- Prof Peskin's thoughts on fish oils part 1 - part 2
"If you lack the courage to start, you have already finished."
Day 16 Training:
part 1:
On the minute every minute for 7 minutes perform 5 squat clean thrusters - be fast and aggressive; you must choose a weight that will challenge you mentally on the last few sets; it has to be the same weight every set and it has to be unbroken (you cannot let go of bar)
rest 3 minutes EXACTLY
On the minute every minute for 5 minutes perform 10 challenging chin ups (if you can do 10 chest to bar easy, do them weighted, if chin ups alone are challenging do them); they have to be unbroken
rest 1 minute EXACTLY
On the minute every minute for 3 minutes perform 25 unbroken sit ups - unanchored, hands at temples
rest 8+ hours
part 2:
Run three 5 minute blocks
2 minutes rest b/t blocks
In each 5 min block of running you must maintain a pace "just below" your threshold; there can be no ups or downs in intensity; the goal is to keep the pace high and challenging and maintain it for 3 blocks (the distance covered and speed per block must be identical - this will allow you to judge your intensity)
post loads and notes for part 1 and notes on effort for part 2 to comments
when it says on the minute, is the timer till going while I am performing the movement. So if it takes me 20 seconds to do the squat cleans I have only 40 seconds rest before the next round
Sounds like a continuously running clock to me. Should be fun.
Part 1)
A) 60kg/60/50/50/50/50/50kg
B) Unweighted kipping pull-ups - completed
C) completed first round
second minute elapsed before finishing second round. By the time I finished the second round the third minute had elapsed. Finished the 3rd round at 22:08, a full 3 minutes past the cut off point for the WoD. By the end of the first round of situps I was sure I was going to puke, not sure why it hurt so much, this is well within my capacity. I didn't get enough sleep last night by a good 2 hours which may have contributed, I'm also still a bit phlegmy from the cold from a little over a week ago. Sections A and B were much harder than I had anticipated. I was hoping to keep the thrusters at 60 but was really struggling after the second round at that weight so I dropped it down.
Will post part 2 later when completed.
had to make some subs due to the finger
racked thrusters - 135lbs
subbed ring dips for pull-ups
situps unbroken and fast.
Part 1:
145# thrusters - 31 consecutive reps before my first broken set in the final minute.
Chin ups unbroken
Sit up unbroken.
Very pukie feeling during this wod.
First of all I would like to say thank you for this great blog!
Could you tell me where I can find the videos that people post to look at their technique?
I can't seem to find this anywhere or is it private?
Steve Neal
Crossfit Orangeville
COACH and guys, I've got a question. SInce the last WOD we did the 11/4 squat and weighted lunges, my knee (from a injury 7 years ago, came to haunt me). Yesterday it fel swllen and last night well it feels huge right now.
I don't wana miss the WOD and haven't odne Thrusters in awhile so I am pump.
Think I should sub this for power cleans and push press instead? BTW knee never hurted in a deep squat before.
They are posted intermittently throughout the daily blog entries. When we have our Big Dawg challenges we are required to post the wods or if OPT specificially requests it. Some guys post additional vids just to ask for feedback. Hope this helps.
Omar, yes
Thanks James, will do and post the comments. Snow finaly felled in Toronto so I guess I'll enjoy the run later.
1. 160, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135 - 160 was entirely too much weight for 7 rounds of this, so had to drop weight.
2. strict - 8, 6, 2, 0, 0
kipping - 2, 4, 8, 10, 10
no hand strength after the cleans
3. Subbed 20 unbroken GHDs to save the skin on my butt
a. 155# x 5
I messed the timing up on this one, did 5 rested a min, rinse and repeat. I wish I handed screwed it, it probably would have been much harder......
b. 10 static, supinated, and chest to bar pull-ups.
Didn't screw this one up. Really felt the grip strength on this one start to ebb.
c. consecutive
amazing how anchored hands will really increase the difficulty of a sit-up. I guess if you notice a huge difference in difficulty you probably do to many un-anchored hand sit-ups.
Its pretty cool how even just minor technique adjustments can make an exercise different and more difficult.
135 throughout. Did 5 in a row the first 5 rounds with just touch and go at the bottom, but had to rest at the bottom some in the last 2 sets. Never took my hands off the bar though. A lot more brutal than I thought it would be.
10 kipping C2B all 5 rounds. Not bad at all, probably should have done dead hang.
Part 2 will be around 5 o'clock.
Part 1:
115# all the way through, challenging but could have gone a little heavier. Made it through 5 reps within 30 sec for each round
C2B pull ups- had to break last set at 8, took 3 sec and finished
Sit ups- no problem, finished each round within 40 sec
Part 2:
Will do at 6pm
thruster: 55kg unbroken until set 6, got through 4, then finished, set 7 got through 3 then finished. about 30 sec per set until the last two. which were 40 and 45 respectively
pullups: chest to bar, pretty easy all sets unbroken about 20 sec per set, weighted next time.
situps: beat me up, first set as rx, 55 sec. second set had to use some momentum to finish in 55sec agai, third set took me 2 min and was terrible.
135# SCThrusters, failed on my 4th of last round. All unbroken
PU's, failed on 8 of last set. Had no grip left
Broken Situps.
Thruster: 50kg, all sets unbroken. Suffered realy bad on the last set!!
Pull Up: 1: 10 strict. 2: 8 strict, 2kip. 3: 7 s, 3 k. 4: 6s, 7k. 5: 5s, 5k
Situp: First set as rx 38 sek. Had to use the arms to get momentum on the last 2 set´s 45sek and 52 sek.
Abs totally smoked!!
Part 1
SCThrusters: 105, unbroken
1st way I was getting through all unbroken, so dropped to 105 (stripped and reloaded and got back on and made up time to get back on the minutes). A good number...maybe could have done 110...but not 115.
PU: Sets 1&2 c2b, sets 3-5 were 5 c2b, 5 chin over vertical plane. Very tough...grip issues with fatigue and cold bar too.
unanchored situps: 1st 35-40 secs; 2nd set just under 50 sec; last set just over a minute. very difficult.
body felt really good before starting despite doing yesterdays training about 12 hours ago (felt the presses on the thrusters though). possibly because last 2 nights only 1 wake up each night for kids. pwo last night was yam and whey, followed 1 hr later by coconut beef curry w/veggies...maybe a good combo too.
part 1.
SCThruster.165, 165, 165, 165, 155, 155, 155
C2B chins on 2" bar unbroken
Sit up's unbroken
Too big for my britches with the 165; more of a jerk thruster on the 5th rep of round 4: dropped the fives to finish unbroken.
Sit-up ROM was hands on temples and elbows to knees on the last set.
Second dry heave experience
SC Thrusters @ 115
L Pull Ups 10x2 / Kipping 10x3
Sit ups very broken
Did this WOD at 6:30am. Bad mistake had NO GAS. I had 135 as a number for the SC Thusters, but I'm glad i did not go there.
Pull ups were fine, grip was smoked. I wanted to do CTB for the last 3 sets but that was not going to happen.
Sit ups were ok the first round but my hands started to wander away from my temples. Very broken in the 2nd and 3rd sets.a
Going to do part 2 on the treadmill this afternoon.
Jesus what a day. Lucky to be able to get <15 mins to train so took it. Because I ripped some callouses in my hand I skipped the pullups completely (well, had to skip something because of time restraints so...)
Scuat clean thrusters: 50kg, all unbroken (misread and thought unbroken touch&go was a clause)
rest 1 min
Situps: all unbroken, but had to let hands run free in the middle of the second set.
Phew! Gonna try to get 20 minutes to run around midnight when next window of opportunity arises...
155lb- all unbroken, very difficult, pause in rack position on last round
20lb vest CTB pullups- all unbroken, butterfly=13 or 14 sec, kip = 15 sec- gassed after thrusters but recoverd great in 3 min
situps- all unbroken, hands on temple feet flat
Woke up early this morning and did this with Surrey. We made sure to wear our skirts and leave our tampons in.
Girly weights:
SCT: 85#
Kipping pulls, unbroken rounds 1 & 2, broken 3-5
Situps, first round unbroken, 2 & 3 very broken.
No time today for 8 hrs Rest, we rested 2 mins and did part 2.
Done on a treadmill at 7.5 MPH
First run was brutal, 2 & 3 felt very hard, but a little easier than the first one.
Part 1:
115 lbs. All unbroken. Hard, but could go heavier.
Pullups: 40 lb vest, chin over bar all unbroken
Situps: Can't repeat these fast. Turned into just 3 minutes straight of situps
part 1
37.5 kg- all unbroken, very difficult, let out some weird animalistic scream on the last rep
10 strict, 7s+3kip, 3s+7k, 9k, 6k
sit-ups all unbroken, but extremely difficult. Took the full 60 sec for the last set.
Just wanted to clarify on the "unbroken", I am under the understanding that the reps have to be touch and go for the squat clean thrusters. Having the bar on the ground but not 'taking your hands off', seems the same as taking a rest to me. Not sure if this is the intention though...
just came across the info for sectionals :
pretty exciting stuff.
for the NY guys our Sectional will consist of NY and NJ, takes place in Montclair,NJ and 30 competitors will qualify for the Regionals.
Part 1
Squat Clean Thrusters - 140 lbs, all sets unbroken. Raging hard on the last two sets.
Kipping Pullups - 3 sets unbroken, 4th set - break at 7 reps, 5th set - break at 6 reps.
Situps - 1st set unbroken. 2nd and 3rd sets broken. Didn't make time on last set.
This left me dry heaving for quite a while once I finished. Even with the low numbers. Shameful.
2 hour rest
Part 2
All runs on treadmill. 1% grade.
0.7 mi / 0.68 mi / 0.68 mi
Fueling has been a major issue over the last two days. Total food consumption yesterday was 3 eggs and about a 1/4 cup of salsa. Today was exactly the same (literally). No food in between workouts. Work has been crazy. Feel like death. Need to get it together.
Great post, PTS. It'll us BIG DAWGS and everyone else!!!!! Arrrrrooooooooooo!!!!!
1. @ 135 Sub for PC to push press due to knee. IT started hurting in the transition form the clean ito the press so I had to stop one second, extend after clean and re dip in to the PP, that felt harder but good on the knee. TIRED. I have an easier time squat cleaning into thrusters.
2. C2B the first 3 round, This was a PR never done more than 5 C2B. FInished with as man C2B every round before I couldnt and kept doing chin ups.
3. burned, last round finished in 57 sec.
SCT - 65# - was able to complete all rounds ~20-25 sec. I'm seeing this as an improvement seeing as I have had to scale Fran before
Pullups - disgusting - used the band and needed every bit of help today. think I need to just ditch the band all together to motivate me to figure out kipping faster
Situps - hands at temples, unbroken around 35 sec a round
Woke up early this morning and did this with Bowser at the Rec centre at 7AM. I personally choose a seafoam green handbag to go with my coral red dress and damit if I wasn't flowing heavy during this wod. Left the mental prowness in bed.
Sqaut Clean Thruster: 85#. Superfast and aggressive. 18-20 seconds per round
3 rounds unbroken with 15# DB
2 rounds broken mixed grip/styles
1st minute 25
2nd minute 25
1:33 Seconds last set 25
Xmas work party today.
rested 2 mins and did part 2.
Done on a treadmill at 8.1 MPH
Felt the gassing feeling in my chest on all runs so I think I hit the threshold.
Squat clean thrusters: 115
CTB pull-ups: 10-10-10-8/2-4/3/3
Sit-ups: 25 in :45, 25 in 1:13, 25 in 1:53
All SCTs were smooth and finished within :25. Probably could have gone 10 lbs. heavier, but no more. I had planned on on using a 10 lb. vest for the PUs, but my grip was fried after part one so i just went CTB kipping. Had to break the fourth and fifth sets, which surprised me. Sit-ups were even worse than I thought they wold be. I knew I'd been relying on arm momentum during CF WODs, but I didn't suspect it would be as bad as it was. A lot of room for improvement.
135 thrusters - lost it on rep 4 in round 7...frustrating but this was very challenging for me physically/mentally after about round 2.
20lb vest CTB pull-ups - all unbroken consecutive/easy, would take me about 12-14 seconds. I think I need a heavier vest
Sit-ups, all unbroken...felt it in my abs big time
On the squat clean thrusters the whole time I felt sort of akward with connecting them, I felt as if my technique lowering each rep and starting the next one was strange.
I'm feeling in need of some extra recovery after yesterday's lack of performance, so I'm resting today and tomorrow and will hopefully be recharged for Sarurday.
Part 1:
A. 140lb
Ended up being a little to heavy.
b. Strict pull ups first three rounds and then on round four 7 strict and 3 kipping. Round 5 it was 5 strict and 5 kipping.
C. Unbroken on ab mat with legs butterflyed. hands on side of head.
Coached my first class at CrossFit Calgary this morning (Yahoooooo) so decided to show up early and do the WOD there instead.
75 power snatches for time (55#)
Haven't felt that bad since the qualifier in May. You know it's a good one when you lay on the floor for three times as long as it took you to complete the actual workout. I tried to get up 3 separate times but couldn't do it.
Still have the lovely cough that comes after a doozy WOD like this one.
I love it!
Oh and James.....there were NO water breaks! :o)
resting at ANY point, the ground, rack, hang, overhead is NOT the goal of the SCT...goal is fly through them without stopping....i will indicate this next time
Dang, PTS beat me to the punch.
No excuses from here on in, the dates are set!
Part 1:
SCT - 135# this was much more challenging then I expected! really had to dig deep from the 5 minute on but all unbroken.
CTB butterfly kips all unbroken but was a challenge to keep my rhythm.
Sits up all unbroken hands came off temples several times tho.
This WOD really kicked my ass wasn't really feeling so hot for about 20-30 minutes after.
Part 2
total meters approx 3420
Legs felt good, knee was good, lungs were good, only prob was we had 20-30 mph wind gusts, so 1/2 of each run felt like I had a parachute on my back, hard. either way im happy with this run because its first time i have run in 2 months and i felt much better than expected.
Distances were 1185, 1150 1085, i couldnt maintain my pace, the wind took everything out of me.
5 min rest
25 unancored situps, hands at temples on the minute, repeat 3 times.
:64 ouch
no part 1 today, left shoulder slighty tweaked from bball game with my students, no biggie but i dont want to make it worse
95# used for squat cleans
chin-ups unbroken
sit-ups unbroken, and especially difficult.
running tonight.
Part 2:
Unable to rest 8 hours, got 6 hours of rest though.
All done on a tredmill:
Speed: 9 mph
Distance: .73 miles
All rounds the exact same, last minute of all rounds was hard
Didn't think I'd be able to get another workout in today, but managed. First I did the pullup part that I didn't have time for this lunch:
CTB-pullups: 10, 10, 10, 10, 6/4 (damn!)
2 minute rest
run on treadmill (I know it probably takes away alot of what you want us to learn (feeling tempo, controlling intensity etc), but lotsa cold rain outside and I am weak today (sorry about that): 1340m, 1330m, 1270m
Tried to mantain the pace that I _would like_ to be able to hold for 5k. Felt tough, but legs was a bit tired from the first workout too.
Will take a few days off because of the chance of spending some quality time with my lovely wife (without kids!) this weekend. Back after the weekend. Good work everyone - you are amazing as always, and it's humbling to post beside you monsters!
Warm-up row 149/500 meters
dowl work
Squat clean Thruster
115 lbs for all sets and unbroken
last few sets were hard
Pull-ups Chest to Bar
all sets unbroken - a huge deal for me because pull-ups have been a problem for me very happy
unbroken not a problem
great workout
run tonight
David M
What are we making on Peskin's view on fish oil? Are these subjects consuming a diet that increases the oxidization of these EFA's and here in lies the problem? Not the fish oil itself? Would be interesting to here your view on this.
SCT - went straight through with 115# and was a challenge for me. They need work.
Chin ups - did first 3 sets easily hitting chest to bar, last two the first 5 of 10 were easy then it was more of a "grazing" of the bar.
Sit ups were not pretty but did them and got to rest for part of the minute.
SCT's 110# all sets. Probably should have been 120-125#.
Chins 1st round with 10# all others BW.
Situps killed me...lots of breaks.
10 minutes dbl. under practice
Got a 2 hour rest after PWO meal and had to run a 5K with a client. No run tonight.
It's 11:20pm here and I just finished Part I half an hour ago. Am going to get up tomorrow am and do the running.
Part I:
SCT: 60kg - All unbroken except the last 3 reps in the 7th round where I dropped the weight from overhead and quickly picked it up again.
Pull-ups: C2B unbroken rounds 1-3, but the last 2 reps in round 4 and 3 reps in round 5 didn't quite touch.
Situps: surprised by these ones. Couldn't maintain the timing with hands on temples. Even with unanchoured situps using arms for momentum I only finished with 3-5 seconds left in the first two sets. The final set I ran 11 seconds over one minute - my abs were on FIRE by the end - biggest surprise of the workout.
Part II to come tomorrow.
Man, I'm going to hit these back to back this evening. Joey and Chris, you guys busted it up today! My intentions are to match your weights but the last few days have taken their toll. The press is one of my weakest movements, we'll see how the warmup goes. Word of the day for me is "scared".
Coach, that quote of the day hits home for me by the way. It is so true!
Had to do the run first due to time committments and access to a treadmill as running on Calgary streets right now would probably cause severe injury.
Ran at 8.8mph completed 2.1 miles or 3.4 km felt pretty good but my damn calf started to tighten up again halfway through second round but just got tight didn't have that oh so wonderful tearing sensation!!
And Bowser am i to take offense to your "Girly" weight - i guess i will have to do at least 90# just to say i did "Manly" weight!!
part 1
A- 165/ 165/ 165/ 165/ 165(4)/ 135/ 135... went in2 this with a challenging wt... pissed I couldn't finish... all sets straight, ~20sec... grrrrr... wanted 165 all sets...
B- unbroken, all dead hang ~15sec, various grips...
C- :31, :36, :43
15min rest
part 2... indoor, 160m flat pentagon
1300m, 1370, 1430 - 4.1km
intensity felt the same on all runs... think I was recovering from part 1 as the runs went on...
Part 1:
HS Thruster: 145lbs
- Felt strong and fast throughout. The challenge to remain unbroken was more mental at this weight than physical. Probably should have gone with 150 or 155.
Pull-ups: Chest to Bar with 20lb vest on first set. Realized I bit off too much. Completed the rest without the vest.
Sit-ups: Straight ugly. Barely got the last one done in time.
Part 2 to come in a few hours. Odd, it almost feels easier to just knock it out right away than to wait.
Oh, and who else is PUMPED?!
AWESOME but dissappointed that they made the masters over 50 guess i will really have to get my s%$^ together and qualify for real!! Does anyone know where that is in Alberta??
Coach- Im interested in hearing your view point on this. I am taking 6.5 grams of pure EPA/DHA liquid fish oil per day, so this is a concern of mine....thoughts anyone?
I believe that it's on CFB Edmonton
Maybe Robb Wolf and Dr. Sears can join forces versus Dr. Peskin to debate this fish oil issue.
I'm calling shenanigans here.
Part 2 done on treadmill
All 3 sets:
Spd 8.5 - 5mins - .69 miles
Low back was getting super tight but it felt good to clear out the lungs.
I didn't know that they were still producing these shows, but the new CrossFit Radio episode on the journal site has an interview with coach.
Part 1: SCT's, all 7 rounds @115lbs..too light, should've gone with at least 135.
Chin ups, first 4 rds C2B,5th rd Kipping
Sit ups, all unbroken, hands came away from temples quick
@Lisa: Please do 90# just to kick my ass! Consider it a goal as Unit says ;)
No offense intended, it was more a jab at Surrey and I as we were not very motivated to move this morning and the fact we started to turn our pirate ship into a little love boat.
I'm scared to go outside when it's raining, the rain drops might pin me down.
Oh, and Lisa...8.8 mph, very impressive :)
Part 2: Done on schools 150 meter indoor track
1,350 - 5:57 average mile pace
1,200 - 6:42 average mile pace
1,125 - 7:09 average mile pace
Needless to say I couldn't hold a steady pace. Did feel as if I was running in circles on such a small little track. My bunions held up pretty well until the last round. I wore two pairs of thin socks. Lower back was also very fatigued towards the end.
squat clean thrusters - used 135lbs which was a daunting weight for me... failed on rd. 7, had to break set after rep 3, but still glad i chose this weight
pullups - did strict as far as i could and then kipped without coming off of the bar (strict #'s: 10, 10, 7, 5, 5)
situps - rd 3 took me past the minute mark
holiday season eating is started to roll into full gear, i need to get a game plan in place so diet doesn't go completely off track for the next 2-3 weeks. but having a jack daniel's filled chocolate with your mid-morning coffee is just so tempting...
Part 2:
8.5 hours after completion of Part 1. Knee wasn't feeling the 800m warm-up/test run, so these were performed on the C2 at a damper setting of 4:
Not as steady as I had hoped, and not even that fast. Very unfocused on the second interval, and just gassed on the third.
Part 2: on treadmill
.77miles per round or 1232m per round.
Just found out I have a wedding to go to 1.5 hours away the night before sectionals. Quite disappointed now.
part 2
very close to same distance which was somewhere between 1200 and 1300m for each.
Re: the fish oil videos.
This is not the first time I am hearing this. The instructor at my CHEK Exercise Coach was adamant about the subject and strongly advised AGAINST the use of fish oil supplementation for most people.
He turned me onto Dr. Ray Peat who has researched and written on the subject.
Here is his website for those that are interested:
Interesting stuff. I have been off fish oil since taking the course.
Part 1:
SCT: 145#, unbroken except for round 7, which was 3/2. Just could not finish the press on rep 4.
Pullups: Way too ambitious. Started with 22#, got 10 unbroken first. Second round went 8/2. Dropped the weight and tried for CTB, but was only to get 8 before coming off the bar. Last 2 rounds went chin over bar unbroken. Ugh.
Situps: First round unbroken, Second and third broken and slow. Finished situps in 4:50. Definitely a weakness.
Part 2:
Run 1: 1200m
Run 2: 1160m
Run 3: 1160m
Felt consistent in terms of effort and pace but overall pretty sluggish. Legs were heavy.
Part 2:
1270 m
1270 m
1290 m
Done on a square track, so hard to maintain a good pace every corner, which unavoidably slows you down a bit. Felt good to run again. Pace was pretty constant, about 45 sec/ 200 m.
A. @ 125
Weight was too heavy for this one.
B. Pullups all done with +20 lbs unbroken pullups
C. Situps - Alot harder when you have your hands at your temple, however didnt have any problem finishing in this time.
part2: done at track
the same distant each time, tried to hold just under a 6:00min/mile pace
aprox 1340m each time
Part 2
Didn't get distance on first 2 blocks, but 3rd was appx 1250m. First 3 min of first block was the toughest. Partly due to the air temp, and partly due to it being uphill more than the rest of the run.
Robb Wolf fielded a question a week or so ago in his podcast regarding Ray Peat's recommendation against fish oil. General gist was that he (Robb) thinks Peat has a lot of good info going on, but the fish oil is still generally a good thing. Maybe if your meat is ALL wild/pastured and get a good amount of your non animal fats from coconut you could skip it. is on one of the first 4 podcasts which are named "The Paleolithic Solution". I'm interested in your take on this too coach. I do get a grass fed steer (portion), but my poultry/pork is bought at the regular store. I need to make friends with a hunter.
Unit & Joey, I am both humbled and broken.
A. 155# - All sets in 5's except for 6 and 7. Those were all singles. The lower back couldn't take it anymore. The last 5 days have finally taken their toll.
B. Pullups with 20# weight vest all unbroken: 1st round chest to bar, 2-5 were chin to bar. This was my shining moment tonight.
C. Situps: Total time 4:54 to complete. Abs were cramping bad every 3 pulls.
15 minute rest - This is where things went horribly wrong. These workouts were not meant to string together.
Runs: 1216m / 1136m / 1104m - All run on treadmill at 1% incline between 8.8 the first round and 8.2 the last.
No Mas!
Aaron's 5 min running blocks:
1. 1020M
2. 1030M
3. 1010M
Course was a 500m hill track, with steep inclines/declines. Tough work in -8 deg C.
Glad to see the 2010 games site up. This finally confirms for me that I *will* be able to compete this year. If it were in April - which initial rumours were - then I was out. So stoked!
Had an early exam this morning, so opted to spread the workouts over two days.
Part 1:
SQT: 135 unbroken no resting. Failed final set after third rep... epic struggle to press it out and I was cooked.
Pullups: 10# vest. Got tough on last round, but it could've been tougher.
Situps: WTF??? 20-9-9... Abs were still sore from GHDs, but I think it's just been too long since I did situps this way... looks like something to throw in the warm-up :)
Part 2:
Will do tomorrow.
Wow.... I think this is the first "training" workout I've seen on the mainsite in about 6 years.... the times... they are a'changing....
Out of town (Crossfit DV)
Part 1
SCT - 125# - Got them all
No chin-up bar (yet) at this new box. Sub'd 20 20# vest push-ups on the minute for 5 minutes. Failed on last set.
Failed on last set of sit-ups. Hands at temples adds a new challenge
Part 2:
0.8 Miles (slight down hill)
0.7 Miles (slight up hill)
0.75 Miles (slight down hill)
My lower back tightens up and starts screaming after about 5 minutes. Not fun. I can feel it running down into my hip flexors.
TP Roller and stretch for 20 minutes.
Great day of training!!
SCT 125# - too light. 135# next time
Chin ups - 10,10,10, 7 3, 5 3 2
Sit ups - as rx'd around 40 sec ea.
Started to get sick last night. Started Part 2 - Ran the first 5 min at 5:40 ish and could not stop coughing and hacking so wrapped it up and called it an early night. May be i'll try tomorrow or call it a rest and get better. We'll see what the morning brings.
m/47/5'10"/153 lb.
Part 1:
SCTs: 95#, unbroken
Wasn't sure what to use on these. Should probably have gone with 105 or 110.
Pull-ups: frog kick on the flying trapeze ... always entertaining. First three rounds unbroken. Last two broken.
Sit-ups: unbroken, but had to move hands from temples mid-way in the 2nd round in order to keep pace. Finished 1 minute after the 3rd minute ended.
Part 2:
Subbed rows for running, as we're in the midst of a winter wonderland at the moment. Effort was very consistent: 1289, 1290, 1292 meters. Found the quiet place toward the end. It was sweet while it lasted.
Correction: regarding the sit-ups: I finished 1 *second* after the third minuted ended, not 1 *minute*. as I incorrectly wrote.
Part 2
Ran on 200m track
1200m for all 3 5 min blocks.
Knee felt better today and decided not to push it. Only doing part 1. Physical therapy appointment set up for Wednesday.
Part 1:
- Didn't really know what was going to be feasible. Went with 95#, but only did Power Cleans and Push Presses. Was too light, but now know for next time.
- Thought I was going to be able to do 5 sets of Chest to Bar with 25#. This was not the case; dropped the weight after round 1 to 10 pounds. Had to come off the bar for last rep in 4th round and 5th round was partitioned twice. Should have just gone with 10# all the way or just Chest to Bars.
- Last set hurt like hell...finished a little after the minute expired.
PWO: 40gP (Jarrow shake), 10gC (mashed sweet potato w/ cinnamon)
60 min later: turkey sausage, orange, mac nuts
Got a shipment of VMG and Refuel in today and am expecting some GreensFirst tomorrow...good times.
Opted out of second WOD as knee is starting to feel really good and avoiding the temptation to push it.
Squat clean thrusters 115lb all unbroken
felt good could've possibly done a bit more
All chest to bar +10lb's unbroken
25 unbroken 2,3 set to slow and broken
Part2. only 20min rest
Subbed rows 1320m,1300m,1305m
wasn't able to get away to do run
Part 2:
Subbed Rowing
Fish Oil - OMG this guy is a retard!! i could quote you a hundred plus GOOD studies that say exactly the opposite of what he is "Quoting". He fails to mention anything about the dosages that they used in the studies which were more than likely not even close to high enough to make a change plus what brand of fish oil was used - there is a lot of crap on the market and yes if you are using jamison or costco brand guess what you are not getting a real fish oil. And i love how the results of these 2 year studies suggest a direct correlation to the subjects being worse for taking the fish oil over 2 years - well who know if those people were not sitting on the couch eating bon bons for two years you could eat 10 fish a day and still have more arterial plaquing it is not a panacea if you don't also clean up other aspects of your life - for those of you considering stopping taking fish oil i can seriously send you as many good quality studies to show you that you really need to be taking it.
My .02cents
7min - 50-50-50-50-50 then missed the time limit. Thought I ciuldndo that weight the whole way but my thruster let me down again..?? Something going on here cause it feels ok just slow.. Need to grow an ass I feel
5min used 5kg strapped around my waist. As rxd
3min as rxd
5min runs..
All three pretty muchas rxd. Same distance for each interval and very similar intensity until last 400m or so on the last one.. Kind off a muscular endurance t
fatigue thing I guess.
Enjoy the rest day everyone! has 7 listings for Brian Peskin. See here,
Of particular note are these two articles,
The other links are legal injunctions against Dr. Peskin for making and advertising false claims. Simultaneously quack watch also has several articles denouncing low carbohydrate diets and Dr. Atkins so I'm skeptical as to the websites reliability but I still figure its information worth sharing. Make of it what you will.
Happy 1-year anniversary to all the original big dawgs. Remember the days when we posted our scores on the white board at OPT? Here's to another great year! I can't wait to get back!
I am glad I am not the only one who knew that Brain Peskin has been accused of fraud and runs a business selling supplements and nutrition advice. The man uses a handful of studies to make a point using only tidbits of information in the papers. Lisa is absolutely right. You have to question this mans integrity. If he could present the full spectrum of data and both sides of the argument then he would have more credibility to his concern regarding fish oil. Lisa is right in saying that there are numerous studies demonstrating the benefits of fish oil supplementation. If you are gong to make claims such as this you need to present more than just a one sided view of the facts. While I do not advocate saying fish oil is a cure all supplement it has been demonstrated to have some therapeutic benefit when taken in addition with a proper diet and exercise program. This is just my opinion.
part 1
135 all rounds un broken, c2b broken last 2 rounds, sit ups slight pauses in last two rounds.
part 2
ran an 8 on treadmill, felt easy and way too slow.
*also a side note, my low back and T-spine were very tight after running *
Due to work restraints I had to do Part 2 first (at lunch break) and Part in the evening after work.
Part 1.
.72 miles out
rest 2 min
Run back fell about 150 yards short of starting point.
rest 2 min
.72 miles out
The run out I had a tail wind and the run back I could really feel the head wind. I was pushing way harder on the run back against the wind trying to get back to my starting point but I just couldn't make it.
135 lbs all sets unbroken, touch and go. I tried 145lbs in my warm up but it was just to heavy for the thruster portion. 135 was just right, rounds 5-7 were very challenging.
C2B for the pull ups. I made it 3 sets unbroken then had to switch to a mash up of c2b and chin breaking the horizontal plane.
Sit ups put the nail in me.
1st set unbroken
2nd set broken and took 1min 15seconds
3rd set I took hands off temples and it still took 1min 30seconds.
My abs were actually cramping? I never had an ab cramp before, ouch.
part 2 - according to, I ran approximately 1067m each time... Sugar Shane and I ran for 2:30 in one direction then turned around and came back - none of which was helped by the 20 degree weather and wind-chill in the teens... super.
Still trying to perfect technique... had some relatively serious lower back pain during the runs. Next day results: no knee pain, tightness in calves, soreness in lower back.
Part 1:
Squat clean thrusters: 95# unbroken. Took :25 / round… heavier next time.
Kipping pull-ups: all unbroken almost broke 5th round but got it.
Sit-ups: 25 in :40, 25 in :50, 25 in :55 OUCH
Part 1
115 unbroken x 7
10 Kipping Chins Unbroken except one round when I drove my chin into the bar!
25 unbroken but hands were not behind my head
Part 2
8.0 - .67 miles
8.0 - .67 miles
8.0 - .67 miles
This was my first time doing this kind of run, I will push harder next time, I was not feeling challenged at the finish.
Part 1
135 lbs All Unbroken. I was hoping to do this with 155lbs but after warming up to 135 I knew this is where I needed to be for 7 rds.
Pullups done CTB w/ a 10 lb weight.
Situps done with an Abmat and very broken
part 1
65 x5 (for some reason I only did 5. no idea why.)
PU unbroken for rounds 1-3.
Situps- well, I did 2 sets as rxed but the 2nd set took over a minute so I rested 30 seconds and did round 3.
Felt low on energy. Can't wait for Rory to get back.
Part 1
135 sq cl thrusters felt solid and fast all 17 seconds
10 C2B strict first set, more and more kip each set
all unbroken sit ups, struggled through the last two sets. Sit Ups still killing me.
Didn't get Part 2 in due to time and lack of sleep I needed the rest.
GCF - I would skip if I could, but it's one of those "have to go to ones"
PTS, so go to the frickin' wedding and the haul ass to the sectionals! Do you want this or not?
Part I:
137.5# first two sets, dropped to 107.5# for remainder.
First 17 pullups chest to bar, remainder kipping. Only 7 on sets 3 and 4. 7 chest to bar pullups on final set.
Situps: 25 first round, 20 second round, 15 third round.
Part II:
6:45 mile pace, held same pace all three intervals.
Almost forgot - run was 8 out of 10 on the pain scale. In a good way. Thanks for asking.
A: Started at 165 on the Squat clean thrusters. After 3 sets I had to drop it down to 150. This was painful
B: Unbroken strict pull ups. Last set was 7 and 3
C: Unbroken at a moderate pace
Attempted this 5 min after finishing Part 1. Legs were rubbery and calves were shot. Only got two sets out at 7.5 mph on the treadmill. Felt exhausted from the Squat clean thrusters.
Part 2 ~ 21 hours later
Tried first two runs with my puppy... bad idea... miss my golden - she ran so good.
Third run good intensity, probably one or two notches below where I should've been.
All in all, not a workout I can measure anything off of... just got out and ran. Felt good.
Part: 1
Trusters: 160-160-160-160-160 fell off minute mark 160-160 finished at 8:35. This was tough.
Pullups: C-B 10x tough but complete.
Situps: Complete.
Hey all Great Workout today, could not do part 2 because had to run the gym in the afternoon and teach third graders all day like usually... I am just getting into this ans trying to get away from overtraining.. My background is an endurance athlete training for 50k, 50 milers, and 100 milers through CrossFit Endurance... I was burning the candle at both ends by teaching, running an affiliate and training, so had to take a step back with advice from OPT... Next few months going to follow this training methodology to build strength and what not and try something new.. I will do part 2 tomm in the am, so subbed part 2 at 10:00 pm eastern time in USA with 30 secs intervals of rowing for sets with 1:00 min rest in between.. Here are my numbers from Part 1
SCT @ 135 lbs- Could have went higher, around 145 to 150 lbs, but felt good and went unbroken and very fast..
Kipping Pull-Ups with 25 lb weight vest unbroken.. need heavier vest
Unachored SitUps unbroken with hands on temple..
Forgot to put in training log Row for 7 sets @ 30 secs and rest 1:00 min btw with Gas Mask on
The Gas Mask is more for elevation training as we are below sea level here and preparing for the 100 miler up in Vermont next Sept with elevation change ranging from 10,00 ft and up... Usually do longer intervals as it is more beneficial and what not but decided to wear it.
Part 2:
1.21 KM (.76M)
1.26 KM (.78M)
1.31 KM (.81M)
Part 1.
Used ~139 and went unbroken. Weight pretty much perfect for this.
Pull-ups with a 20lb vest, no breaks but it was hard.
I lasted ONE ROUND on these? I had to stop after 10 reps and I didn't complete 25 in the minute. After my abs fully cramped up it must have taken me another 2 minutes to get the next 25 reps.
I'm completely disturbed by those sit-ups. Perplexed, is another discription...
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