A1. Hang Power Clean/Hang Squat Clean/Squat Clean - 1.1.1 x 5; rest 3 min
A2. Weighted Ring Dips @ 21X0; 3-4 x 5; rest 3 min
B1. Push Press @ 12X1; 2-3 x 5; rest 2 min
B2. CTB Chin Ups - 22 unbroken x 5; rest 2 min
A. Front Squat - 3,3,3; rest 5 min - 95%
3 sets:
Row 250 m @ 90%
35 double unders
rest 3 min
GHD Sit Ups; 15 x 5; rest 90 sec
post loads and notes to comments
single on tues/wed for 2010
singles all next week for 2011
Happy Birthday Mike! looking forward to catching up with you next weekend at the Games!
Happy BDay BrOPT!
Coach, I'm looking for some guidance in modifying 2011. I'm much faster than I am strong and have been trying to focus on strength vs quickness. Example, I can power clean 255 but my front squat 1rm is only 245. For today would it be appropriate to squat clean ALL of the reps, or am I better off just doing something different altogether. Thanks in advance.
Happy Birthday
A1: 70,75,80,85,90kg (failed 2 on HPC and once on SC)
A1: 20kg x 4 x 5
B1: 65,70,75,77,80 x 3
B2: 22,17+5,19+3,17+5,17+5
Just didn't have a good chin up day, sore hands.
Very happy with the weight on the A1, not happy with how it looked!
Happy Brithday Mike!
All the best to you and DJ for your training and the Games.
Happy B-Day BrOPT.
A1. 135, 155, 170, 175, 175
A2. 45, 55, 60, 70, 70 x4
B1. 135x3, 145x3, 145x2x3
B2. UB x2, then terribly broken.
Happy b-day, Mike, rip it up next weekend, bro!
A1. 185/195/205/215/225
A2. 40/40/45/45/55/ 55 is the heaviest db i had.
B2. all broken hands are very sore a tears everywhere on them
A1. 50, 55, 60, 65, 70kg (all x4)
A2. (parallel bar dips) 20, 25, 30, 35, 40# DB
B1. 50, 60, 60, 65, 70kg (x2 on last set)
B2. Unbroken for sets 2-5 (we'll just forget about that first one, who knows what happened there)
A1: 185,205,215,225,245
A2: 60,65,70,75,80 all x3
B1: 185,205,215,225,235 all x3
B2: UB,UB,UB,UB,21-1
Really pissed about last set of chin ups. Didn't pull hard enough on the last rep and chest didn't hit bar.
B2:scaled to 12 unbroken x5
A1: 185,195,205,215,225
A2: 45,55,75,90,110(2)
ran out of time so B1 and B2 later.
A1. 100/110/120 x2
A2. Parallel bars dip all BW * weak chest
B1. 95(3), 100(3), 103(3), 110(3), 115(3)
B2. 11Ub for all* done on split bars with palms facing. Much easier than straight bar but all I have. For past 4 weeks all pull-ups have been like this.
A1. 205/225x4 sets
A2. 50x3, 75x3, 90x3, 100x3, 105x3
B1. 205x3 x 4 sets, 225x3
B2. 3x22 UB, 2x22 broken:(
Clean complex felt pretty good, but heavy - first time going heavy on cleans in awhile.
Ring dips felt great, solid even at 100+ lbs.
Push press felt okay, but not too much pop in the legs today.
CTB's felt okay for first 2 sets, then got tough. Really hot and humid again today.
Happy Birthday, Michael!
A1. 135,145,155,175,175(PB for HPC)
A2. 25,25,35,35,45
B1. 135,135,135,145,155
B2. 10,12,10,10,8 UB
I didn't warm up enough today, tweaked my shoulder a bit on the HPC so I took it easy on the CTB CU's.
A1. HPC/HSC/Squat clean 1.1.1 x 5 / Rest 3 min
A2. Weighted dips 2X10 4-5 x 5 / Rest 3 min
B1. Push Press 2-3 X 5 / Rest 2 min
B2. UB C2B 22 x 5 / Rest 2 min
A1. 135, 145, 135, 135, 135
A2. 20# vest 4 x 5 / 1 x 4
B1. 3 x 5 @ 135 / 2 x 4 @ 145
B2. Broken mess, did jumping PU last set.
Would benefit greatly from some form work on cleans. I believe I'm much stronger than I'm performing.
Should have increased weight on ring dips.
Push press was done at incorrect rep scheme. Silver lining is I probably could have pressed 155 or 165 at the correct scheme. Good to know.
Pullups sucked. Hands were already hamburger from prior WODs this week.
A1: 135,145,150,155,165
A2: 20,25,30,35 x 3
B1: 135,135,145,145 x 3
B2: 22,22,20+2,20+2
A. 225/230/230
felt real good, back a little sore from deadlifts yesterday surprisingly
rows/DUs -1:20/1:11/1:17
GHD situps all UB
Happy Bday Mike, hope your bday wishes come true next weekend, looking forward to meeting you guys!
Pre - OHS, 175 x 1 rep
FSq 3's - 229/243/253 - easy
All rows were 1:31-1:33 avg.
DU's - all good.
GHD Sit-ups. Just focused on speed.
Thank-you to everyone for the birthday wishes. It is just another day doing what I do. Looking forward to next weekend to meet up with some dawgs again (and to meet some dawgs for the 1st time). Will definitely miss Geoff Aucoin screaming at me this year!
A1. 135,155,185,185
A2. 25,40,45,50 done with DB, pain in the ass.
B1. 145,155,165,185,185. had to clean weight first.
B2. 4 sets unbroken. 1 set of 15.
Happy Birthday, Michael!
FS X3, 155, 165, 175 (1RM is 195)
Row/DUs: 1:27, 1:37 (DU issues!), 1:31, 1:34, 1:31
GHD: UB, two hands to floor
Had to cut A and B to 4 sets apiece due to time
A1. 155, 175, 185, 195
A2. 53x4, 58x4, 63x4, 73x4
B1. 155x3, 165x3, 175x3, 185x3
B2. 16, 16, 16, 15
Notes: Probably could've gone 10lbs heavier for clean complex if I had the time. Dips weren't too difficult, should've started heavier on them. Push press went up pretty easy even without a belt on (compare to struggling bad for 190x3 last week). CTB pullups are finally starting to click, managed to hit 11 BFK on second set and 12 BFK on third set. Still limited by grip when it comes to trying 20+ unb CTBs.
A. 195-200-205(was maybe a little bit too conservative on these)
250m row/DUs
1:23/1:17/1:16(got tripped up on first set watching teammates come off rowers, sets 2 and 3 easily unbroken)
GHD sit-ups
all unbroken, was good fun racing with tania!
....people look at you funny when you wear your compression tights to the mall. FYI.
Happy Birthday Michael!
A1. 185/195/205/215/225(fx2 HPC)/205
A2. 16kgx4/24x4/32x4/40x3/48x3
B1. 185/195/205/215/225 allx2
B2. 9-13/11-11/11-11/8-14/9-13
Notes: Last set of dips felt something in the traps spasm and tighten up. Hurts pretty good and CTB was really tough. Did max rep CTB and finished with regular chins. Any reaching of the arm up or forward sends a shooting pain through neck and upper back. Not so happy right now.
July 4 wod for 2011
A. Split Jerk - 3,3,3,3,3; rest 5 min
B1. Push Press @ 12X1; 3-4 x 5; rest 2 min
B2. CTB Chin Ups - 20 unbroken x 5; rest 2 min
A. 185 all sets
B1. 135, 140, 150, 160, 170 x 4 reps all sets
B2. All unbroken
Notes: First wod back since July 2, 2011. Spent the week on the beach in Destin, Fl.
Will stay one week behind for logistics and planning reasons.
mack lar, email me
Happy Birthday Mike!
A1. 155,175,205,205,175
A2. 20# vest on high rings x 5 x 4
B1. 155,175,185,195(2),195
B2. 15,15,15,15,15
Scaled B2 as 15 was previous 1 set pr for unbroken CTB. Happy to get 5sets.
A1: 125, 125, 130, 135, 135
A2: 20, 25, 30, 35, 40
B1: 135, 140, 145, 150, 155
B2:14/8, 14/8, 14/8, 14/8, 14.7/1
May all your dreams come true next weekend mate, will be cheering for ya.
FS ; 295x3,310x3,310x1,295x3
Row -DU ; 1.26,
GHD: fast.
counting issues lately, thought first set was 285 and thought I would hit a solid 300 on second , realised error after 3rd set when I dropped bar in hole. Couldn't finish on that.
Front squats 185,195,205..3x on all
Row/double under's 1:29, 1:26, 1:21
only the last set of double under's were Unbroken
GHD all 5 unbroken
A1: 185,195,205,215,225
A2: 45,55,75,90,110(2)
ran out of time so B1 and B2 later.
B1: 155,165,175,185,195
B2: all broken(elbow tendon sore so easing back into these)
5min rest
3 sets: 250mrow/35 unb DU's
5min rest
2 X 400m sprints
2 X 200m sprints
4 X 100m sprints
1 mile cooldown
A1. 175, 185, 190, 190, 185
A2. 55lbs, 60, 65, 65, 60 Felt really good
B1. 155, 160, 165
B2. UBx3
Cut second triplet short unfortunately.
Can't wait for work to slow down in a few weeks so I can have adequate time for the workouts.
Happy Bday Mike, it was humbling competing against you at Regionals!
Happy Birthday BrOPT.
One week out from the games, I'm curious as to what your training has been like? How are you feeling about this coming weekend?
I am sorry but I am new to your site. Can you explain the difference between 2011 and 2010? Thanks! Frank
A1 hpc.hsc.sc: 185/205/225/235/245# - I should have tried 255#.
A2 WRings: 45/55/70/80/90(2)
B1 PPress: 185/185/205/205/215# - Need work driving with legs and keeping it close. Cleaned each set.
B2 Chest: UB/UB/B/B/B - last round brutal. Hands very sore.
Happy bday Fitz! See you next weekend!
Happy Birthday bropt, good luck this weekend.
A1) 135, 145, 155, 165, 175
A2) 40x4, 50x3 for the rest
B1) 135x3, 140,x3, 145x3, 155x3, 160x2
B2) 12 unbroken all sets
hey Frank...2010 workouts are for competitors going to the 2010 Crossfit Games. 2011 is for anyone else training for next year.
Happy Birthday Mike!
A1: 135-155-185-195-205(f)
A2: 55-70-75-80-80x3
B1: 135-155-175-195-205(f)
B2: UB-UB-UB-18+4-15+7
A1. 205,225,225,235,235
A2. 25x4,35x4,45x4,55x4,65x3
B1. 175x3,185x3,195x3,205x3,215x1
B2. all broken but getting better
On B1, felt that I had 215 better, but I think I got the weight too much out in front of me on the drive up. I've noticed a big difference between small differences in form.
Started too low on dips, but I wasn't sure where I stood.
A1. 135, 145, 150, 155, 165
A2. 35,45,53,53,53
B1. all @ 175
B2. UB x1, then terribly broken.
A1.subbed due to hip injury
165,185,195,200,210(epic fail)
then some L-sit and ext. rot work to finish it off.
-Grabbed some supper then 90 min of badminton.
-then had to take my hyper german shorthaired pointer for a run.
At station, time/equipment challenge.
A1: 135, 155, 160, 165, 170
A2: 35, 40, 44, 49X3X2
regular dips...no rings today
B1: 145, 155, 165, 180X2X2
B2: dead hang c2b 5 sets of 11
pullup bar situation not good.
Happy Birthday Mike! Look forward to watchin you and the other dawgs crush it at the games.
A1.185/195/205/215/225(1 hpc, f on hsc)/225(did an extra set)*
B1.175/185/195/205x3 for all sets/215(f)***
**fckin stoked!!...I wanted this weight and I wasn't gonna quit...225 is a 10# PB on the squat clean and HPC...the fact that I hit it on the 6th set of a complex makes this PB even better.
**biceps to rings and full lock-out on all...challenging over 100#
***shoulders cooked...210# would've been a better weight for last set
Front squats - 225-275-315, all pretty easy, made big jumps purposfully.
Row/DU's - all rows were 1:30 pace, 1 trip up on last set of DU's. This couplet felt good
GHD situps - all sets the same speed, felt really good
whole session felt great...
A1: 200/210/215/220/225
A2: 40/53/53/55.5/58
B1: 155/165/175/185/190
B2: 22/10 repsx 4 sets of dead hangs.
* switched to dead hangs due to torn hands.
Hey Paul S., what's your email address?
You can send it to Mike@mhsmemphis.com
a. 155, 167, 175
b. 1:18 for all couplets
c. ghd felt good!
happy b-day mike!!
Happy birthday mike.
What kind of cake did you have Mike? Happy B-Day dude.
A1. 152,177,187,197,207
A2. 35,55,70,75,80
B1. 152,162,167,177(2),177(1)152(3)
B2. ub,18,14/18,12/18, very vey broken.
My hands are so cooked, I soaked them in ice water after, look like a couple of meat hoks afer the tears this week.
Happy Birthday Mike
A1. 162.5, 170, 180, 190, F/200
A2. 25, 35, 45, 52.5, 2/57.5
B1. 155, 155, 160, 2/165, 1/165
B2. All UB
A1.165,175,185,200,210(failed hc&hsc)
Did dips on regular dip bars. B1 was tough becuase shoulders still feel weak from thursday.Hands ripped on last set of chin ups.
Sent you an email to optimumtraining@shaw.ca
A1. 165/175/185/195/205 Started too light
A2. 50/60/70/80/80f4
B1. 135/155/165/175
B2. All UB
Joints were bothering me today so ended up starting too light on both the clean complex as well as push presses.
A1. 215,225,235,240,240
A2. 90,135x3,135,145x3,145x3 (bar dips)
B1. 165,195,215x2,215x1
B2. Unbrknx2, 14/8, 15/7
Shut it down after 4 sets of B. A little skiddish w/out bumpers for A1, and challenging short/skinny pull-up bar for B2.
Be back at CFGP for Tuesday's wod
A1. 111,121,131,131,131
A2. Assisted dips
B1. 95,115,125,135,140
B2. 13,15,15,10,10
Could anyone please direct me to the reference for what "2010" and "2011" mean? thanks.
fs: 3 x 155, 165, 165
250 rows were 50-51 sec each, double-under sets all broken.
ghd as rx'd.
fs: 3 x 155, 165, 165
250 rows were 50-51 sec each, double-under sets all broken.
ghd as rx'd.
@ Chris I. The 2010 if for those individuals competing at the 2010 CrossFit Games and 2011 is for everyone else
FS: 165, 185, 195x1
Round 1: 47s on rower, 1:26 altogether
Round 2: 47s on rower, 1:28
Round 3: 49s on rower, 1:26
DU's were all broken- tough combo. The row felt good, usually it's backwards.
Looking forward to meeting the Big Dawgs in Cali!
A1. 185,195,205,210,215(2) Had to do all power cleans cause of sprained knee/ankle
A2. 45, 70, 90, 95, 100
B1. 165, 165, 175, 185, 185
B2. 22, 20, 15, 15, 14
a1. 155/175/185/195/205
a2. 45/70/80/90/90*2
b1. 155/175/185/190/195
b2. ub/14*3*2*1s/11*3*3*2*1s/11*3*2*2*1s/same as last set
c2b pullups are tough for me.
FS: 135,145,155
Row/DU: 1:22,1:30,1:33
GHD: 15x5 - slow,but UB
My squat cleans need LOTS of work...
I have a hard time doing ring dips to begin with, so I could not go more than 10 lbs. (better than I thought though!)
A1 - 95-95-100-100-105 (weight used for all 3 lifts)
A2 4@5# - 4@5#- 3@7.5#- 3@7.5#- 3@10#
CTB not so great..inconsistent: tried some buttlerfly second/fourth set
B1 - 3@95 - 3@ 100 - 3 @100- 3@ 105- 2@ 105
B2 - 22 UB - 15/5/5/2 - 22UB - 12/8/2- 20/2
Thanks :D
Forgot to post my wods from last week......
A. A.135#, 155, 185, 205, 225(2), 225 (2), 225(1)
B1. 95#, 105, 110, 120(3)
B2. Unbroken 2pd
A: tough with that tempo
B1. unsupported box
3:14, 3:21, 3:33, 3:36
*I had nothing to give. Food and sleep killed me today. 1k PR is 3:03.
Part1- 135, 155, 185, 195(7), 195(3) *lost grip on both fractured rnds
Part 2- 95, 105, 115, 125, 135
-(10/10),(10/10),20,(10/8/2), 20
Part 3 - 95, 95,95
A1. 155/175/185/195/205
A2. 25/45/45/45/45 all x 4
A1. 185, 205, 225, 235(failed on HSC)
A2. 35,52,52,52,52- all x 4 except last 2 sets x 3
B1. 185, 195, 205, 215, 225
B2. UB, 15-7, 15-7, 10-7-5, 10-19-2
Tech was poor on HSC
Pull-up were rough
2011 - did this Sunday 7/11
A1: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175- missed hpc
A2: 25x4, 30x4 (barely), 35x3, 35x3, 35x2
B1: 135, 140x3, 145x2 (no legs last one), 145x2 (better), 145x2
B2: 12+10jumping, "12"+10j, 10+2+10j, 5+3+2=2+10j, 4+4+3+1+10j
off white shoes
Travis Scott Jordan
yeezy shoes
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