When it seems like everything is breaking down, the time is ripe for a real breakthrough.
In turmoil there is great opportunity.
When you have nothing left to fall back on, you'll figure out how to move ahead.
What challenges you, improves you.
Whatever challenges you to the extreme can push you into a breakthrough.
3 sets for times:
Run 800 m @ 80%
rest 3 min
Row 800 m @ 80%
rest 3 min
post times to comments
goal is same time for each set of runs and each set of rows
runs: 3:16, 3:11, 3:11
rows: 2:54, 2:57, 2:55
i am SORE from all the slow tempos over the past two days... definitely felt sluggish this morning.
thanks for posting early coach! i like seein the wod before bed.
run: 3:14 - 3:08 - 3:11
row: 2:59 - 3:03 - 3:01
Runs-3:39,3:44,3:49 (first time running for a long time-felt awkward)
6am at CFC
Runs 2:48/3:03/3:02
Rows 2:46/2:52/2:53
Went better than expected. Still feeling a little under the weather since coming back form Florida, and sharing a cold with my daughter.
Thanks Michelle for the push to get started.
Chad hall the manimal making the big page!
Runs: 3:20/3:10/3:15 - freakin shin splints...had to take it easy. Bring on the ice!
Rows: 2:54/2:50/2:48 - rows felt good today.
Heading to Palm Desert for Easter. Might try to hit up an affiliate there. Let me know if anyone is in the area.
Runs: 3:14,3:15,3:14
Rows: 2:53,2:53,2:53
ext rot:
R arm- 3x8 @32lbs
L arm- 2x8, 1x6 32lbs
beginning of the 2nd and 3rd rounds of runs and rows felt like slow motion, but felt more energetic, almost relaxed, by the end of each. odd.
Brian- desert crossfit: cheryl is OPT friendly. was there over new years, and was able to keep up with BD wods.
Thanks Chris...I'll look Cheryl up.
Runs: 3:19, 3:15, 3:14
Rows: 2:45, 2:46, 2:46
Highest run volume since last August due to knee and heel issues. Felt good enough.
Ran in the hills with the dog instead. No times to report.
Rows: 2:51/2:51/2:50
Great hit after last weekends BC sectionals.
run times are embarassing
rows were easy
my word is "reconizi" as in i reconiz i suck at running
Did these on the water in my single.
5x800m 3' rest. No time for the sixth. Times were around 3:10 on all of them, depending on the wind direction.
It was cold out there this morning.
Did 1 1/2 miles on the bike instead of the 800 m run (knee still not right)
Row 800 m
runs: 2:42/2:52/2:55
rows: 2:57/3:01/2:59
...still workin out percentages...seemed about right...runs felt good
Looks like I need to work on my speed on the ground.
Run, 4:04/4:23/4:22
Row, 2:56/3:05/2:59.5 (didn't want to round that one up)
runs - 2:50, 2:58, 3:02
rows- 3:02, 3:08, 3:04
Runs 2:29, 2:39 and 2:42
Rows 3:08, 3:11 and 3:10
This was an easy 80% and the first time I have felt good since the New England Sectional.
runs: 2:45, 2:49, 2:48
rows: 2:55.2, 2:55.5, 2:54.4
hardest part was the first row. running felt right at 80% effort. rows may have been a little slower than 80. was rowing at about 1:49-1:50 average.
Run: 2:28,2:34,2:39
Row: 3:00,2:55,2:56
800m run with 2 turnarounds:
2:45, 2:55, 2:56
800m row
237.9, 240.4, 241.6
last couple rows might have been over 80% to try to maintain consistent times- it was painful
This was just what I needed today!
Runs: 3:03, 3:07, 3:12
Rows: 2:48, 2:51, 2:52
I never knew that picture was taken, sweet!
3:54 3:54 3:48
2:53 2:53 2:52
Notes: the last run and row were definitely not at 80%. I was fatiguing and had to really push to keep the same times...probably much closer to 90% perceived effort.
Run: 2:51/2:51/2:52
Row 2:54/2:55/2:54
Last row definitely more like 90 percent to maintain consistent times.
Run: 3:10, 3:12, 3:16 (on treadmill)
Row: 2:48, 2:52, 2:54
Runs felt good. I was ambitious on the first row and it was defintely the hardest one. Rows felt more like 90%
Was planning on taking the day off but this was exactly what the doctor ordered. Felt re-energized afterwards, had a good strectching sessions, worked on some double-unders and felt much looser.
Run: 2:32,2:32,2:37
Row: 3:06,3:10,3:04
Run was 75m short, 1 turnaround and a hill.
Run : 2:45/2:46/2:46
Row : 2:57/2:56/2:56
Felt good. wind out there. Body is a bit sore.
Run: 3:19/3:13/3:10 - Hilly 800m street runs
Rows: 2:46/2:46/2:44
Long day, sketchy weather, got it done! Had to dig a little in the third round. 80% tonight felt like 95% near the finish. DJ, turn those negatives around bub! By this time next year, you'll be happy with your runs and complaining that you're not snatching enough weight! We're in the same boat. :)
My word is "redicklus" as in... My legs have been redicklus-ly sore all week! I should be back to norm by this next cycle. geesh.
Row 800 @ damper 6: 2:55, 2:55
Run 800 on treadmill: 2:51, 2:53
This was after 45 min squash to kept it to 2 rounds rather than three.
hey thanks for posting the pic of chad and i! this was at the ontario sectionals after wod2... since chad is a beast and finished more than a minute faster than me, he had time to come scream at me to do my final set of burpees faster. thanks for the push brother!
Runs: 3:10-3:20
Rows: 2:55/2:55/2:54
Felt tired
Runs 3:01/3:04/3:06
Row 2:58/3:02/3:07
Run 800 m @ 80%: 3 min / 3 min / 3:01 min
rest 3 min
Row 800 m @ 80%: 2:50 min / 2:57 min / 3:01 min
Running och treadmill: 16km/h with 1 degree incline. Rowing killed my backside, need to do some yoga excercises or something.
Late May-All outdoors
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