A1. Back Squat @ 30X0; 1,1,1; rest 3 min
A2. Chin Ups - 20 unbroken x 3; rest 3 min
B. Hang Power Clean @ 11X0; 3 x 3 - build to 80%; rest 2 min
C1. GHD Sit Ups @ 2021; 15 x 3; rest 30 sec
C2. 50 double unders; rest 30 sec
post loads and notes to comments
I am going to take this one off. I have a city league playoff hoops game tonight, so that should be plenty. Can't wait for the weekend.
A1. (not slow. Missed that): 110kg, 120kg, 130kg
A2. Yes.
B. Skipped - time constraints. Maybe later.
C1. unbroken
C2. one miss in first two sets, unbroken in third.
A1. 200,200,200
A2. 15,10,10
B. 105
C1. UB
C2. (46)50UB, 50UB, (26)50UB
A1. Not a 1RM, about 85%
A2. Didn't want to rip hands to stuck with 15 UB. Next 2 rounds did on untaped bar so I didn't rip, makes a big difference with grip. Our bar is not raw metal, very slippery.
B. Felt great, love cleans
Lisa - I sent you an email to the addy you posted a few days back.
A1. BS @ 220/240/250
A2. CU as RX'd
B. HPC 155/165/175
C1. GHD SUs Rx'd
C2. 50 DUs Rx's (missed second)
A1: 245,265,285 (did not push it today, nursing right knee pain but felt pretty good)
A2: unbroken RX'd
B: 165,175,185...felt light
C1: unbroken X 3 RX'd
C2: unbroken X 3
Felt really good today. I think the 3 day rest over the weekend did me a lot of good.
I gotta hit this WOD tonight, but I wanted to report that I hit a huge personal goal this morning on the scale. I've been trying to lean out for the competition and I finally got down to 199! I've asked for a ton of help from Coach and GCF and I felt that I was stuck at 210-215 but within 8 weeks I got to exactly where I needed to be. Very happy this morning with the weight and with the WOD selection for this weekend. Good times!
A1. 200, 205, 205
A2. 20UB, 20UB, afraid to tear so only did 2
B. stuck with 88# to focus on speed....kind of lacking today
C1. No GHD and I'm STILL feeling it from last Saturday so I passed on these.
C2. 3 sets of 50UB DUs...these felt great!
A1. 13″ box squat, 32X0; 165, 185, 205
A2. unbroken, butterfly
B1. 155, 175, 185
C1. unbroken
C2. 1 break, 3 breaks, 3 breaks
Still making a slow return to squatting, but these felt good enough. Everything else was fast and smooth.
A1. 225/245/245
A2. UBx3
B1. 185/185/195
C1. UBx3
C2. UBx3
Notes: Kept back squat light as I'm still nursing R knee pain. Everything else felt good.
Love our beautiful subsidies...yeah healthcare! Big business out there!
I wrote this way back in October with this weekend in mind. I accidentally stumbled upon it when I was deleting a buch of notes on my phone. I thought I'd post it here...
I know you...
I know you're bigger, faster and stronger than me.
I know your Fran time is lower, your 5k is quicker and your deadlift is heavier.
I know you have 1,000 views on YouTube.
I know you're a "WOD" warrior.
I know you, but you don't know me.
You don't know what's in my head, what's in my heart, what's in my soul.
You don't know that pain is my ally.
You don't know that sweat and blood are my training partners.
You don't know that I'm unbreakable.
I know you train in your temperature controlled gym with the tough sounding name while I'm training in garage exposed to the elements. In the heat and in the cold, in the humidity, rain and snow, I'm forging mental toughness. I'm tempering my resolve. I'm fueling my passion. I'm getting ready for the day that we meet.
I know your 1,000 YouTube views won't mean shit in front of 1,000 spectators. I know when the heat goes up I go big and you go home.
I know you don't know me...but you will.
Dave X - thanks for posting that...I have been a little down lately and things like that put me back on track.
Back squats... No juice in the legs today, really disappointing. 165# 170# 180#
Pullups all unbroken... Chin break vertical plane for two sets and one set butterfly.
Hang power clean felt good... 105#
No GHD so did janda situps.
All double unders unbroken and completed in 25 sec
Dave X - I love that! Thanks for posting.
A1. 220,235,245
A2. unbroken fat bar
B. 152,172,182 felt fast
C1. as rx'd
C2. stumbled @ 18 on 1st set, other 2 unbroken
A1. 220,235,245
A2. unbroken fat bar
B. 152,172,182 felt fast
C1. as rx'd
C2. stumbled @ 18 on 1st set, other 2 unbroken
a 255 275 295 easy
a2 unbroken
b 155,175,175
C unbroken
c2 few trips but felt good
A1. played around with some front squats at 155
A2. CTB 3 x 20 unbroken easy
B. 155-165-175 x 3
C1. 15 x 3
C2. all unbroken pretty easy
Canada Central workouts are up:
Day 1
Event 1
3 Rep Max Overhead squat (20 min heats)
Event 2
7 Minutes of Thrusters for max reps (95/65lbs)
Event 3
5 Rounds for time of (15 min cap):
5 Power Cleans (155/105lbs)
10 Burpees
200m Run
Day 2
Event 4 “Canadian Crippler”
For time (22 min cap):
30 Pull-ups
15 Deadlifts (225/155lbs)
400m run
30 Push-ups
15 Push Press or Jerk (135/85lbs)
30 Squats
15 Front squat (135/85lbs)
400m run
15 Deadlifts (225/155lbs)
30 Pull-ups
I must have missed the posts collecting everyone's info for sectionals, but I competed in the Southern European sectionals and ended up 2nd. Definitely thanks to OPT's programing I felt strong going into the competition even after only about 2 1/2 months of training. Looking forward to Regionals and continuing on the Big Dawgs program! Thank you again and good luck to this weekend's competitors
A1. 114kg, 125kg, 130kg
A2. all unbroken and smooth
B. 75kg, 80kg, 85kg
C1. all unbroken, good
C2. 3 x 50, getting much better, now getting 30, 40 and almost 50 (48) unbroken. This is a huge improvement from my breakdown on this a month ago.
Corbin: congrats! See you at regionals then (won't compete, but will be involved in org).
Backed off a little today, doing the Norcal sectionals WODS in my gym Friday
A1. worked up to 295- tried low bar- felt achward
B. 95, 115, 135
C1. subbed abmat situps
C2. felt great
I had to scale back this WOD today due to firehall issues plus my left bicep was a little 'tweaky.' Squats were pretty good, I got 305lbs, and I just stopped at 155 for the cleans. I did K2E instead of GHD sit-ups with only 2 rounds.
The WODs for the sectionals are finally out; looks like a fun-filled weekend. I suspect it's going to be a tight race as the WODs are pretty fair, as expected. Now I have to stew over my approach to 4 workouts - what to start at for my OHS 3RM?
Bring it this weekend, Big Dawgs. It's time to shine.
Jesus, David X, I got the cold chills from that. Rock and roll!
A1. 275/275/275 Tweaked my back on the first set, left the weight there.
A2. All unbroken chest to bar.
B. 155/175/185
C1. UB
C2. UB
Finished up with some good mornings and reverse hypers. I'll do anything at this point to increase my deadlift.
A1. 225, 235, 250
A2. strict, kipping, kipping (body weight only)
B. 115, 135, 155
C1. all unbroken
C2. all broken
Everything felt good. Wanted to crank out the GHDs, but held myself back.
Like the workouts for our sectional... pretty inclusive, which means a tight race like Geoff said. Not sure WODs 3 & 4 will feel very nice after 7 minutes of thrusters though!
Good luck to all!!
Dave X: I am going to save that post FOREVER.
A1. 245,255,260
A2. all unbroken
B. 165 all
C1. as Rx'd
C2. all unbroken
This was a good workout. I feel like my squat has been kind of stuck here for awhile.
I'm back from my rest after sectionals.
A1. 255, 265, 265 (did high bar)
A2. unbroken
B. 165, 185, 190
C1. unbroken
C2. unbroken
A belated congratulations to everyone for a strong showing this past weekend.
Word verification is allin. As in "if you are competing this weekend you need to go all in"
Thinking about having 2 WOD's after 7 minutes of thrusters gives me chills. That place is going to be on fire this weekend! We need a LIVE OPT webcast of the event!
A1. 255lbs, 270, 280. A little slow coming up on the last rep but not too much struggle.
A2. Did each set of 20 without coming off the bar; all were deadhang except for the last 10 of 3rd set.
B. 155lbs, 165, 175. Had to drop the bar and reset hook grip before the third rep at 175.
C1. A little weird doing them at that tempo, but went smooth
C2. 30s, 1:02, 1:00. First set was unbroken after #4, second set whiffed on a few and had to retie my shoe, and third set had trouble with rhythm.
Relying on memory again, missed part of the WOD. But there are some positives.
WU - skip 160/min
dowel bar knees to buttocks over head
OH squats 25x
torso rotations 20x
arms swings 10x each direction
5 burpees
five rounds
10x back squat with 135 #'s three sets
20 unbroken chin ups - 3 min rest
20 UBCU's 3 mins
20 UBCU's
GHD situps 15
forgot the hang power cleans!!!!!!
Did fifty DU's. Actually getting to the point where I can get every second one for 10x I hate them DU's but they will not defeat me. SOme guy came into the studio I was in and did 2 or 3 sets of DU's. What are the chances that was a coincidence, or was it a Crossfit undercover agent on assignment in Edmonton.
Baltoe a.k.a. "the dog" (My late father's name for all dogs in the world)
Dave X:
That was awsome!
Anyone have any experience with Hampton Bumper Plates? I know that they have a cast iron core but I've never used a bumper plate that wasn't full rubber. Any good? Some guy is selling them really cheap but I don't want to pick them up if they're no good.
PS Been out for a couple weeks. Wife gave birth to our first March 5th. Still trying to get my schedule right.
The March 17 WOD helped with the UB chin ups...if you can do 15 UB for 6 sets, you can do 20 UB for 3 sets...but then again, next time it will be 25 UB for xx sets, and so it goes
A1. 255/265/275 (10lb pr) felt like I had 5 more lbs in me
A2. Felt ok, a little sloppy
B. Skipped due to hand feeling iffy in front rack
C1. Felt good
C2. 40+10/50/50 These are the best they have ever felt
Also going to post yesterdays WOD. I did it yesterday but didn't get a chance to post it because I got called out on a case.
A1. 170/180/190 (5 lb pr)
A2. Unbroken straight over head, felt good
B. 225 felt ok, but not as fast as I thought it would
C. These all felt really strong.
Really stoked on all the strength pr's Ive been hitting. All the lifting has felt good.
A1 405 415 425
a2 UB
B 185 205 210
C 6:20 total almost got through 2 rounds UB, fell apart in 3rd with about 7 misses
A1: 205/215/225 felt like I had more
A2: UB
B: 115/125/135
C1: UB but tempo felt wierd
C2: Practiced double unders in weightlifting shoes for this weekend
I can't wait for this weekend!!!
Dave that post was amazing and I am saving it to remind myself of what we are capable of.
A1. 155,165,175
A2. All unbroken
b. 75,85,95
C1. Unbroken
C2. Very broken
Got my first adjustments at the chiropractor and I am amazed at how much it helped my body. Squats felt great! This is the first time I have been able to do 3x20 on the pullups unbroken!! So happy with that! Only had time for 2 rounds of c.
Meg as a current chiropractor student I am psyched to hear that
A1. 225/245/275
A2. UB
B. 155/175/185
C1. UB
C2. 35+15/UB/UB
Notes: felt ok today...kept things lighter...good luck to all competing this weekend...especially to those in Edmonton! I will be cheering from Calgary...Tlaw and myself are going to do at least 3 of the Canadian sectional WODs this weekend @ CFC...obviously no where near the same atmosphere as those competing...though I think its necessary to workout hard this weekend...
A1. 177/187/192/200 depth good on all except the 187, so did a make up one.
A2. all UB...combination of old style and butterfly.
That's all for today. Shoulder not great but think it's aching so much because I may be coming down with something....glad I have a couple days to feel better!
Wasn't able to hit this one today due to travling but hope to get tomorrows done and rest friday and get ready for game day
A1. Back Squat @ 30X0; 1,1,1; rest 3 min...225, 245 (ugly), 235
A2. Chin Ups - 20 unbroken x 3; rest 3 min...Unbroken but scaled with a band. No kipping, dead hang Didn't realize that until coach corrected me. Palms in. Not easy
B. Hang Power Clean @ 11X0; 3 x 3 - build to 80% (150); rest 2 min...95, 135, 155f, 135
C1. GHD Sit Ups @ 2021; 15 x 3; rest 30 sec
C2. 50 double unders; rest 30 sec
GHD unbroken, Double Unders best I could muster was 25 or 30 in a row. Got worse after first round.
A1. 40kg, 45 kg (Did 3 rep OHS)
A2. C2B
B. 50kg, 55, 60
C1. Rx'd
C2. Unbroken
Was really depressed to find out that I won't be able to do all the Sectional WODs as Rx'd after all of the dedication, hard work, and improvement I have put in this year. I really need to meditate and focus on why I am doing this and what is important.
It is the process, not the outcome that matters.Full effort is full victory.
I will scale to the most challenging weight possible and give it everything I have.
back squat
380- spot from dj with a little help
Pull-ups all unbroken
Hang power clean -175-3,195,3,2
GHD and Double Unders
unbroken, broke 2 nd set 17 unders pissed, unbroken
I feel good jacked up and ready to go
edmonton here we come....
Kyle F, Congrats on the new baby!
Tonights Training
A1. 240, 265, 285,
A2. 20 ubx3 BF COHP rhythem still goes wonky from time to time.
B. 143x3
C1. UBx3
C2. 40/,50, 64....had to keep going to hit new pb.
Tonight felt great, Squats felt super light even at that tempo, would have liked to bump up the weights for everything but wanted to keep things down to get ready for this weekend.
A1. 255,265,275. First back squats in 7 weeks since tearing the groin snowboarding, felt a bit off.
A2. unbroken, fastest set 33"
B. 135,155,175 felt ok.
C1. Subbed 95lb Good Morning
C2. first 2 unbroken, 3rd one mistake. fastest set 29"
a2. as rx'd
b. 135,135,185
ran out of time gonna do c tomorrow
A1. 315/335/355
A2. unbr/12-8/14-6
B. 135/165/185
C1. unbr.x3
C2. all broken
Notes: Squats/HPCs/GHDs felt good. Could have gone heavier with squats but I have a newborn (last Sat.) and a 2 year old with fever. My sleep sucks right now.
However, this hasn't stopped me from making major progress on two huge weaknesses. I finally linked butterfly pullups today in the first set and I got my DUs without bending the knees like a tuck jump. The rhythm just clicked on the DUs and I know what I need to do to make them better now. So stoked...thanks so much coach for making me do the things I hate!
A1. 275/280/285
A2.all UB
B. 140/150/160
C. went both 1&2 UB, a few hiccups at the start of du set #1.
All felt good, regripping in hang always an issue.
A1. 335 345 355
A2. 20 20 20 unbroken
B. 175 185 195
C1. 15 15 15 unbroken
C2. had 1 miss in all 3 rounds.
Played hockey
A.1/225, 1/235, 1/245
B. 3/135, 3/155, 3/170
A1: 315, 325, 325 all felt good
A2: good
B: 185, 195, 195 felt about 80%
C1: subd toes to bar, good
C2: good, broke first
Metcon 4 hrs previously:
6 rounds for time: 6:25
5 Clean and Jerk 135
1 round cindy
Felt good
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