are you truly aware? if not, even realizing that you are not is the first step and an immediate graduation to controlling the very thing you are searching for or running from...if you are aware, there are many more paths to even higher being the 1st place to start.
today's WOD - lonely M - for time:
1K Row,100 double unders,750m row, 75 double unders, 500 m row, 50 double unders, 250 m row, 25 double unders - 15:03, done at cabin, it was HOT, sweat more than i have in a long now for 7 straight days, first time in week will be a great training week up here, always is...
Aware of what?
Myself? Reality?
Something else?
russ, basically everything that is happening to and around you...for example...if i was to post a thought about something that was disconcerning to you...and you felt something inside of you...the awareness that i am speaking of in this instance is of your emotions and how you are feeling...and furthermore as i was saying when a person becomes more "aware" of these examples, they slowly begin to lose the attachment to the feeling that might be hurting them or holding them back..
it is a broad concept i know but too many get attached to certain "positions" and ideas and are not AWARE of themselves/reality...etc...
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