tues, aug 31, 2010

 OPT Catalyst Training Video Week 2

part 1:
A. Power Clean + Mid Hang Clean; 1.1 x 5 @ 70%; rest 2 min
(% of higher max, clean or power clean)
B. 2 Jerk Balance + 2 tall split jerk; 2.2 x 5; rest 2 min
(light work - work perfect positions)
C. Push Press + Power Jerk + Split Jerk; 1.1.1 x 4; rest 2 min
(build up to a heaviest possible PP; when fail on PP, try to make PJ and SJ)

rest 6+ hours

part 2:
5 sets for run times:
10 burpees AFAP
25 unbroken chin ups
Run 400 m @ 90%
rest 3 min b/t sets (time runs only)

post loads and run times to comments

mon, aug 30, 2010

part 1:
A. Halting Snatch Dead Lift @ 1123; 3 x 3: rest 2 min
(add weight from last week)
B. Snatch 68%  -1 x 4, 73% - 1 x 4; 78% - 1 x 4; rest 1 min
(first 12 reps on the minute; if succesful here take up weight AHAP off the clock)
C. Snatch Pull; 3 sets x 5 reps; rest 3 min
(add weight from last week)
D. Back Squat @ 21X0; 80%; 4 x 4; rest 2 min

part 2:
5 sets for times:
Row 800 m @ 95%
rest same time as work time; goal is same pace per set, if you get to a critical drop off while "trying" to hold same pace, stop and call it

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"Patience is the ability to count down before you blast off"

sat, aug 28, 2010

Man consists in what he thinks and what he loves and there is nothing else in man. If these two grand parts of man, the will and the understanding, be separated it means insanity, disorder, death.

From the rack, build to a max jerk in 12 min
Rest 3 min
21,15,9 rep rounds for time:
CTB Chin Ups
Burpees to object 12" above max reach
Rest 6 min
Run 800 m x 1

post high load and times to comments
rest on Sunday

fri, aug 27, 2010

A. 2 Mid-hang muscle snatch + 2 snatch balance; 2.2 x 5; rest 2 min
(weight by feel - perfect MS w max elbow height before turnover, no elbow drop, max hip and knee extension before arms engage; sn bal, punch elbows and hit perfect shoulder blade position)
B. Power snatch + mid-hang snatch; 1.1 x 5 @ 65%; rest 90 sec
(% of higher max (snatch or power snatch))
C. 3 snatch push press + 3 OHS; 3.3 x 4; rest 2 min
(2 sec hold top of each press; 2 sec hold in bottom of each OHS; focus on complete scapular retraction and upward rotation, head through, bar over back of neck; relax hands, let wrists settle in)

7 sets:
Row 90 sec @ 95%
Rest 10 sec
35 double unders
rest 2 min

thurs, aug 26, 2010

A. Halting clean deadlift (3 sec pause at top) + finish @ 1123; 3 x 3; rest 90 sec
(perfect posture; shoulders must stay slightly over the bar during pause. After pause, extend completely slowly, use glutes to slightly hyperextend hips, lean back on heels as much as possible)
B. Clean & jerk - 65%x1x5; 70%x1x5; 75%x1x5: 15 sets x 1 rep and more at end; 1 min b/t sets
(Start at 65% for 5 singles; then 70% for 5 singles; then 75% for 5 singles; these first 15 reps on the minute; If all successful, take up singles gradually AHAP for day off the clock; keep taking up clean or jerk if one fails well before the other)
C. Clean pull; 3 x 5 reps; rest 90 sec
(weight by feel - must have perfect posture (chest up, back arched!) in first pull and speed at the top; should be 90% of clean +)
D. Front squat @ 10X0; 5 x 3 reps @ 80%; rest 2 min

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tues, aug 24, 2010

A. Power clean + mid-hang clean; 1.1 x 5; rest 2 min – 65%
B. 2 Jerk balance + 2 tall split jerk; 2.2 x 5; rest 2 min
(light - work perfect positions)
C. Push press + power jerk + split jerk; 1.1.1 x 4-5; rest 3 min
(Build up to heaviest possible PP; when fail on PP, try to make PJ and SJ; try to do about 4-5 good work sets)

5 sets for run times:
10 burpees AFAP
20 unbroken chin ups
Run 400 m @ 90%
Rest 3:30 b/t sets; (time runs only)

post loads, notes and times to comments

mon, aug 23, 2010

Katy Josephs - OPT client since 2006 - newest Team Canada member...congrats on a dream finally realized

A. Halting snatch Deadlift (3 sec pause at top) + finish @ 1123; 3 x 3; rest 90 sec
(perfect posture; shoulders must stay slightly over the bar during pause. After pause, extend completely slowly, use glutes to slightly hyperextend hips, lean back on heels as much as possible)
B. Snatch - 65%x1x5 sets; 70%x1x5 sets; 75%x1x5 sets: 15 sets x 1 rep and more at end; 1 min b/t sets
(Start at 65% for 5 singles; then 70% for 5 singles; then 75% for 5 singles; these first 15 reps on the minute; If all successful, take up singles gradually AHAP for day, off the clock)
C. Snatch pull; 3 x 5 reps; rest 90 sec
(weight by feel - must have perfect posture (chest up, back arched!) in first pull and speed at the top; should be 90% of snatch +)
D. Back Squat @ 22X0; 4 x 5 reps; rest 2 min – 75%

post loads and notes to comments 
double on Tuesday

Reminder to register online for competition HERE
$5 is cost - all proceeds go to Big Dawg Dish

Sat, Aug 21, 2010

OPT CCP Nutrition Level 1 in session...

"I can testify for myself that also in Leipsic I practised my father’s maxim never to be a passive listener or learner. But here I did not quite forget to procure, by physical exercise and fresh air, that bodily energy and vigour which alone enable the body to stand successfully the strain of continued mental exertion." (Haehl, vol. I, p. 11)

Fri, Aug 20, 2010


"300 FY"

Why is it called “300 FY”? First, FY means fuck you. And it’s named so because there are a bunch of videos on YouTube showing so called “Spartan training” or “a variation on the 300 Spartan workout”. Some were funny (the one using Thera-Bands made me spit coffee on the keyboard). Another made me wonder if its protagonist preferred what he was doing to working out. But most of the videos made me genuinely sad because they show the margin by which most people have missed the point – and I honestly wish they hadn’t. “300 FY” is simple, and there’s no way to cheat it or modify it. Some AirDynes may be more efficient than others but not too different. How do you do the workout? Saddle up, set the countdown timer for ten minutes, come out of the gate hard, and hold on. If you finish with 300 or more you have done the workout. If you finish with 299 calories you have not done it. No scaling, no changes. It cannot be dragged down to a more easily attainable level. Do what is written: just like the original “300” workout, which was composed as a one-time test, and taken without rehearsal or practice. Gym Jones

post cals to comments
rest up Saturday and Sunday and over the weekend get yourself rehearsed on these movements

thurs, aug 19, 2010

Schedule for coming weeks:
Wed/Sun off; 1 tester session on Saturday per week
week 1 - doubles on Tues/Fri
week 2 - doubles on Tues/Thurs/Fri
week 3 - doubles on Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri
week 4 - doubles on Mon/Thurs
comp on Sep 25th

Reminder to register online for competition HERE
$5 is cost - all proceeds go to Big Dawg Dish

For time:
15 chin ups
Row 250 m
10 burpees
Row 250 m
15 chin ups
Row 250 m
10 burpees

post time to comments

PWO fuelling:
25-35g P
10-15g C
Meal 60 min later:
PFC meal

wed, aug 18, 2010

Congrats to a 2009/2010 Dawg Emilie PB and her squad - flag football world champions!

"The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will,
and the other from a strong won't. "

Dead Lift - 10 sets of 1; rest 90 sec
(total score is total weight lifted in all sets combined)

post score to comments
3 on for this last split; then 2 days off then on an increasing plan till mid Sept
Greg Everett will be teaming up with the Big Dawgs and working on some weaknesses for some programming over the next while

Tues, Aug 17, 2010

Big Dawg Dish Update!

A huge thank you to those who were able to put some food into the Big Dawg Dish over the past little while.
3 athletes will now benefit from the Big Dawg community over the next few months thanks to you.
Our very own "Unit" - Garry Martin will participate in "the survival of the fittest" next weekend along side some other dawgs Michael and Paul Smith.
2 other original dawgs DJ Wickham and Nathan Holiday will also get the chance to show their stuff at the 2010 CF/USAW Weight Lifting Open in Colorado alongside OPT CCP coaches and clients Colin Jenkins and Wes Kimball.
These guys with a little support from the Dish were able to see this happen, so from me and them a huge THANKS!
Onward and upward...

Monday, Aug 16, 2010

A. 30 sec amrap/60 sec rest - db push press - 35#/22#/h - 5 sets
rest 30 sec
B. As many sets of 15 unbroken CTB chin ups in 10 min
rest 30 sec
C. Run 3K for time

post scores to comments
(total reps + total sets + total time)
this is workout 9/12, 3 more to go before next phase

sun, aug 15, 2010

Take a quick look at the front picture on the blog. It speaks a thousand words.  You'll see athletes coaching other athletes.
Big Dawg competitions have traditionally been and will maintain its goal of being a gathering place for folks to compete together or online against one another based on prescribed fitness workouts.
They have been and will continue to be built so that anyone can do them anywhere with the basics. Only expectations are honesty in movement standards and a willingness to help other athletes. For live events the gathering has traditionally been judged by other competitors - i.e. counting reps, watching movements, etc...to keep the camaraderie high. We only expect full effort.

Look for other locations in the upcoming weeks that will be hosting the live events as it will give others a chance to compete within a group setting and have some fun with other Dawgs. If you're interested in hosting a comp contact Leighanne @ optadmin@optimumtraining.ca.
The scoring will be as elaborate as posting your times and scores on the blog and we'll go from there

As many rounds in 20 minutes:
2 Power Clean - 185#/135#
2 Squat Clean - 185#/135#
7 muscle ups
15 cals on AirDyne

post rounds and fractions of rounds to comments
(use row cals for AirDyne if no machine available; or run 200 m)

sat, aug 14, 2010

here is our next recommended piece of equipment, prefer slightly alive in set/rep scenarios to come...

A. Squat Snatch - 5,5,5,5,5; rest 3 min
B. 1-10 HSPU Ladder for time
C. 10 sets of 30 unbroken double unders for time

post scores to comments

thurs, aug 12, 2010

For times:
Run 1K
rest 4 min
Run 1K

post times to comments

wed, aug 11, 2010

for reps:
Tabata Pistols
(alernate per set - 4 sets/leg)
rest 10 sec
for sets:
As many sets of 10 unbroken CTB chin ups in 5 min
rest 10 sec
for time:
75 reps - 36"/30" box jump

score like this - total pistols + total sets + total time
(i.e. 64+18+3:55)
post score to comments

tues, aug 10, 2010

A1. Power Clean - 5 touch and go reps heavy; rest 10 sec
A2. Russian KBS - 15 reps heavy; rest 10 sec
A3. Bench Press - amrap @ 135#/95#; rest 3 min
7 sets; weight must increase per set on A1

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sun, aug 8, 2010

5 rounds for time:
25 unbroken wall balls - 20/14# to 10ft
10 unbroken CTB chin ups

post time to comments
rest on Monday

sat, aug 7, 2010

Karen Twamley - OPT client - 66 years young; conquers this one 2x/week

"What you have to do and the way you have to do it is incredibly simple.
Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter."

A. Split Jerk from rack - 1,1,1,1,1,1,1; rest 4 min
(after completing your last set of 1 for the split jerk, immediately turn a timer on for 3 minutes and perform as many burpees as you can; jump to touch an object 12" above max reach at top)

post score to comments
(score = highest lift in kg in split jerk + total burpee reps in 3 minutes; if you fail to complete last set of 1, your score is the total of burpees you completed in 3 minutes)

Friday, August 6th, 2010

 glycemic index

12,9,6 rep rounds for time:
Squat Clean - 155#/105#
Muscle Ups

post time to comments

If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over? 
John Wooden

food data

listen to the underlying message from this legendary coach, there are some nuggets in there

Please post your food choices from yesterday like this;
1. 5 eggs, coconut oil, 1 orange
2. 2 oz ostrich jerky, 1 revive bar
3. 500ml goats milk, 35 g whey
4. 4 oz chicken, spinach salad base, oil
5. 2 almond cinammon muffins
6. tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella, kale, few oz duck
7. 3 pieces dark chocolate

I'd really appreciate it if you can take the time to do it; should you wish to participate please post like this with foods only, amounts do not matter.
READ THIS: do not post comments next to foods (i.e. "i was tired so i thought..." or "i know this is not the best but..." or "geez, looking at this i can see..."), there'll be time for that on another date, thank you!

wed, aug 4, 2010

not sure what is funnier, the pockets where my brain is trying to come through my face or the fact that DJ is laughing at me hold this up with a few rear joints on my vertebrae; another possible recommendation - a heavy rock from the woods that takes you over 5 sec to get it to shoulder height

A. 3 position Hang Power Clean; high, mid thigh, knee cap; 1.1.1 x 3; rest 2 min
(80% effort)
B. 10 CTB chin ups; rest 60 sec x 5
C. Row 100 m @ 100%; rest 90 sec x 3

post loads, notes and times in split seconds to comments
rest up, get ready

tues, aug 3, 2010

Amy - OPT member/client...maker of all good things like DVD's...as well as world traveler spreading the news

This week - Tues/Wed transition days, Thur off, then Friday onward on a 3 on 1 off specific cycle for 16 days - 12-16 workouts in that time - Aug 3-19; then 2 days off, then just over a month till the 1st comp.

A. OHS @ 3011; 3,3,3; rest 3 min
(keep @ 80% effort)
B. Dips @ 3011; 6,4,2; rest 3 min
C. Run 800 m @ 80% x 1

post loads and time to comments as well as how you are feeling competition wise right now; i.e. can you go tomorrow or are you gearing up for example; even if you are not competing, give some indication where you are

mon, aug 2, 2010

A weekend with OPT! from Björn Uddenfeldt on Vimeo.

Big Dawg Bear

Big Dawg Learnings from 2009/2010:
- phases need to be shorter, best stuff was seen when changes in intensity lasted 14 days as opposed to 21 days
- higher changes in waves needed for weekend comp stuff vs. weekday training up to weekend stuff...i.e. weekday training has to be only skill or CP stuff low volume if quality on weekends is high as well as specific
- when snatch is done 2x/week with varied program, snatch improves, when its done 1x/week it does not...changes to come
- tough to manage everyones peaks for different events at different dates, still working on this one...suggestions welcome
- most are too strong for their speed - i.e. power movements are too low relative to slower movements - will imploy more speed based tech work to see if this changes things
- place preparatory volume for weekend comps on weekends, and NOT in competition settings; it took to long for folks to recover from high volume weekend tests - we'll do the volume in training, not testing
- pre exercise technique work needs to be added as when they're "thrown" into workouts without playing with them purposefully, they slow the ability to "hit it" vs. learning as the workout goes
- lower body pulling and UB gym/LB squat and UB gym on and off is money for strength gains when sets/reps/rests are prescribed properly
- an increase in COVP chin up volume was seen when linear planning was done; and it is onnly maintained when there are subsequent testing workouts that involve some tests on them afterwards; if not, the volume is lost and DL's go down as well - lat involvement me thinks

New for 2010/2011:

- all competitions will have a small $5 fee, as all proceeds will go towards the Big Dawg Dish
- local Calgary Dawgs will be having Sunday competitions and workouts as a group Big Dawg style in various locales throughout the winter - e-mail Rob Sifton for more info on that; all proceeds at these small events ($5 entry) will go towards the dish
- all proceeds for the chat I'm having at the Black Box - CF NYC at the end of Sept will go towards the Big Dawg Dish
- I'd like to raise enough funds so that no one ever has to say that they cannot compete somewhere due to finances for sectional/regional/other events
- first Big Dawg comp will be Sat, Sept 25th; this will take place live in San Diego during the OPT CCP program design seminar as well as online world wide - we're also open to conversation right now about Canadian host cities for all of these dates and times to allow a place for folks to travel and compete - comments welcome on that
- the 2nd Big Dawg comp will be Sun, Nov 13th; this will take place live in Naples, Florida (host CF Redline) as well as online world wide
- the 3rd Big Dawg comp will be Sat, Jan 14th; this will take place live in San Diego; place and time TBA; as well as online worldwide
- the 1st annual Big Dawg Bash will take place in mid October 2011 in Kansas, more info to come - this is the real deal and will include speaking engagements by top level coaches of strength and conditioning, motivational speakers as well as some OPT CCP stuff for all dawgs...and of course some bad ass workouts over a 2-3 day period...plan your shit, mark the date!
- I'd like to see EVERYONE qualify who wishes to compete from the sectional to regional level next year, and in turn I want to see 10 dawgs at the Games next year...will do what it takes to make this happen
- I'm participating in all the dawg events this year as well as the Garage Games in Feb as well as others that come up; I miss competition, I had it once this past year b/c I was busy doing other things; I'm not done yet
- I have been working this year on developing a website for coaches, athletes, and athletes at heart as well as OPT CCP courses, 12 new supplements, a few businesses here in Calgary, online coaching/OPT coaching....and other things and have plans for an international centre for fitness testing and coaching that has been on the works for a few years now - a host place to compile data on the fittest humans out there and create training programs that plan their fitness journeys (all the newest scientific testing as well as diagnostics with my doc who'll finally be on hand with me to do this for all clients)

onward and upward!