Substitution for Muscle Ups call for 4 chin ups, 4 bar dips...are chin up reverse grip? ...just started following the blog...I think I can do the 155lb squat clean, but it will definitely be broken, should I go lighter or just stick with that as well?
OPT, I've got an idea for a workout that goes with the functional work we've been doing and building towards lately: AMRAP in 8 Hours: Log splitters (movement consists of hitting a log with an axe until it splits) This would workout great with the 15+ chords of wood I am currently chaining in my backyard. Also, Edmonton area Dawgs are welcome to come out to my facility (read: house) for free for this workout, because I am so generous.
James...I've spent the entire week relaxing and recovering from my hernia surgery. I've been going crazy not being able to workout. But, I WAS able to work on something to show you my appreciation for all that you do. So here it is:
Thanks Brandon...appreciate it bro, moving to Kelowna, BC in about 3 weeks, definitely wanna make a road trip to Calgary to see OPT and of course the Stampede
Brian - very funny! There is a career Unit, what do you eat! no sorry, who do you eat. This workout was pretty good -
todays WOD:
Felt really good, unbroken cleans, but the usual drama of MU, but got through them all. The cleans leave you a little flat!!! Anyon want to predict Units time on this one?? I am guessing 4 minute!!!
First early morning workout in a long time. My body had no interest in muscle-ups and 105 is close to my 1RM. I scaled to 95 and jumping muscle-ups. I was having issues with the dip portion today.
Yep, I could have gone faster, but in the moment, I felt I was at capacity.
Did my own thing today. Fired up that I couldnt get 170lbs on 2RM Snatch for OPT 3 so went back into today and got it. Also had the chance to work with an O Lift Coach, who was able to pick out some things that I had not even thought about. Good news is that I know what they are now, bad news is now I have more to work on. A. Build to Hvy3 DL 315/335/355 B. Snatch 4 sets of 2 155/170f2/170f2/170 PR C1. Snatch Balance 3 sets of 4 135/145/155 C2. GH Raises 3x10 C3. KBS light 52 lbs D. Jump switch lunges 30 sec amrap x3 37/38/37 E. Side Bridge 90 sec/side 30 sec rest x2 UB for all
Paul Klein-If you're still looking for an Airdyne, theres one in Woodstock, GA for sale for $20. Pretty sure the computer doesnt work but it may be worth the 5 hour drive. Its listed on Craigslist Atlanta.
A: 75/95/105 - not sure this was "80% effort, but close I think. B. 1.5pd all sets. 3-2-1/3-1/2 C. 3:55 - concentrating on Pose due to a recurrence of shin splint issue lately.
Today: HPC/CTB/Row (modified): A. HPC as rx'd: 95/115/135 B: CTB: sub kipping. C: Row: modified to 5 rds of row 500m @1:48 pace. 500m recovery @2:35. 1:48.2/147.3/148.1/147.6/146.4
Squat cleans: 9,4,2; 6,3; 6 MU: all singles, just tried to minimize rest. One miss at the end trying to go sub-7.
MU felt heavier, slower than usual. Squat cleans felt fine, just jacked up my heart rate big time.
Coach, here is the link you asked for to check what might be causing my hand destruction on pull-ups. At the beginning, I just show how I grip the bar.
This was definitely heavy enough for me. Front squat portion was by far the most limiting part. All squat clean reps were singles, but made sure I had proper setup on each rep.
Scaled squat cleans to 135 as I'm still trying to ease back in with my back injury. Tried to focus on good technique and minimize slop. Felt really good. Hoping to be back to 100% very soon.
Muscle-ups took forever, as expected. My previous high in a workout was the 22 in the Regional WOD I DNF'd.
Also added three on the end of today to get to 30 because just completing the 30 MUs for time WOD was a 2010 goal of mine. I'm hoping next time I can crush the 18:28 time I got today on that given that I won't have 27 squat cleans in the middle.
Everything was singles in the interest of efficiency; only 1 miss on a squat clean. If I'm going to get faster times, I need to commit to stringing multiples together.
This broke me off big time. I'm feeling weak today. SC's went 6/6, 3/3/3 and 3/3. MU's went 6/6,3/3/3 and 4/1/1. Took me about twice as long as I initially expected, MU's weren't a major factor, I was at my lactic threshold from the cleans big time. Also- I assumed we were supposed to return the bar to the ground after every rep otherwise it would be a HSC?
Resting today. Decided to follow one day behind starting tomorrow (instead of one week). Harder to plan for WODs but it will keep me caught up for competitions.
cannot wait to do a WOD with MU's howeverrr after the dips and CTB my arms are shot i was unable to get into that deep dip so i did a hang/jump muscle up. Still got into a deep dip and just pushed through each one ...gatta get stronger sometime so this took me FOREVER and it was very painfullll!! not sure how i got up towards the end, i was pissed so that had something to do with it!
8:30 135# cleans and jumping muscle ups w/ rings 6" above head. Shoulder felt pretty good on MUs but the squat cleans killed me aerobically (always do).
Had to do this one in a veritable sweat box today. 100 degrees of nastiness. Started to get light-headed on the first set of squat cleans which never happens.
Pretty easy cleans, but hard muscle ups (after round 1). Tried to hold myself back but got stuck at the MUs as expected, but this time I had most trouble in the dip-part, never happened, usually the transition. So I have to add that to the MU-discussion the other day. 2 failed MUs in the end which cost me the sub 12 which I was hoping for.
Got some support during the wod, thanks Astrid:
Felt ok. Conditioning is down. First time doing cleans in a workout in a couple of months and im still a little gun shy about my wrist and knee, but they both felt good. Had to use steel plates on concrete, so dropping was a no no.
I know my time is not sexy by any means but it's pretty good for me. My previous PR for 30 MU's was like 30 minutes so this is pretty cool. Feel better about this movement, can only get better. Squat cleans were really easy, just got a little tired on MU's.
All MU broken. Tried a pacing/breathing strategy that worked well on the cleans. Overall, I'm happy and know that as I get better linking MUs together I can go much faster.
This was the first time I completed a WOD with MU's. I wasn't able to string consecutive ones until about 6 weeks ago. Did 5 straight in 1st rd (PR) then it was 2-3 at a time. The squat cleans at 155# felt a bit heavier than I thought they would. Fun workout though!
Cleans were consistent, quick, and felt strong. My muscle ups were not the same. I was able to complete my first round of 12 cleans and muscle ups within 3 minutes. The second round I got stuck on 6 muscle ups. Third round stuck on 4.
Began taking ZMA last night and felt like I finally had a good nights sleep. I felt recovered and it showed with the cleans.
Been super busy week, getting married to my princess tomorrow! Mum,Dad,Sis and bro in from OZ bringing the old Aussie laidback attitude with em, great to have em here. Been doing Dawgs along with some extra( Fran on bachelors 2.48 pr)and big session on the turps after, as you do.... then- OPT3; 246 Loved the T-Drill and ball throws, love the lateral work, more of it please. Rotation work would be gold also. Hit up 50-40-30-20-10 du/pullup/squat wed which smoked my lats/chest. 13.53 Crawled through todays wod using MU as technique.
Will be hitting up wod at 6am tomorrow before diving in and back on 100% next week.
I was around 7:30 min when I started my last set of Muscle Ups and for some reason I couldn't transition over the top. It was frustrating as hell.
Besides the last set of MUs I felt great. My first round of MUs was 9 and 3 and my second round was 3-2-1. The third was 2-2-1-1 with 4 or 5 failed reps between 4 and 6.
got my ghd delivered and assembled yesterday so no more rigging the roman chair against the wall for raises. I'm sure I'll have to adjust on both raises and situps...that thing is TALL.
Notes: 47/179. Played soccer outside for an hour. Only fuel for day was one can of tuna in oil, 2 apples and about a cup and a half of almond/carob chips/walnut/dried cranberry mix. Energy felt ok.
BIG BIG breakthrough for me today. Did not think I was capable of doing the WOD as I have been struggling with MU's for 6+ months, and before that I could never string together more than 2. 5 in a day was a good day. Spent a LONG time warming up and doing deep ring dips and decided to spend 10 mins on MU practice. First one felt great, second on better, before I knew it I had done 30 in under 10 mins. I don't think I have done 30 MU in my life before today. Don't know what happened, but I am fired up right now.
*So here's my question: Shoulder pain has always been a limiting factor for MU's, and it felt great today and I don't want to lose the momentum. Is it safe to keep spending a few mins everyday doing it, or should I go every Second Day, should I walk away and wait for the next WOD with it? Obviously how my shoulder feels is the deciding factor, but at what point is it too much?
* MUs 6" above reach, tried to link them up without the false grip but didnt go too well, failed on 3 reps- need to be able to push harder on MUs- too much rest
This rocked me...did it in a global gym...after 6 months out of crossfit, sub out 135lb for 155lb squat clean (broken), and 4 pull ups and 4 bar dips for each muscle up...finished in 26:05 ...killer though
Fired up about this workout. This is the first time that I've ever been able to do a workout with muscle ups as prescribed (up to this point have always done jumping muscle ups/pullups-dips substitution). Thank you OPT!
All squat cleans unbroken Muscle ups done as singles
Squat cleans easy, the MU killed me multiple misses starting round 2. But on the bright side this was my first WOD that I didn't have to sub pull ups/dips for MU's.
Nothing to tell mom about but I'm pretty happy with it. Cleans for reps at that weight felt much improved. Bar nicely popped and I was getting under it pretty good. Weak drive in the bottom is the major problem. MUs were ok. Mostly 3s and 2s.
cleans at 105# banded muscle ups (was going to do pu/dip sub but got a rip on my first set)
15:50 cleans felt solid and easy, good consistent pace throughout. band muscle ups hard.. bah. probably rested too much I think.. felt a little dizzy, haven't eaten in a few hours because I was studying and coaching.
All squat cleans unbroken and fast. First 12 took 40 seconds. Rings hung 6" above highest reach (thanks Joey). First 5 mu's unbroken, after that they went to hell in a handbasket. Jumping to rings is x3-5 times more difficilult than a nice false grip mu at grip height.
Words cant describe how frustrated I am with this workout and myself. Please lord help!
Happy with the SqCl. First round they were unbroken which was the goal. Should have rested longer and gone for UB sets for the next 2 rounds. Knee didn't feel great in warm up but held up for the wod.
Those were the hardest muscle ups I've ever done ... don't think I've ever paired them with cleans though so I think lots of hip drive was gone.
Reflection for those that have never jumped to rings. Post workout I worked on the MU's with rings you have to jump to. You can grab them in a false grip which is where I went wrong. Didn't think to try it during the workout or when I did, it wasn't deliberate enough so all my MU's were from a dead hang grip. Anyway, hopefully a big dawg will learn from my experience tonight. Raise your rings so you have to jump and jump into a false grip. :)
Actually felt pretty good. MU are definitely a weakness for me but think I figured out a few things mid WOD that made them a little easier.
Great week of programming Coach.
Gonna brag for a second...
Sam (aka Magnum PI) and I are going to Austin to fellow OPT follower Wes Kimball's Box (if you're ever in Austin - CrossFit Austin) to lift with Chad Vaughan, 2x Olympian, 5x National Champion, and American Record Holder, to work on our olympic lifts. Really excited to work on these lifts. If we get any helpful tips or drills we will be sure to share them. Have a great weekend Dawgs.
* 135# squat cleans. Did 1 muscle-up, took about 10-15 tries getting second, couldn't get it. By the time I knew it, it was over 6mins. Lowered the straps of rings, continued the rest of the wod with jumping muscle ups, started with a false grip, arms overhead, elbows slightly bent.
Was pulling wrenches in boiler rooms all day, SWASS!
1st set of cleans UB, next 2 sets were broke which dissapoints me a bit. MU's were done in sets of 3. Failed once in set of 9. And the last MU I failed like 4 times and had to rest forever to get it.
I will now always have my rings so I need to jump to them. Go ahead and at 10-15 min to my time cause I'm sure thats where I'd be if I had to jump to the rings.
Cleans: 12; 3-3-3; 3-2-1 MU: 4-2-1s from there on out
Rushing by the gym on my way to work, no warm up, done in jeans. Oddly, Denim does not "breathe", continued sweating through entire briefing at beginning of my shift
this wod lks awesome... hopefully I can attack it 2morrow
today's wod
500m row
30 24" BJ
25 Back Ext
20 DL 205
all unbroken... 50m bw rower and other exercises
7 min rest
5 sets
bench press - 225(3)/ 275(3)/ 285(3)/ 285(2)/ 285(1)
muscle ups - 5 sets of 3...
60 sec rest bw sets
Substitution for Muscle Ups call for 4 chin ups, 4 bar dips...are chin up reverse grip? ...just started following the blog...I think I can do the 155lb squat clean, but it will definitely be broken, should I go lighter or just stick with that as well?
Holy crap Unit, how many times do you have to beat the Fittest Man on Earth in those main site workouts before we have to strip him of his title?
Amazing work man.
I've got an idea for a workout that goes with the functional work we've been doing and building towards lately:
AMRAP in 8 Hours: Log splitters (movement consists of hitting a log with an axe until it splits)
This would workout great with the 15+ chords of wood I am currently chaining in my backyard. Also, Edmonton area Dawgs are welcome to come out to my facility (read: house) for free for this workout, because I am so generous.
James...I've spent the entire week relaxing and recovering from my hernia surgery. I've been going crazy not being able to workout. But, I WAS able to work on something to show you my appreciation for all that you do. So here it is:
"ODE to OPT"
Thanks James!
Brian you are a regular Bill Shakespeare.
Poly, I've got a dull axe in the garage to increase the workouts intensity.
Can't wait for tommorows, missed the transition days due to ball, and I'm eating bees for this phase to start.
@Markus -
When James posts chins, he means pull-ups. If he wants reverse grip, he specifies "supinated grip." Welcome and hope this helps.
Thanks Brandon...appreciate it bro, moving to Kelowna, BC in about 3 weeks, definitely wanna make a road trip to Calgary to see OPT and of course the Stampede
OMG Unit, they should post your time!
Looking forward for videotajm when I come home from work Brian!
Btw, really interesting to read what people ate in yesterdays post!
Brian - very funny! There is a career
Unit, what do you eat! no sorry, who do you eat. This workout was pretty good -
todays WOD:
Felt really good, unbroken cleans, but the usual drama of MU, but got through them all. The cleans leave you a little flat!!!
Anyon want to predict Units time on this one?? I am guessing 4 minute!!!
This wod might take me an hour to do but I'm going to attack it like a mofo!
First early morning workout in a long time. My body had no interest in muscle-ups and 105 is close to my 1RM. I scaled to 95 and jumping muscle-ups. I was having issues with the dip portion today.
Yep, I could have gone faster, but in the moment, I felt I was at capacity.
as RX'd 9:23
40m btw barbell and rings. spent more time than expected on squat cleans.
mandy : 15:18
65lb cleans and pull-ups and ring dips.
My bro is a poet and didn't even know it, great job on the ode bro. Unit, your post got my fire burning early this morning, Thanks and good job!
All movements felt good
Did my own thing today. Fired up that I couldnt get 170lbs on 2RM Snatch for OPT 3 so went back into today and got it. Also had the chance to work with an O Lift Coach, who was able to pick out some things that I had not even thought about. Good news is that I know what they are now, bad news is now I have more to work on.
A. Build to Hvy3 DL 315/335/355
B. Snatch 4 sets of 2 155/170f2/170f2/170 PR
C1. Snatch Balance 3 sets of 4 135/145/155
C2. GH Raises 3x10
C3. KBS light 52 lbs
D. Jump switch lunges 30 sec amrap x3 37/38/37
E. Side Bridge 90 sec/side 30 sec rest x2 UB for all
Paul Klein-If you're still looking for an Airdyne, theres one in Woodstock, GA for sale for $20. Pretty sure the computer doesnt work but it may be worth the 5 hour drive. Its listed on Craigslist Atlanta.
struggled through multiple muscle ups, failed a few, squat clean was easy, just took forever on the muscle-ups....
Missed posting WOD yesterday:
A: 75/95/105 - not sure this was "80% effort, but close I think.
B. 1.5pd all sets. 3-2-1/3-1/2
C. 3:55 - concentrating on Pose due to a recurrence of shin splint issue lately.
HPC/CTB/Row (modified):
A. HPC as rx'd: 95/115/135
B: CTB: sub kipping.
C: Row: modified to 5 rds of row 500m @1:48 pace. 500m recovery @2:35. 1:48.2/147.3/148.1/147.6/146.4
Set 1 - 75% of 90% of 1RM x 5 - 230lbs
Set 2 - 85% of 90% of 1RM x 3 - 265lbs
Set 3 - 95% of 90% of 1RM x 1+ - 295lbs... 7 reps
Front Squat 3RM - 250lbs
Snatch 2RM - 195lbs
1 Attempt Max Chinups - 35 reps
Thanks Bear, and Martin for the camera recommendations the other day.
125lbs Squat clean. No bumper plates and had to lightly place weight on ground because coffee shop downstairs.
No rings for muscle ups. Did them on a chin up bar. Coach are these easier?
Anyways lots of stares in the globo gym.
Got to watch Unit burn through the .com WOD yesterday, it was incredible!... He's like a machine!... Great job, Unit!...
Squat cleans: 9,4,2; 6,3; 6
MU: all singles, just tried to minimize rest. One miss at the end trying to go sub-7.
MU felt heavier, slower than usual. Squat cleans felt fine, just jacked up my heart rate big time.
Coach, here is the link you asked for to check what might be causing my hand destruction on pull-ups. At the beginning, I just show how I grip the bar.
Thanks for checking that out.
Missed Tue. and Wed. workouts decided just to pick up today instead of being behind.
8:56 as rx'd
1st and 3rd set of Squat Cleans UB but broke the 2nd set at 5th rep.
1st set of MU were done in triples, last 2 sets pretty much all singles. Couldn't keep false grip well enough to do multiples on these sets.
17:05 (Squat cleans @ 132#)
This was definitely heavy enough for me. Front squat portion was by far the most limiting part. All squat clean reps were singles, but made sure I had proper setup on each rep.
I was really pumped to do this workout until half way through the first set of cleans. After that I was like "WTF".
13:37 as Rx'd
Tried to keep the rest short between cleans but it seemed to get longer and longer.
MU's were ok and in groups of 3's and 4's. I tried to stay at about 80% on these. Breaks were just long enough to re-chalk.
Playing around with my post WOD fuel. Tried 50 grams of maltodextrin mixed with 50 grams protein.
16:17**not rx'd
Scaled squat cleans to 135 as I'm still trying to ease back in with my back injury. Tried to focus on good technique and minimize slop. Felt really good. Hoping to be back to 100% very soon.
Muscle-ups took forever, as expected. My previous high in a workout was the 22 in the Regional WOD I DNF'd.
Also added three on the end of today to get to 30 because just completing the 30 MUs for time WOD was a 2010 goal of mine. I'm hoping next time I can crush the 18:28 time I got today on that given that I won't have 27 squat cleans in the middle.
Whoops, for first set of squat cleans meant to say 6,4,2.
Did it Rx'd, definitely wasn't looking for extra credit on those cleans.
15:50 rxd
Everything was singles in the interest of efficiency; only 1 miss on a squat clean. If I'm going to get faster times, I need to commit to stringing multiples together.
This broke me off big time. I'm feeling weak today. SC's went 6/6, 3/3/3 and 3/3. MU's went 6/6,3/3/3 and 4/1/1. Took me about twice as long as I initially expected, MU's weren't a major factor, I was at my lactic threshold from the cleans big time. Also- I assumed we were supposed to return the bar to the ground after every rep otherwise it would be a HSC?
Resting today. Decided to follow one day behind starting tomorrow (instead of one week). Harder to plan for WODs but it will keep me caught up for competitions.
Today's WOD
time - 8:53
Everything felt pretty good, legs were a little tired (doing some endurance stuff yesterday). Muscle ups were okay, did sets of 3 for almost all.
All of the food yesterday was interesting, we should do that again, it made me hungry and gave me some ideas.
I'm away for the weekend, but will see if I can do whatever is posted.
cannot wait to do a WOD with MU's howeverrr after the dips and CTB my arms are shot i was unable to get into that deep dip so i did a hang/jump muscle up. Still got into a deep dip and just pushed through each one ...gatta get stronger sometime so this took me FOREVER and it was very painfullll!! not sure how i got up towards the end, i was pissed so that had something to do with it!
squat cleans were very easy!
135# cleans and jumping muscle ups w/ rings 6" above head. Shoulder felt pretty good on MUs but the squat cleans killed me aerobically (always do).
Post wod icing shoulder and rolling on lax ball.
185 power cleans, mu's
Can't hit a full depth clean just yet (SI dysfunction)
113degF in the gym
unbroken mu's the first set, by 2's and 3's after that, singles on the PC
Rx'd 12:20.
Had to do this one in a veritable sweat box today. 100 degrees of nastiness. Started to get light-headed on the first set of squat cleans which never happens.
12:29 min
(ca times 1st round 3, 2nd 5, 3rd 4.5)
Pretty easy cleans, but hard muscle ups (after round 1). Tried to hold myself back but got stuck at the MUs as expected, but this time I had most trouble in the dip-part, never happened, usually the transition. So I have to add that to the MU-discussion the other day. 2 failed MUs in the end which cost me the sub 12 which I was hoping for.
Got some support during the wod, thanks Astrid:
Felt ok. Conditioning is down. First time doing cleans in a workout in a couple of months and im still a little gun shy about my wrist and knee, but they both felt good. Had to use steel plates on concrete, so dropping was a no no.
24:07 as RX
I know my time is not sexy by any means but it's pretty good for me. My previous PR for 30 MU's was like 30 minutes so this is pretty cool. Feel better about this movement, can only get better. Squat cleans were really easy, just got a little tired on MU's.
All MU broken. Tried a pacing/breathing strategy that worked well on the cleans. Overall, I'm happy and know that as I get better linking MUs together I can go much faster.
Stahl, that's wicked fast man! I thought I did good.
21:26 Rx
This was the first time I completed a WOD with MU's. I wasn't able to string consecutive ones until about 6 weeks ago. Did 5 straight in 1st rd (PR) then it was 2-3 at a time.
The squat cleans at 155# felt a bit heavier than I thought they would. Fun workout though!
Cleans were consistent, quick, and felt strong. My muscle ups were not the same. I was able to complete my first round of 12 cleans and muscle ups within 3 minutes. The second round I got stuck on 6 muscle ups. Third round stuck on 4.
Began taking ZMA last night and felt like I finally had a good nights sleep. I felt recovered and it showed with the cleans.
Been super busy week, getting married to my princess tomorrow!
Mum,Dad,Sis and bro in from OZ bringing the old Aussie laidback attitude with em, great to have em here.
Been doing Dawgs along with some extra( Fran on bachelors 2.48 pr)and big session on the turps after, as you do....
Loved the T-Drill and ball throws, love the lateral work, more of it please. Rotation work would be gold also.
Hit up
wed which smoked my lats/chest.
Crawled through todays wod using MU as technique.
Will be hitting up wod at 6am tomorrow before diving in and back on 100% next week.
12:47 Rx
I was around 7:30 min when I started my last set of Muscle Ups and for some reason I couldn't transition over the top. It was frustrating as hell.
Besides the last set of MUs I felt great. My first round of MUs was 9 and 3 and my second round was 3-2-1. The third was 2-2-1-1 with 4 or 5 failed reps between 4 and 6.
Hang power clean: 165#, 175#, 185#
C2B pullups: all unbroken, all butterfly
100m rows: 17.1, 16.9, 16.7, 17.0, 16.8
Rest tomorrow. Today's WOD Sunday. Looking forward to it. Have a good weekend all.
cleans took most time and were hard.
got my ghd delivered and assembled yesterday so no more rigging the roman chair against the wall for raises. I'm sure I'll have to adjust on both raises and situps...that thing is TALL.
11:57 rx'd. MU's felt good today.
Interesting perspective from Dr. Eades, his blog is great.
Today's Wod
missed about 5 MUs. gettin there
10:25 as Rx'ed.
Notes: 47/179. Played soccer outside for an hour. Only fuel for day was one can of tuna in oil, 2 apples and about a cup and a half of almond/carob chips/walnut/dried cranberry mix. Energy felt ok.
11:18 Rx
5th day on...should have rested yesterday, but I wasn't using my head.
Congrats on getting married tomorrow, and way to smash Fran buddy!
11:23 Subbed high jumping muscle ups at the 17th rep of muscle ups.
This is the first WOD I had to scale in a long time, but I'm still pretty stoked by the time.
Had to sub jumping muscle ups...elbow still tweaked from a bad snatch on kills in the transition and bottom of the dip.
Busy day
9:57, everything after first round felt heavy
Unit, insane like always
Brian, hilarious!
Substitution MU for Pull Ups and dips ...which is fine because my dips needs work.
Time : 24:23...
Squat Clean is BY FAR my worst lift...any lift that includes full squats. Considering my 1RM for FS is 120#, the 105# was VERY challenging for me.
12:24 rx'd
Hell yes. Took me just under 15 minutes last time I did 30 MUs for time (early June).
Getting better everyday...
BIG BIG breakthrough for me today. Did not think I was capable of doing the WOD as I have been struggling with MU's for 6+ months, and before that I could never string together more than 2. 5 in a day was a good day. Spent a LONG time warming up and doing deep ring dips and decided to spend 10 mins on MU practice. First one felt great, second on better, before I knew it I had done 30 in under 10 mins. I don't think I have done 30 MU in my life before today. Don't know what happened, but I am fired up right now.
*So here's my question: Shoulder pain has always been a limiting factor for MU's, and it felt great today and I don't want to lose the momentum. Is it safe to keep spending a few mins everyday doing it, or should I go every Second Day, should I walk away and wait for the next WOD with it? Obviously how my shoulder feels is the deciding factor, but at what point is it too much?
Muscle-ups desperately need work.
* MUs 6" above reach, tried to link them up without the false grip but didnt go too well, failed on 3 reps- need to be able to push harder on MUs- too much rest
Are sandbags on the list of new equipment?
I usually workout in the am, but went after work today...Was exhausted going into this work out, felt better after warming up.
*cleans felt light and smooth did singles the whole way not major stops
*muscles were good went 6/6,5/4,3/2/1
This rocked me...did it in a global gym...after 6 months out of crossfit, sub out 135lb for 155lb squat clean (broken), and 4 pull ups and 4 bar dips for each muscle up...finished in 26:05 ...killer though
Happy with this most muscle ups I've done in one workout. All were singles but none were failed reps will get faster as i link them together I hope.
Fired up about this workout. This is the first time that I've ever been able to do a workout with muscle ups as prescribed (up to this point have always done jumping muscle ups/pullups-dips substitution). Thank you OPT!
All squat cleans unbroken
Muscle ups done as singles
I have been eating crappy this last week and I could feel it today.
MUs are the big weakness for me in this wod.
Time: 20:17 as R'xed
Squat cleans easy, the MU killed me multiple misses starting round 2. But on the bright side this was my first WOD that I didn't have to sub pull ups/dips for MU's.
Very slow today. Low bar to hang rings on, no kip. Sore lower back. Used 135lbs
**Felt pretty good - took me about a minute to finish last 3 muscle ups - hit a wall.**
Nothing to tell mom about but I'm pretty happy with it. Cleans for reps at that weight felt much improved. Bar nicely popped and I was getting under it pretty good. Weak drive in the bottom is the major problem. MUs were ok. Mostly 3s and 2s.
cleans at 105#
banded muscle ups (was going to do pu/dip sub but got a rip on my first set)
cleans felt solid and easy, good consistent pace throughout. band muscle ups hard.. bah. probably rested too much I think.. felt a little dizzy, haven't eaten in a few hours because I was studying and coaching.
Had to sub pullups and ring dips, can't do MU's at the station.
I can't get over how studly the people doing OPT are. I have a long way to go.
First time back on rings in 3 months. MU broke down. Cleans went better than expected.
Full cleans hurting ankle so went with this oly/gymnastics couplet.
7 rounds
3 power clean (205)
4 ring hspu
Time: doesn't matter.
All squat cleans unbroken and fast. First 12 took 40 seconds. Rings hung 6" above highest reach (thanks Joey). First 5 mu's unbroken, after that they went to hell in a handbasket. Jumping to rings is x3-5 times more difficilult than a nice false grip mu at grip height.
Words cant describe how frustrated I am with this workout and myself. Please lord help!
Wanted under 10:00. But ok with this.
Happy with the SqCl. First round they were unbroken which was the goal. Should have rested longer and gone for UB sets for the next 2 rounds. Knee didn't feel great in warm up but held up for the wod.
Those were the hardest muscle ups I've ever done ... don't think I've ever paired them with cleans though so I think lots of hip drive was gone.
Did Cleans-ctb chin ups-Row today
Cleans: 205, 215, 220
Chin ups: Unbroken all
Rows: 18, 18, 17
Then AMRAP in 7 minutes:
5 HSPU on 2' plates
10 ctb pull ups
15 unanchored sit ups
4 rounds + 5 hspu + 3 pull ups
Rest tomorrow (Heavy bag work) then todays wod sunday.
Also on the food thing. Yesterday:
2 bowls special K protein plus cereal
3 eggs
1 cobb salad wrap
1 fruit smoothie
1 large pepperoni pizza
half gallon of milk
missed 7 along the way... I want this one again... def need more mu work... squat cleans unbroken...
Reflection for those that have never jumped to rings. Post workout I worked on the MU's with rings you have to jump to. You can grab them in a false grip which is where I went wrong. Didn't think to try it during the workout or when I did, it wasn't deliberate enough so all my MU's were from a dead hang grip. Anyway, hopefully a big dawg will learn from my experience tonight. Raise your rings so you have to jump and jump into a false grip. :)
15:57 rx'd
Squat Cleans all singles
Muscle Ups 6x2 / 2,1,2,1,2,1 / 2,2,1,1
Actually felt pretty good. MU are definitely a weakness for me but think I figured out a few things mid WOD that made them a little easier.
Great week of programming Coach.
Gonna brag for a second...
Sam (aka Magnum PI) and I are going to Austin to fellow OPT follower Wes Kimball's Box (if you're ever in Austin - CrossFit Austin) to lift with Chad Vaughan, 2x Olympian, 5x National Champion, and American Record Holder, to work on our olympic lifts. Really excited to work on these lifts. If we get any helpful tips or drills we will be sure to share them. Have a great weekend Dawgs.
* 135# squat cleans. Did 1 muscle-up, took about 10-15 tries getting second, couldn't get it. By the time I knew it, it was over 6mins. Lowered the straps of rings, continued the rest of the wod with jumping muscle ups, started with a false grip, arms overhead, elbows slightly bent.
Firstly I do not have Muscle ups or solid ring dips. My box did the Crossfit Football workout "Izzie"
Power Cleans 185/115
Ring Dips
6:23 with the purple band for the ring dips
Was pulling wrenches in boiler rooms all day, SWASS!
1st set of cleans UB, next 2 sets were broke which dissapoints me a bit. MU's were done in sets of 3. Failed once in set of 9. And the last MU I failed like 4 times and had to rest forever to get it.
Great wod.
That murdered me. A very humbling muscle up experience.
Brent and Joey,
I will now always have my rings so I need to jump to them. Go ahead and at 10-15 min to my time cause I'm sure thats where I'd be if I had to jump to the rings.
"Masters Scaled" to 80% (125 lbs)
A lot of fast times, good work party people!
Brian, funny and all poets should have the no shirt look! :D
Joey and Brian, was it just me or was there a box just to side of the rings in Joeys video, but maybe it was on purpose to jump up to the rings! :)
Sorry...Joey and BRENT! :)
10:59 as Rx'd
Cleans: 12; 3-3-3; 3-2-1
MU: 4-2-1s from there on out
Rushing by the gym on my way to work, no warm up, done in jeans. Oddly, Denim does not "breathe", continued sweating through entire briefing at beginning of my shift
As RX'D 24:13
MU's were singles. Wrists split open on 4 of 9.
Squat Clean 75#'s (could have gone up a little)
Subbed Ring Rows for Muscle Ups due to shoulder issues
Did this Friday:
PC as rx'd
5 pull-ups/5 dips per muscle-up
Pull-ups became a challenge
Late Post.
Wound up doing a friends wod which was similar:
Max squat clean and jerks 155# in 60 sec; Rest 60 sec x 3 sets
Worked on thumbs out muscle ups and I finally got them - strung 3-4 together pretty easily.
13:15 as rx'd, first wod I was able to do muscle ups as rx'd on rings. Typically done on bar.
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