Oh yea, not sure of last 5K (prob around 23 or so). PB is 21:46 set April 2007.
Forgot to post.....
Last timed 5km that I remember was 26:27. If I had to guess this was probably 5 years ago.
Pre: empty gut. jump rope warm up 5 min., stretch, air squats.
A. 225X3, 245, 245, 245
B1. 85, 85, 95, 95, 105
B2. 53, 53, 53, 53, 53
C. 20X7, 20X7, 15x7
Post: 40g P, 30g carb
This was a significant jump in deadlift weight for me since knee surgury. Felt strong and no pain. Still am new to CF so keeping weight controlled and working on form with other sets.
Last 5k time was 18:05, a year ago. Can't do that distance anymore as I am on borrowed time with my cartilige in my knee.
A. 185 (3), 205 (3), 225 (3), 275 (1), 295 (1), 315 (1)
PB is 345 from the games this year, so happy with the DL this morning.
B1. 75/85/95(3, opps)/90/90(4)
B2. 50lbs DB for all
C. 15, 17.5, 17.5
last 5km probably around 22min...
A. 315x3, 335x1, 345x1, 345x1- hugee weakness of mine but this is the best I have ever felt, Ill keep workin on it, did not go up last set cuz wanted to focus on flat back and left a little bit in tank (PR is 405)
B1. 155, 165, 165, 165, 165- felt good
B2. 2 pood all unbroken- 45sec, 43sec, 42 sec, 41 sec, 40 sec
C. 12lb, 15lb, 20lb- went light cuz shoulder been
acting up- felt good today though
Not sure what 5k time is, probably around 19min or little less
A. 3/275 3/295 3/315 , 1/335 hurt lower back so decided not to stop there.
B1. 5/120 5/125 4/135 3/135 3/135 started to light then increased 3 set a bit to much
B2. 20kg,24kg 32kg,32kg,32kg started off light to see if back would hold up felt all right .All unbroken
C1. 7/20 4/25 4/25
5km PB 23:35 last time was 07/23/09
5 km PR in the last year is just above 20 minutes.
Did this with Surrey earlier:
275x1, 315x1,335x1
Like Surrey, also shy of my PR by a bit, but wanted to stay safe and not worry too much about the numbers.
B1 - 95x5,105x5,105x5,110x3,105x5
B2 - 21,21,21,21,21 1.5 Pood.
Press is one of my weakest lifts and my lack of strength and muscle mass shows on this lift. Would like to work in it more.
C - Also had to skip due to lack of time.
Best 5K time: 22:00* Not exact, but was within + or - 10 Seconds.
Done this fall at the Terry Fox Run.
Triple 325
singles 340,355,365(f), not sure why that happened? deadlift wasnt firing today...
125 130 135 140 145, felt strong
70x5 easy
DB EXT ROT 15,20, 25(L-4, R-7)
last 5k pr march 08, 20:08 (i weighed 160lbs) last 5k i ran was june 08 21:26, still 160lbs.
Now 180lbs, same bodyfat.
best 5k time was around 22 min
A. Started at 245 and worked up to 275 where my hamstring popped on the third rep. At the time it felt really light.
Went on to 295 for a single and I was in pain to squat down to setup for the lift. Tried 3 times with 295 but had no luck.
B1. 120,120,120,120,120
B2. 55,55,55,55,55 killed my hamstring.
C. 20x5,20x5,20x5 these are better.
Today I became mentally defeated.
Sterling, I can relate. I am 39 and left my downtown IT job this July. I am building two new businesses and went from a healthily paycheck to some months with nothing. Let me tell you this YES IT CAN BE DONE. People on this blog are people that get things done, period. You wouldn't be here if you couldn't do it.
There is a lot of inspiration on the blog today from many of you and it feels good. It feels good, damn good. Thanks to each of you
Coach, your words the other day reset my outlook and approach. I am a starter and I will be a finisher. I will follow through. I will compete...and I will buy a toque and make pilgrimage to Calgary.
A. 135x5, 185x5, 245x3, 335x3, 385x3 then 425x1, 445x1, 465x1
B1. 110, 110, 115, 120, 125
B2. 2 pood, all unbroken
C. L=7@20/R=7@20, L=4@30/R=6@30, L=4@30/R=5@30
PWO: 40gP (MRM shake), Lara Bar for Carbs (forgot my PWO carbs in the fridge at home)
60 min later: chicken breast, turkey soup, orange, mac nuts
A. I felt pretty good on the DLs even though I wanted too long between 445 and 465. 480 is current 1RM and 465 felt heavy, but did come after a lot of DLs.
B1. Glad that I ended with 125, but also glad I didn't start there. 110 to start was light. Should have gone 115, 120, 120, 120, 125.
B2. Felt good...worked on good form and pulling down.
C. Left arm is clearly weaker. 20# felt really light, so I got froggy and went to 30. Wrong move...I was trying to maintain the normal tempo prescribed with this exercise (3010, but the lowering portion was not 3 w/ 30#). Should only have jumped to 25#.
last 5k was about 19:30 in the June or July timeframe.
A. 204(3)/220/230/240 singles
B1. 55/65/70/75(4)/75(3)
B2. 3 rounds with 1pd, 2 rounds with 1.5--last one was looking like the super snake swing
C. 12.5/15/17.5(4--left arm weaker)
5k run, maybe 25-26 minutes 2-3 years ago. Closet thing done to that was 2 miles in spring-15:20
A. 150(3)/160(1)
B1. 55/65/75/80*
B2. 30# db*
* just now realizing I only did 4 sets, must have miscounted in my hurry to get to work
C. 15(7)/20(6)/20(4)
A. 376x3,406x1,442x1,462x1
B1. 155,160,165,165,165
B2. 32kgx21x5
C. 20x7x3(4010)
Deadlift felt fast and easy. PR is 484.
Press 5RM PR is 160. Reps 4&5 at 165 were a battle.
KB Swings easy.
Have not run a 5k in quite some time. PR is 23:28 on 11/21/08.
A. 3 x 375, 1 x 408
B1. 133, 137, 141, 146, 148
B2. 5 x 21 @ 70
C. 3 x 8 @ 18
Best 5k is 23:56 about 2 years ago. Have only run a few since, hanging at about 25:30.
A.415x3 Then 435, 445, 455 (Heavy but manageable)
B1. 135,140,150,155, 155
B2. 2 Pood all unbroken. Surprisingly difficult.
I can't remember the last time I ran a 5K. Last long run I did was in Aromas, finished in about 49? Middle to back of the pack, I'm not a good distance runner.
A: 369x3/423x1 pr: 447
B1: 111x5/121x5/126x5/131x5/136x5
B2: 1.5 pood for all 5 sets unbroken
C: 15#x7/20#x7/25#x4
5k pr around 25:00
DLs: worked up to 285x3, 300x1
Press cluster: 105, 110, 115, 120, 120
KBs: (70#) 21, 21, 21, 21, 21
xRots: 12x7R/7L, 12x7R/7L, 15x3R/3L
I'm confused by my DLs. I could have pulled another couple at 285, but 300 felt like a ton. My NME from previous tests is mid-range, so I'd expect a higher single in comparision to my 3RM. I've pulled 400+ in the past (heavier BW), so I'm not afraid of the weight. Recent 1RM is 305, and it's been there for a while. Maybe I'm not getting enough pre-loading of the PC before the initial pull?
I'd really appreciate any thoughts on this!
Presses went well. I wanted 120, and got it for two clusters. I don't think I'd have made 5 at 125 if I'd gone up for the last set.
KBS have come such a long way. The last WO of 3x18 @ 2pd was a PB for me, so 5x21 just a few days later is icing on the cake. A few months ago, I fought to get 10 with the 2pd KB.
My last 5K time was ~21 minutes, at about 5500' on a course with ~1000' of elevation change.
A. 3x245, 295, 315, 315
B1. 115, 115, 125, 125, 125
B2. 65lb DB unbroken (No KB's)
C. 15#x7, 17.5#x7, 17.5#x7
I have never recorded a PB for 5k
A. 400x3, 450x1 PRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B1. 125,135,140,145,150
B2. Used 2pd all unbroken
C. 12#x7reps all sets
5K PB: 22:22
Eric R
A. Heavy three 305
Single 325,345,365 felt good
B1 130,135,140,145,150 all 5s
B2 2 pood all unbroken
C 17.5# 3 sets all 7s
I ran 19:25 last fall for 5 km.
Back for the weekend, thought I'd post.
A. 510x3, 545x1
B. 185 for all sets
B2. 70, 80 for the rest
Skipped C
Plan on hitting the double tomorrow
a1. 325x3, 345x3, 365x3, 385, 385, 385, 385, 385.
I wish I had more change to throw on the bar.....
b1. 135, 135, 145, 155, 165 failed on 4/5 rep.
b2. 50, 53, 60, 55, 63 reps
subbed max double unders in a minute due to aggravated tendon in left elbow. KB Swings is what kills it.
c. 10, 10, 10
Oh, fastest 5 km is:
21min 9 seconds with 513m of elevation gain.
Not a track.
A DL: 352#x3/372#/402#/442# (Matched last PR)
B1 Static Press: 60/62.5/65/70/72.5kg (160#) - Had to push the last 3 in set 5.
B2 KBS: 70/75/80/85/90# unbroken (Last 2 got tough)
C: Ran out of time, my girl has a concert tonight.
All B rests were 60 seconds instead of recommended 180.
Last x5 static press was 65kg (Aug 23, 2007)
Last 5k run time on a track was 22:03 (Jan 17, 2008).
Hockey game last night, so this makes 6 days in a row. Experiencing phenomenal recover and generally just feeling awesome! However, I'll be savoring the rest day on Saturday.
A. Dead Lift - 375x3; 395x1
B1. Press Cluster - 135x1 - 140x4
B2. KBS - 55x1 - 75x4
C. DB External Rotation - 15x7; 17.5x4x2
Struggled to keep heels on floor during later stages of kb swings.
5k run 21:05 on may 24, 2009. Felt like sub 20 was possible in a more competitive environment.
Did the press first as I need alot of work on my pressing/upper body strength.
Press: 145-145-145-145-147
Deadlift: 405x3 425-445-460
KBS: 70# 46sec,41,45,43,40
a)305x3 401x1(pr)
5k 20:48
A1. 355x3, 375, 395, 405
B1. 115, 125, 135x4x3 (missed a rep in the middle of each cluster)
B2. 1.5p KB, then 70lb DB x4
C. 20x7/arm, 25x5x2/arm
last/best 5km run: 20:20
Boy oh boy did I need these workouts this week to burn off some stress. Work has been a beast.
A. triple 315/single 365
B1. 135x5 sets. These were so friggin hard at the end. All strict though!
B2. 1.5 Probably shouldve whipped out the 2 pood.
C. 25# x7 per arm for all three sets.
Last 5k was this summer and I ran it in 23 minutes and something secs.
Welcome back Mr. Hanlin!
Nice to see your strength hasn't faded at all. Have you ever pulled 600? Amazing numbers man.
Unit's been doing a fine job of leading the way while your were away.
A. 3 x 310 1 x 335
B1. 135, 135, 140, 140, 145
B1. 70lbs all unbroken
C. 15lbs 7 reps all three rounds
5K PR is 22.43 (on road not track)
A: 245X3; 265, 285, 295
Could maybe have increased upon my last 1RM (300)by 5 or so.
B1: 115, 120, 120, 125, 125
B2: 1.5 pood for all
C: 17.5X7, 20X7, 25X6
surprised myself on this
Last 5k was in the spring and it was 23:05.
Rory!... Bro!... i didn't know you were coming back 4 the wknd!... we need to chat it up a bit...
surrey... the following is probably at least equal to Rory's best pull...
this is 585... hopefully reposting this video will piss him off enough that he'll finally lock it out!
Today's WOD
A- 405x3 (felt ez and fast), 475x1... PR is 500, this is the heaviest i've gone without a belt
B1- 145/ 150/ 150/ 150/ 150
B2- 80lb DB (in sec) - 50/43/41/41/39
C- 25(7)/ 30(4)/ 30(4)
5K... it's been awhile...
HS PR (lifetime) - 15:50
Most recent, 3yrs ago - 17:53
Not sure if I could break 18:36 now (6min/mile pace)...
Even z,
I couldn't agree more brother, this blog is a diamond in the rough, OPT's blog is sanctuary as gay as that sounds, I find myself at the end of a day sitting here reading all the posts, its my daily ritual. So is checking it at 9,11,2,4,and 6pm. Knowing i'm not alone in this quest for longevity and a greater sense of worth is golden.
We spend our days with hundreds of people that have no fucking clue about goals, life, nutrition, fitness, devotion,risk, and sacrifice.
Joel, I'll shoot you an email and chat more about the Fire service process, I'm sure the american proccess is simalar to the Canadian process. Congrats man! Its been quite a journey for you so far!
Unit, You gotta love the dude in the video that thinks attempting to pull 5 Hundred and 80 faking 5 pounds is easy.
Thanks Geoff I'll be in touch man!
A. 3RM: 405 1RM: 435
B1: 145, 155, 160, 165x3, 160
B2: 70 for all
C: skipped. no time
Best 5k ever was 22:30 about a year ago. Current time would be around 23 min
A. 3RM: 110 kg; 1RM: 130 kg
B1: 40 kg, 40, 45, 49 (3+f), 47.5 (2+f)
B2. 1.5 pood, all unbroken
C. 10#x7, 12x7, 15x4
Glad we didn't have to do true 1RM, grip was still toast from the chins. KBs felt strong, this is a big improvement for me.
Latest 5K: 20:07
A. 320/325/330
B1. 135/135/135/135/135.
B2. 1.5 pd/2pd/1.5pd/2pd/1.5pd.
C. 30(7)/35(7)/35(7)
Good workout. deadlifts were a bit heavy. kb swings and shoulder presses felt good.
Don't really have a 5k documented.
A: DL:154 174 184 198 208(2) 208(1)
[Completely off today on DL; Lower back has been sore since DL 2 days ago; got nerve shooting into Rt ACL]
B1: 79(5) 79(5) 81.25(5) 84(4)
B2: all rx'ed @ 1.25 pood
C: 12.5(7) 15(6) 15(5)
5k 23:45 March 28 '09
[PB 21:55 May 3 ’08]
A. 95kgx3-125x3-135x3 140x1 145x1 150f
B1. 45kg-47.5-47.5-50-50
B2. 1.5pood 21-21-21-21
C. 7.5kg 7-6-4
A. 242x3/286x3/352x3
feels like I'm getting back to pre-injury weight
B1. 110x5/120x5/132x5/142x3/142x3
B2. all 2pd as Rx'd
what 'ya going to do about the 3's?
C. all 20# x 7 as Rx'd
A. DL: 365x3 415x1
B1. 135x5,135x5,135x5,135x5,135x5
B2. 70,70,70,70,70 all unbroken
C. DBET 5-7 each arm, 8lbs
best 5k 20:05
A. 365x3 385x1F Deadlift also a big weakness for me. 365x3 felt light so I went for a PR, but 385 wouldnt even get off the floor.Failure to follow instructions, I know. Its all or nothing with me for Deads. I can pull 345 for reps but anything over 365 feels as though its bolted to the floor.
B1. 115 lbs for all
B2. 80lbs for all UB
C. 20 lbs for all.
5 hours sleep last night and poor nutrition due to work and lack of options on recovery day.
5K: 19:15 April 09
went to one reps and failed at 455, then at 405 twice. just didnt have it in me today
b1. 95,115,135,145,155
b2. 2 pood all unbroken except last set
c1. 20x7,25x5,30x4
best 5k was 24 min about 8 months ago
havent been sleeping much either.
James, I remember these stairs well. As I train now I think back to theses days and they are still inspiring. I often think that as I made choices in my life, my time in Calgary, and training with you were some of the best. I'm back at Crossfit full force in a new gym and I'm doing well. I'll be sure to keep in touch. Cheers, JT
A. 335x3
1 rep: 365, 380, 395(f)
PR is 405, but that was a couple months ago while doing CFSB.
B1. 125, 130, 135, 140 (Failed on 4)
B2. 1pd, 1.5pd, 1.5pd, 2pd
Had to leave early to get to a charity board recruitment event. I feel like I can't get my shoulders to move more weight.
Last timed 5K was 21:18, but that was over a year ago.
I had planned to be playing in a vball tourney in Brooks this weekend and it got cancelled because of the blizzard. So I'm jumping back into the wods.
315/325/335 x 3
352/362/382 x 1
SP cluster 115/125/125/125/125
KBS ub x 21 65/75/80/85/90
Ext Rot 17.5/17.5/20
last 5K - active rest day last Saturday - 24:00 treadmill 1.0% incline
Thanks for the link.
Sorry again for the late posts. Still no internet at the house. Should be rectified on Monday.
A. Built to 415 x 3; Then 435 x 1, 465 x 1, 465 x 1
- PR currently at 495lbs. 465lbs is all the weight I've got in my garage.
B1. 135 x 5, 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 155 x 5, 155 x 5
- Felt strong. Very encouraging.
B2. 32KG (71lbs) Unbroken on each set.
- Felt srtong. No problems completing. 32KG is the largest KB that I have.
C. 15 lbs on each. Left arm significantly weaker than right.
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