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love this analysis of Boston marathon 2009; can you imagine doing the 1st 5K in 14:33 then repeating close to that over and over? |
10 min dynamic hip warm up
Run training:
5 min @ easy pace
6 sets:
3 min work @ 90% max HR from this day
3 min recovery @ 70% max HR from this day
5 min run @ easy pace
post your estimated marathon time if you were to jump in right now - all jokes aside - please estimate as well as notes on todays workout to comments
I would guess 5 min/km for that distance...maybe a little faster. So, about 3.5 hrs.
Thank you so much for the great programming and informative website. Is this programming cycled in any way?
I am working through a 5-week strength / Olympic lifting cycle right now. When it is done, should I just jump into OPT programming, or start from a specific date? Thanks so much!
3:30-3:45 would be my guess?!?
Today is my "Big Dawg/CF" birthday, and needless to say after a year of this training, and never have done any barbell work before, I've seen huge gains across the board, and have the data to prove it!
So a huge thankyou for this program.
From yesterday.
Part 2.
last year 171reps
notes: i remember feeling blown to bits from this last year. I could barely hold my arms up so even though I only got 2 more reps I will recover fine this time.. Interesting..
pwo: 50g salmon, carrot, apple and sweet potato purée
If I jumped in and ran one tomorrow I would have to say 4:15 maybe 4:30
I would shoot for 8:30-9:00 min mile pace. So the goal would be sub 4 hrs.
It wouldn't be the pace that would be the problem, it would be the shins and joints.
I am the slowest runner EVER, so 5.5 hours. Yep, that's right.
run completed hamstrings were a bit tight.
Coach : what is your estimated marathon time?
4 hours. I second what Rory said about shins and joints being the issue. I would add hip flexors tightening to that list. The pounding over that distance is not something I think I'm ready for.
A long while back I recall some guys talking about a book that detailed how to get good sleep with a newborn child. Does anyone know the name of the book?
We will have a newborn in May and I would love to read that book before then.
subbed airdyne for the 3min at 90% HR.
est. marathon: 4hrs.
4-4.25 hours would be the goal if shins, and anterior chain held up. when i ran the 12 mile tough mudder, my conditioning was never a factor it was my hip flexors locking up and shin-knee tightness. running a marathon isnt on my "TO DO" list
I would guess about 4 hrs as long as calves and knee could hold up.
Run training today was good, about -9 degrees celsius plus wind and snow, no way to measure HR as I was running, covered about 7 km in the 36 min
Marathon time - 3:30-3:45
Yesterday's part 1:
Built to a fairly easy 405/3 DL
then metcon in 9:01
Woke up feeling a lot better. Energy was good. Felt like a broke off on the workout though, and am disappointed with the time. Breathing was tough. DLs and DUs broken on last 2 sets. Broke Du's probably last 3 sets. DUs during warmups felt off too.
Re Marathon, I'd shoot for a sub 4, but my feet, knees and hip flexors would be the limiting factor I think.
10:00 miles for me over that distance, so I'd shoot for 4h 25m.
Hmm for a marathon proably like 3.5-4hours. Today was no joke and it really made me remember why I love CrossFit so much! Had to do this one on the treadmill today since it was cold dark at 6am, and I just got over a cold . Got in a little over 5miles total and got the weirdest looks because I think I was the only one sweating in the gym! It was so hot in there,(I guess it has to be when girls just walk around in little outfits doing nothing!) had a rough time getting the heart rate back down after the 90% in rounds 4 and 5 since I got so hot. Was good though, haven't ran that far in quite a while!
Did part one yesterday 10:49; todays workout completed part two from yesterday after today no rings had to do regular dips five rounds completed...170 total reps...didn't have much in the tank after the run
Well if Mike Fitz finishes in 3.5 hrs. I'd hope to be around 4 hrs, providing that my legs allow me.
Did part one from yesterday
Feeling the time off for sure. My shoulder is still screwed so don't think I can hit part two will see...
Run tomorrow maybe
Trail run with AJ and ROBO. It was great to get out and run in some terrain.
Worked on relaxing and technique while running at 90%. Felt good today
Catching up after my extended holiday:
Part 2 from 12/28: (15min amrap)
175 reps
5 min rest
Original HR run from 12/25:
Traveled 4 miles
HR- approx 160
*Goal 65% HR was 104 BUT for some reason I couldn't get my HR down below 135 if I was running. Strange.
Marathon - "jokes aside" means I am incapable of answering the question. Me + marathon=hilarious
I would say a little over 4 hours im 240lbs but I run alot w the military body would go to shit that much distance.
Run today felt ok burning off the holiday goodness
Ran on the mill, covered 4.66 miles. HR was 165-170 for 90%, just slightly higher than target. Never really got HR in range for recovery, ran maybe 20 beats higher.
As far as a marathon: 10km is the furthest I've run. I would like to say 4 hours but under 5 would be a deal.
Yesterday's part 2:
6 rounds + 1 burpee
scaled/subbed down to 5 bar dips rather than 10 ring dips. Dips and Pushups still huge weakness for me. All broken except for burpees, which were unbroken each round.
I took Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday off and only did the thruster WOD on Sunday. I was in need of a break since I was feeling worn down. Felt fresh today. Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. Did yesterday's WOD rather than today's running since I am doing a 5K Friday.
set a consecutive DU PR today at 72 with a weighted rope. also went for my goal of 20 conseuctive kipping pull-ups but lost my grip at 17. Gonna try again tomorrow. HSPUs are getting closer, I think I'll get one within a couple months. it's been a great year for me in making improvements.
As for marathon time, I would shoot for 8:20/mile so that would put me around 3:37. I am running a Half Marathon in May so that will give me a better idea if I could hold that pace for that long or if I would need to properly training for a marathon to do so.
run complete- approx 5 miles
body pretty sore from last 3 wods..
Dec 26:
A: 265#
B: Complete (barely)*
C: No GHD so from my knees I locked my ankles and lowered my upper body to the ground and back.
D1: Unbroken
D2: No GHD subbed knees to elbows
* 1st time doing these and my ring straps are way to short. Rings were waist high so I was starting from down position very deep. This took me forever.
Part two:
I have no idea what my calories on each round were because the computer on the airdyne wasn't working.
Thanks for the props yesterday. It doesn't happen often but sometimes I find something I'm good at.
PTS: sleep book is..."Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". Forget author off top of my head, but I highly recommend it to anyone that will listen and is having kids.
I am feeling eager to train again. I am at work today, but unless we get crushed all night I am going to get after training again. Trying to decide if it would be better to jump in current or follow from back at the 1 hr row where I dropped off. Any advice dawgs? I am going to have to modify the program a bit for my life and goals. Not exactly sure how that is going to look yet.
If my body was fresh 3:10-3:20.
If I had to tm it today it would be 3:30-4:00. I'm pretty busted after yesterdays deads.
10min hip mobility
5min easy warm up
3min @ 90% mhr
then walked home. ( hamstrings super fried and affecting my back)
did the 6 sets on a spin bike instead.. Ouch!
pwo: 50g salmon, banana, raspberry purée.
Such a bad runner i'd guess 4.5. WOD's like tonight are difficult for me to guage. I always start easy for fear out of gassing out later. Knee started feeling like it was filling up with fluid towards the end. The problem is, i've never had knee problems.
Joel u cannot make up lost time just hop in tomorrow and get after it. Double should be good
Part 2 from yesterday:
pure. fatigue.
Run went well for me, Not so well for my partner who hates running she went pukie on the treadmill and it was hilarious watching her trying to keep it down...But, I set tread at 9.5 for 90% and 7.0 for recovery, warm up and cool down 5.0 - 5.5...I covered 5.58 miles...
Yesterdays WOD (7 rounds of DL's & DU's):
Time: 8:14
Decembers time: 11:53
Just got back from vacation and poor eating choices the last 4 days. We were out of town so it made it a little difficult. Took a few jogs and practiced some high box jumps while we were gone. Considering the holiday sidestep, I blew away my last performance on that wod. Hope all the dawgs had a merry Christmas!
This is Nate. can't get my password to work for google every time I get on here for some reason.
first time i ran distance in 7 months was on the 24th...ran 3 miles in 19:40. today was the second time in 7 months; felt good but damn do my calves hurt! covered 6 miles in 44:30. cut the final cool down to 3 and 1/2 min due to time constraints. I feel like an old man right now so a marathon would probably crush me. running slow KILLS my joints, but there's no way I could hold a fast or probably even decent pace for a marathon. I'd try to hold an 8 min mile which would be 3 1/2 hrs, but could see myself falling to a 9 min mile which would be just under 4 so maybe 3hr45min, an 8:30 average.
Yesterday Part 1
15:59(DL were heavy and DU are still a weakness so I'm happy)
If I ran a marathon it would be around 4-4.5 hrs. I want nothing to do with that though.
Ran on treadmill...my calves and feet sent me hate mail after 3rd round, but I stayed on and finished at slightly slower pace, which was a mental victory for me.
Marathon...probably about 4.5 hours. Boredom is honestly my biggest problem with long distance.
Runs done. Hard to tell HR because of elevation differences (last week in Cali, today in Colorado). Felt good until IT band tightened. No hip flexor issues so that's nice.
Marathon time is probably around 4-4:15 as long as the hips don't give out.
Based off of how I felt tody, 8'/mi for a marathon would seem feasible, but who knows what will happen at mile 21..i can think of a long list of physiological factors that would deter me.
was shifting between a 7' and 8' mi on the trail, and then a 6:36 and 7:30 on the road. felt good, no problems anywhere,... wanted to go faster but its good to leave some in the tank
Part 1 from yesterday
Time 10:50
Deads all UB
DU's were broken - rope was too short
Did part 2 yesterday, but no rope to do part 1, so fell behind.
Estimate for a marathon - 4-4.5hrs
Catch up a bit...
8:58 on the DL/double under WOD.
All DL sets unbroken.
Double Unders broken on every set. Didn't use my own rope.
My hammies and back were smoked from yesterday's workout. My back stiffened up a little bit so I cut the workout short and went back inside to do more stretching and mobility work. I will revisit this workout at a later date.
As for the marathon I'd guess 4.0-4.5
Subbed AirDyne
Last Friday tester:
1RM PC: 235#
rest 10 min
500m row: 1:26.1 (PR)
avg watts/bwt: 548/178=3.07
notes: Been stuck at 235-245# for awhile now on both power and squat cleans. This is a tech problem 100%...very frustrating and will be addressed by spending some time with a buddy of mine who's an oly coach.
Happy with the row! Last 100m burned good!
As for the run, I have no idea. I'd like to find out though (just not anytime soon).
Nathan H.
Glad you're on the mend bro!
did chicago marathon in October this year, 4:40 with run/walk last 6 miles. Was on pace for around 4:00 then hips shut down. Went through alot of ish training for it- for sure unprepared. Now, I feel like 8:30 pace would be solid.
Finally, a WOD I can do on the cruise. Worked at 160/130 HR. good stuff
HR 160-130, covered about 7k on the intervals, 70%HR felt like I had to slow to a shuffle, stride is feeling allot better.
Learned a valuable lesson today. I did yesterdays part one deads and DUs. Went into it knowing my training has been more than lacking as of late but I was just going to go as hard as I could. I felt like I was struggling but just kept pushing. At the end 11:19 I was disappointed in my performance feeling I could do better especially with the double unders. I decided to check to see if I had done the workout that James posted the link to. I had and to my huge surprise I actually beat that time by a 1:10 wow. I know that if I had checked my previous time before doing the WOD I would probably gone slower thinking that I am not in as good a shape as I was at this time last year. It showed me that maybe I need to approach every WOD with the just go as hard as you can attitude and compare after to see how it went. It also reminded me how strong I can be both mentally and physically. I think the fire might be rekindled!!
Sorry for the long post.
First time working in a heart rate zone. Didn't have a max heart rate to use so I did two attempts at a max heart rate test on a treadmill. Got it up to 208 so I used that. I only hit 90% in the first set. After that it was murder to hold 80% for the work sets. 70% felt like a crawl though. Longest run in 2 years.
Marathon estimate: 31ish hours.
finished the runs on a treadmill, didn't have HRM or last recordings so just to gauge w/intensity.
For the marathon I guess around 4-4.5 hours (i think my feet and would hurt...blisters). And would need good company or maybe my iphone.
is there a iphone HR monitor app?
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