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walking with Red tonight, I could not resist - ensure you take the time to take a second every now and then.... |
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...and reflect how fortunate we are |
12,9,6 rep rounds for time:
Squat Clean - 155#/105#
Muscle Ups
compare to this
post time to comments
...and if you can take a second; I've been analyzing the last few days' data and I should have asked for the BWT and avg watts for the row effort - I want to compare this so if you could please...go back and get #1 your total reps for the 85% of back squat score, and then find the avg watts for the 60 min row and divide that by your BWT in # as a score (ex. 200 avg watts/200# BWT = 1.0)....and PLEASE post those scores on this current day (Dec 22) as well if you can, thanks a bunch! It will help us all; like this;
BS reps - 7
Row score - 1.5
Would you like separate posts or just one for today's plus the other data requested?
one only pls B, thx
No access to rings would doing mu on the pu bar be the best sub?
Results for bs and row:
Bs 250 (6)
Row 159/180=.88
M 6'4, 98kg. 33yrs.
BS - 7
Will post again tomorrow BS and row scores.
I'm following a couple of days behind from Auckland, New Zealand because of the time difference and getting organised.
Thanks for everything you do Coach.
Row Score-1
For the muscle ups, I don't have access to rings and the dip bar is a ways away from the pull up bar. Don't think it's what your looking for on this WOD. For the record, I suck at HSPU - is that an appropriate sub for this WOD or do you want me to do the dip/pu?
BS - 3 (265)
Row - .98 (183/186)
Traveling tomorrow, probably won't get to this one til after the weekend but look forward to it.
Can't wait to see what Pete H's row score is gonna be...
1 tough BS was 310#; 85% =263#
BS - 4 (@263#)
Avg watts on row - 145
BWT - 145#
145/145 = 1
nearly 2:30 better than last time. More than happy, mainly as the MU were pretty good and no misses.
UB on the first and last Squat cleans.
Didn't do the BS on monday, will do it tomorrow
Row score: 1.2
James, Refuel in Australia? Any suppliers...
nice job Soren!
today wod = 10:51
on aug 6 = 13:18
BS reps = 2
row score = 1.16
watts and pace calculator: http://www.concept2.com/us/interactive/calculators/watts.asp
PTS's link didnt work for me, so just take off the w at the end:
Bs x3
Row: 100.4
BS reps - 2 @ (355#)
Row score - .7
Todays should be interesting. Did not attempt last time around.
Time- 14:55
(pull ups and ring dips)x3 - muscle up
tyler, good ides
NW, bar muscle ups if you can
soren, will check out what we can do
BS @85% = 3reps
row 156/157=99.4
Couplet-12:31( can't do MU and shoulder hurts doing ring dips- subbed 1 strict chin/1 ring pushup)
BS @ 85%= 4 reps
Row 144/172=.84
BS reps - 6
Row ratio - .87
Squats at 290#
BW- 190#
Watts- 166.2
I'll hit the couplet tomorrow!
running a day behind.
row 14,502
bdy weight 182/183watts=.99
bk sqt doing 531 did 225x10
9:15 -felt like garbage going into this wod, i still think im beat up from the row, entire workout broken bigtime, slow and steady.
BS 3
watt calc on comp isnt working so ill give ya what i have
BWT 172
AVG/500m 159.5, total meters 15,095
I would like to start posting this week, but I have been unable to start until today. Do you recommend that I begin with today's WOD to be on schedule, or would it be better to start with the row and back squat work to get a baseline for testing?
Sarah Dunsmore
Good to see you Sarah!
Soren, can you send me an email
trevor@optimumtraining.ca about the Refuel.
Good to see your face Steve Smith! :)
Had trouble with the muscle ups first set went 4-4-2-1-1 , on the second round I scaled down to jumping muscle ups after several failed attempts. Squat cleans were done mostly unbroken .
Need to work on shoulder mobility as the transition on the muscle ups seem to be trouble for me.
sarah, do the BS work and row 1st if you can....this one is good also depending on what you have been doing - if you've been in an aerobic power phase with a strength component to it this will be a good test as well as Fridays but if you have not the row and BS will suffice, thx!
BS - 4
Row - Unknown (BWT=200, Distance approximation=15.2K)
Today - 8:30
- Squat Cleans unbroken
- Muscle Ups broken on all three rounds (6+3+3, 3+3+3, and 2+2+1+1).
- Still having trouble going to full extension on Muscle Ups
- Diet has been horrid this week (leaving town tomorrow, trying to avoid the grocery store).
- Pretty disappointed with the time:
- Mentally psyched myself out before starting
- Should have pushed harder
- Went into this thinking sub 7:00
Thanks James! I think I will do the row and BS work. That would be most appropriate right now. Then I will pick up with Friday's work.
Very excited :)
BS - 5
Row - 1.0
No equipment to do this today at work, looking forward to retesting it tomorrow.
Done at a globo gym and my performance really suffered, 17:09, Went into this thinking I would be able to do muscle ups on the pull up bar, but the bar was too low to really kip so I was forced to break it up, three pull ups/three dips per muscle up- I was able to bang these out but the squat cleans had me gassed
Today's workout: 13:27. About :10 seconds faster than last time we did it. Did this fasted just like last time with exception of a big spoonful of coconut butter.
I was on duty on the row day so I coached 2 classes and did it too.
13,424 meters
BW = 172#
85% BS = 210# X 2 reps
Avg watts =145
Score = .84
Today: 6:41 last time 8:56
last time I did touch and goes on the squat cleans and my grip gave out. This time I reset my hook grip after every rep. MU felt strong (3,3,3,3) (3,3,3) (1,1,1,1,1,1) everytime I came off the rings I took 1 breath and started again. Very ecxcited about how I felt today.
Bwt= 195
watts= 215
Forgot BS 5
Today's around 9:00 minutes
Notes: subbed MU for HSPU and weight was 145# for first 15 reps, then 135#. It was 75-70% of my clean
Was going to try muscle ups on the bar, no go. Too low to kip and after struggling for 15 minutes said to hell with it. Then tried dips, felt a strange pinch in my shoulder and didn't want to risk it, so HSPU was my last resort. Sorry coach.
Did mainsite nutts as rx 19:00
I need to work on conditioning for garage games to did a good metcon sorry coach had to.
BS: 7 (345#)
Row Score: 168.5/208= .81
Today's Couplet: 9:55 (almost 2 minutes faster than last time)
Really wanted sub 10 so I am happy with this. Grip was limiting on both cleans and MU's. Next time, I need to drop and reset grip vs. touch and go to see which is faster for me at this weight. MU's done as doubles and triples until the last 4 when I couldn't hold the transition back down.
todays workout 5:37, rory is posting video on vimeo a little later
BS reps 6
Row score 1.2
feeling great, have done amanda and this was more of a lung burner than a shoulder girdle mangler. maybe could have gotten a little faster if would not have failed last muscle up but tough to gauge if that failure will occur. Lesson learned.
BS: 7
Row: 1.02
had sub 7 and missed the last MU rep. Pissed!
Did 13 reps of Squat Cleans first round.
went head to head with AJ.
BS 8
Row 1.22 (224watts/184lbs)
Weighed myself today for first time in 3 weeks and I'm up 4lbs. Muscle I think.
Couplet tomorrow - no time today
29years, 76kg, 178cm
BS - 7
Row - 1.2
today: 19:26
notes: sqcln was pretty epic for me; singles the whole way. mu's felt solid; 6-3 reps at a time.
Pwo: eggs, spinach, ham, coconut water, revive bar
from yesterday: my training highlight this year was implementing strategies from Jame's nutrition 101,201 and 301. Thanks mate!
This was 2:30 faster than in early August. Cleans felt lighter and I hit the first 12 faster this time and just held on. All squat cleans were singles. MU’s were 7/5, 3/3/3, 3/1/2.
BS reps - 5
Row Score - 1.32 (223.8/170)
Did 12, 9, 6 135# power snatch and ring hspu since I can't do cleans and mu (torn bicep). 19:55. Hard on the shoulders.
Bs: 6
Row: guessing 1
Paul,Aj and Rory and Pete those times are smoking fast!!! well done guys.
Missed 5 MUs in first round and squat cleans were slow. First time doing that many MUs in a day, so PR!!! Yay!
bs (5)
built 2 an heavy but ez squat clean- 235
3min rest
wod~ 7:31 (8:19)
10min rest
row- 1.14 [15512m]
- tried 2 pace... slow on MUs... spent 2 much time, last set all singles... squat clean all sets of 3... last time I think I went unbroken on the cleans and felt fatigued from that...
- feel fatigued in general... row was a struggle....
- not much feels 'on' right now...
BS reps: 6
Row score: .9855 (soooo close)
subbed straight bar mus, since I don't have ring mus consistent yet and still had to get them one at a time & then my hand started to come off with the first 2 of 9 rep set. Left my hands on & finished squat cleans. Legs felt sluggish.
- came home and finished up w/ ring dips (26) and rows (39).
- all hard stuff for me, but felt good to get the work in on weaknesses...I'll get there:)
no time on WOD today. Just happy with the MU back.
but was unable to get the watts off of the rower - sorry!!! :(
8 seconds better than August
subbed and scaled:
3 pull-ups and 2 dips for every MU
can't compare to last time as I was recovering from surgery. pretty disppointed with this effort. Felt very weak. Been feeling a bit beat up lately, and had a few nights of short rest. unfortunately that might continue here and there through the holidays due to everything going on. gonna get plenty of rest tonight and tomorrow, and see how I feel friday.
BS reps = 7
row score = 0.98
So friggin' aggravated tonight. Spent a solid 20 minutes warming up and discovered that I couldn't do a single Muscle up. I walked away, warmed up a little more, attempted it again and couldn't nail one. Not even close. The last time we did this I hit 17 before I had to sub. The icing on the cake was that I tweaked out my hamstring and couldn't do a squat clean without any pain! Any insight or anything to stop me from defenestrating myself tonight!
Thanks Steve,
Just trying to keep up with the animals on here.
You can find your avg. watts my going into "more options" then "memory." There you can see your past rows. I avg. for the hour a 2:05.2
Avg. watts: 178 watts/hr
Weight 179#
Ratio: 1
BS: 260 x 3 reps on 3010 tempo
Today: 11:22 (games standards on rings)
Definitely need much more work on muscle ups but this is a step in the right direction. The squat cleans felt light, good sign.
Row Wod
Total meters- 13690
Avg watts - 154
Body weight- 190
154/190 - .81
BS- 3 reps at 210
Did the 60 min TT on airdyne and my cpu doesn't give watts but i totaled 886 calories
BS- 6 reps
I will do today's wod tomorrow I am a day behind
Rx'd: 9:22
1st set: SC unbroken, MU 3-3-3-2-1
2nd set: SC 3-3-3, MU 3-3-2-1
3rd set: SC 3-3, MU 2-1-1
1st time to do MU in months..
BS reps 6 @210
Row Score .91
27:11 need to get MU's down.
sub 3-CTB 3-Ring Dips= 1mu
-also, pre-wod nutrition not good.
Pre: Squat cleans up to 255#
WOD Time: 8:49
The last time I did this I got pretty frustrated and it was around the 12-13min mark. Today was much better but just as painful. Failed my last mu and it cost me 30-40sec. This is a nasty combo!
As Rx: 16:02
Muscleups: started with 3-2-2 and all singles for the rest of the workout. Have to learn to kip the "dip" part of the MU, all my dips are strict, I'm waisting a lot of energy there.
Couplet 8:14
85% BS 235#/ 5 reps
Row AVG watts 156/ BWT 155# =1
From Dec 13th
A: 95kg
B: 100kg
C: 105kg
D: 68kg; unbroken
E: Unbroken
BS- 1
Row unknown
BWT: 132
Meters: 11918 @ 2:31 pace
BS- 4
Row Score- 1(used the c2 calculator)
Doing couplet tommorow, really looking forward to repeating this one.
I'm new to your site. When you say you've "been analyzing the last few days' data", are you saying that you actually go through everyone's WOD results and keep track of it for analysis?
Thanks for a great site. I'll see if I can do the SC/MU testing tomorrow... thanks.
BS: 7
Row: 221 watt. Bdwt 214 = 1.032 :D
Sorry, adding my numbers again as I did the back squat from monday today.
BS reps: 5
Row: 1.2
(Last time in August 10:40)
No rower data. I paid the single day fee to use the rower and didn't want to go back and explain what I wanted.
9:24 - used MU's on bar, rings weren't available
Legs very sore all night
Today's WOD 9:43
Compared to 8:53 in August.
Pretty disappointed, but just got off of a night shift and I guess it's affecting more then I realized.
Cleans felt okay, but legs got tired fast. Muscle ups were tough, I was landing them really low - unusual for me.
Couplet: Nope
Wrist was still unhappy so I (wisely) shut it down. Did all the MU's and 135# power cleans after I sulked for 5 minutes.
For what it's worth, my MU's felt strong!
pa56pa, yes i do review all results - what coach DOES NOT do that?
Felt disappointingly slow, but calculated the power, and was much less disappointed.
7:13 (2:40, 2:41, 1:52, everything broken up into thirds each set).
87 lb-ft/sec
(4.5ft ROM on sqt cln's x 155lbs x 27 reps + 4ft ROM muscleups x 175lbs BW equals about 37,732 lb-ft over 7min 13sec).
Did some catch-up over the past couple of days...
Back Squat/Chinup (reverse grip)
A. 200# (20# down from pr)
B. 170 x 5 (pace was a factor)
C. 45#
D. 36# x 3
Row 60 min:
13,627 total meters
2:12.1 ave splits
151.8 ave watts
125 bwt
For Data:
BS Reps - 5
Row Score - 1.21
Rowing 60 min was not as terrible as I thought it would be. It helped to have a few friends doing wods near me to keep my brain active :)
BS@85%: 4
row/bwt: 1.01
Trust me.. there are plenty that don't-- they seem to leave it up to the individual to keep track of their own results, either thru sites i.e. BTWB, etc... but I definitely like your style better..
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