A. Split Jerk - 3,3,3,3,3; rest 5 min
B1. Push Press @ 12X1; 3-4 x 5; rest 2 min
B2. CTB Chin Ups - 20 unbroken x 5; rest 2 min
A1. Bench Press @ 30X0; 3,2,1,1,1; rest 3 min
A2. Medium Grip Chin Ups; 1,1,1,1,1; rest 3 min
B1. KBS heavy - 30 sec unbroken x 3; rest 60 sec
B2. GHD Sit Ups - 20 x 3; rest 60 sec
post loads and notes to comments
A: 80,80,82,82,82 kg
B1: 60,70,70,70
B2: 13+7, 13+7, 20, 20
Only did 4 sets - kids woke up, my turn today!
James, Joey, Micheal and DJ, do you want /need Body Science Compression for Cali?
Give me a heads up asap to get it out to ya before gametime.
A: 225, 235, 245, 250, 255
had to press out at top of last rep in the 5th set
B1: 185, 195, 205, 205, 220 forgot to add weight on the 4th set for some reason.
B2: All Unbroken
A. 160, 175, 185, 190, 195(1)
190 was a PR by 15lbs!
B1. 155, 155, 157.5, 157.5, 158
Felt way too heavy today after the split jerks
B2. UB,UB,UB,14/6, 13/7
Tough couplet, but enjoyed it. Hitting the surf here in Nova Scotia now!
A. 135,155,160,175,185 (all 3 rep)
B1. 135,145,150,155,160 (all 4 rep)
B2. 15 UB x 5
A1. 245/265/280/290/300 (recent PR)
A2. 75/85/95/110/120(f)
B1. 2.5p 14/15/15
B2. all UB
felt good this morning
going to relax at beach and celebrate 4th of July!
Felt good, need more coaching, with better technique should hit 75 kg easy.
B1. 50,52.5,55,60,62.5, 65 (fail)
B2. 15x5 broken.
Hands are all ripped up from the other day.
Question for all the big dawgs, have any of you gotten pain in your shin from o lifting? Similar to a shin splint sort of pain..
ATTN Edmonton area Dawgs: I am putting together a Oly clinic with Larry Mather with a few people, if anyone is interested, fire me an email so we can get a date that works for everyone. Use the email on my profile. Heavy Evy, I will fire you a message in a bit.
A. 185, 205, 215, 225, 235(f)
B1. 155, 185, 195, 205x4, 215x3 - what I learned from this is just how garbage my split jerk is. Push press should probably not be that close.
B2. scaled to 15, all 5 rds UB
A: 165, 170, 175, 180, 185 (f 3rd rep)
B1: 145, 155, 160, 165X3X2
B2: all broken, but did 20X5 c2b
can't do 20 c2b anyway, but further hampered by pu bar at work.
hey BK, do you carry the sleeves at all?
Awesome Team WOD with CFP this morning....
followed it up with OPT
A1. 125,135,145,155x,155x
A2. 40,45,50,50,55x
B1. used 2 pood KB..17,16,18...
B2. All GHD's Unbroken
A. 205, 205, 215, 225, 235
B1. 155x4, 155x4, 165x4, 175x(2+f), 175x3
B2. 15, 15, 11, 8, 7
A felt good. Pressed out a bit on first rep of last set.
B1, I focused a lot on proper scapular movement and joint position. Focused a little too much on that, and not enough on the drive when I missed rep 3 on the first set of 175.
B2... Due to my ongoing shoulder problems, I am still unable to open up the shoulders at the bottom part of the kip, so I am unable to generate enough force there, and fatigue easily. I stopped whenever I felt like I was losing proper tension in the shoulders.
A. 78kg, 84, 90, 94, 98 all for 3 reps
B1. 80kg x4, 86x3, 90x2(F3), 90x3
B2. Cut to 15 per set, all unb
Cut B1/B2 to 4 sets due to muscle failure and wrist pain on push presses.
A. 175,185,195,205,217
b1. 155,160,170,175(3), 175(3)
b2. all unbroken.
slight press out on last jerks, still need to be more aggresive getting underneath the bar. chins got tough towards end of last sets.
A. 190/200/210/225/235x2
B1. 165/170/175/180/185x3
B2. Scaled to 15, all unbroken
Great Pic FBK!
Kept it light as the back is still not 100%
A. 155/175/195/215/235(f)/195 all cleaned from ground
B1. 185/195/205/215/225(f)/185
B2. 20/15/15/15/15
Got 20 on the first round but it was not sustainable for unbroken rounds. picked a good number and got it.
No we don't , but there is a new line on the way with sleeves.
Heather Bergeron wore the socks on her arms at Regionals , and used the ankle bit on her palms for pullups, she loved it.
A2; 50 pronated,50,50,50,50 supinated.
B2; ub
Did team wod at track 30 minutes after with Rock,Spider and Precious...team did very well in nasty heat. Girls got us around 17 minutes and we came in on final 400 backward run.. 18 and change.
A: 135, 140, 145, 148, 150
B1: 4x130, 4x135, 4x140, 4x145, 3x150
C1: 13+7, 13+7, 13+7, 13+7, 13+7
A) 165, 170 (2), 170, 175, 180 (pr)
B1) 4x135, 4x135, 4x135
B2) 16/4, 13/7, 9/4, 10/3, 6/3
- after 2nd set, couldn't keep up with 20 total, so just did unbroken-few breaths-unbroken. don't know what the best strategy is for me if can't do 20 unbroken
A. 155/175/185(2)/185(2)/175
B1. 115/125/135/140/145
B2. unb/unb/unb/unb/(10/10)
A: 155/165/175/180x2/185x2(the weight was above my head but I couldn't lock it out)
B1: 135/140/145x3/145x2/140x3
B2: All UB
165 was old split jerk pr
A1. 199/214/224/234/239 (pb)
A2. 75/85/90/90/90 - pronated
B1. 15 x 3 sets
B2. UB - 34-35 sec/set
C. extra tricep work
A. 120,140,160,180,200
B1. 160x4,180x4,200x3 x 3 sets
B2. 20 UB x 5 sets
Did this at work today with old steel plates and a 1" bar so took it easy. Worked on split jerk form, which needed it. By 200, it was still going up easy, but landing kept getting uglier.
Pull ups and push press felt really solid today though:)
Did yesterdays workout today.
SCT: 12, 11, 8
Box Jump: 26, 31, 30
KBS: 21, 16, 16
Burpees: 14, 13, 13
Totals: 73, 71, 67 = 211
Stacked bumpers for box at 22.5"
2011 on vacation at the Oregon coast
A. 205,225,235,245,250x2
B1. 185,190,195,205x3,205x3
B2. Unbrknx3, 19, 17
2 rep pr on jerks, 4th set of c2b was demoralizing; 4 failed attempts at the 20th rep.
After much procrastination, I've finally decided to post my workouts.
A. 153,163,177,182,182x2
B1. 133,138,143,148,153
B2. 15,15,16,17,19 (I'm still struggling to get my chest to bar, its a work in progress)
A. 185x3, 195x3, 205x3, 215x3, 225x3
B1. 145x4, 165x4, 185x4, 205x3, 195x3
B2. All unbroken. Approx 25sec per round.
had to play catch up hit 3 WOD's "unit style"
D:Subbed 95# Good Mornings.
rest 10 minutes
KB Swings: 23/25/24
Burpees 15/16/16
rest 15 minutes
A: 176/181/186/191/196
B1: 134 for 3 sets
B2: 10 strict chins for 3 sets
*read push press wrong thought it was shoulder press and subbed for strict chins today only had time for 3 sets.
I want some i emailed you and didn't hear back on how i go about ordering email me and let me know
Well last weekend of "rest" have basically taken a month off from training and am now ready to get back at er. Starting a strength/oly lifting bias for the next 10-12 weeks but will be checking in regularly and will be back stronger and way more efficient in September!!! Very excited to do this and really think it is a necessary step if i want to reach my goals for the 2010/2011 season.
ctb pull-ups need work.
A1: 125,130,135,140(f)x2
A2: 25,30,35,40,47.5
B1: 18,17,18 w/1.5 pood
B2: 15x3 - slow, but unbroken
B1.135x4,140x3,142x3,145x2+(f), 145x2+(f)
A. 175/185/195/205/215
B1. 165/175/185(3)
B2. unbroken x3
only had time for three sets of B.
S/J's felt good, good speed.
started with CFP team workout on the track -- fun. then hit the workout with julie and crew.
a1. 145, 155, 165, 170*, 170F
tempo was way too fast on the first 170# lift.
a2. 45, 50F, 45, 50, 55F
b1. 18, 19, 18 with 2pd
b2. 20ub x 3
B2:all ub
A. 175, 185, 195, 205, 210
B1. 155x4, 160x3, 165x3, 175x3, 180x3
B2. All Unbroken
-Having Jerk Blocks in the garage is a life saver for days like today. Did A with the use of the blocks so I didn't have to concern myself with lowering/cleaning the weight after each jerk.
- Push Presses felt OK. I should have started heavier and will next time. I like the 2 second pause in the bottom because it gives me time to reset and take my deep breath, but doesn't allow me to "hang out" down there for too long.
- Held my ButterFly kip for as long as I could on each set and then finished out with regular kip.
Always a good pic of Bobby when his face is covered.
Mike Fitz, your triceps are huge enough already!
A. 185, 195 205, 215, 220x2
B. 155, 165, 175, 185x2, 180
C. First 3 sets were unbroken, then my pullup bar broke and I landed on my back on Rep 15. Unfortunately there is no video!
A1: 135, 140, 145, 150, 160
B1: 135 - 5, 5, 4, 5, 4F
B2: 20, 20, 20, 15+5, 15+5*
*Ceiling too low for C2B/Kips and DH
*Split and PP were ground to overhead - I think I can go quite higher on both off a rack.
A1. 224-234-244-249-256.5(PB)
A2. 55-60-65-70-70(f)
B1. 15x3 sets
B2. UB all 3 sets
A. 145, 155, 170, 180, 2/190
B1. 145, 150, 155, 2/160, 2/160
B2. All Unbroken
Felt really good today, shoulder feeling a lot stronger.
A. 155, 165, 175, 175, 185
B1. 110, 135, 135, 145
B2. 20, 20, 20, 15+5
Only had enough energy for 4 sets of B, foot chase right before I ended work sucked some energy.
A SJ: 70/80/85/90/100kg (220#) - My max C&J on record is 255#... Not bad jerking 220 3 times in a row. hmm...
B1 PP: 70/75/80/85/91kg (200#) - Catches are getting better.
B2 Chest2Bar: All 20's... First round was the only one unbroken. The difference of chin over bar to chest to bar is no comparison. I can butterfly chins all day but chest... They seem to go south real fast.
Does anyone have a WAG on what the weights in A & B1 should be in comparison with where our 1 rep max should be?
A. Split Jerk - 185, 205, 205, 225, 205. Had to Power Clean it up every time, no rack.
B1. Push Press - 185-4, 185-4, 185-4, 185-3, 185-3.
B2. CTB Chin Ups - First 3 sets of 20 Unbroken, 4th set was 10 -5-5, 5th set was 15-5. **Pullups were rough. Did this WOD in My garage and had a sweaty grip - no chalk.
**Video'd my Split Jerks. No one has ever really showed me the proper technique. I have just learned mostly by watching others do it. Below is the video link. Any advice would be greatly appreciated** - Thanks.
30K on bicycle, first 15K through the city and then slightly uphill in 42 minutes.
Sticking with the Big Dawgs but trying to modify when appropriate to meet my needs. Faster than I am strong, so opting out of O Lifts for a while to focus on raw strength.
A1. DB Press Cluster 2.2.2: 55/60f 6th rep/60f6/60f6 wt in lbs per hand
A2. Reverse Hypers 15x4
B. HSPU Ladder 10-1 for time: 15 min.
C. Powell Raises 5-7/arm: 20/25/30x5
Split Jerk: 115,135,165,175,185
Push press: 135,155,165,170,175
Chin ups: 12-8,12-8,10-7-3,10-7-3,7-76
Need to work on my chin ups
A. 155, 165, 165, 170, 180
B1. 135(4), 135(4), 140(4), 145(4), 150(4)
B2. 13, 10, 10, 10, 10
After weeks of playing with a few of the past posts, I have decided it is only fair that I start to post. I am NO where near a big dawg, just like what I see and would like to join the community. I have a long way to go and plenty to learn and I thank you for the opportunity.
A: 95/105/115/125 (PR)
B1: 95/105/115x4, 125x3
B2: Dead hang AMRAP: 14/13/11/11
Still dealing with shoulder/elbow issues, figured dead hang P-Ups are easier on both.
b2.ubx 5 (used smallest band possible for last 3sets)
????? could someone help me understand the set for split jerk. If the reps are set at 3,3,3,3,3
is it 3 split jerks with left foot forward then 3 splits/jerks with right foot forward? = 3 {repeat 5 times for a total of 15 split/jerk per side?}
Dustin, your splits look pretty good, but I did have a couple of suggestions.
I'm by no means an expert, but have taken a couple of Oly courses.
Maybe bringing your feet a little closer together when you initially dip and drive - hard to tell how far apart they are for sure from the angle, but give it a try.
Also make sure to get under the weight a bit more, so you land a little deeper in your split.
Lastly try to distribute the weight a little better so it's not so much on your front foot, but also on your back foot a bit more, while ensuring you have your feet both turned slightly inwards.
Hope that helps.
A.135, 155, 175, 185, 195x2
B1. 145, 155, 165, 175x3, 175x3
B2. Did chin over vertical plane 20x5 unbroken
A 79,84,89,95,95
B1. 75,75,75,75,75
B2. 12-10, 10-10,10-10,8-10,10-10
Hidee ho!
I was @ a gym with no bumper plates, so I stayed conservative...no bail outs possible!
+ tweeked something between shoulder blades so it was a DNF today :(
Went for a 20 min run and did some swim drills later in the aft... shoulder blade still feels like poo.
A- 100-105-110-115-120
B1- 95/3-95/4-95/3-95/3- DNF
B2- all BK
12/8- 11/6/3- 10/10- 10/5 DNF
massage tonight, hopefully better by Tuesday!
A. 105, 115, 120, 125, 135
B. 88, 93, 98, 108 (all for 4)
B2. 10, 10, 12, 10, 10B (Played with grip)
catch up
A. 185/205..then moved to press because of knee pain 135/140/145
B1. 175/175/175(3)/175(3)/175(2)
B2. UB/UB/13,7/10,5,5/10,5,5
Notes: R knee continues to hurt on jerk landing with moderate pain on the dip. I had a consult with a specialist who suggested an ACL revision. Tough thing to swallow, don't think I can go through another year like that so I'm just going to have to be smart about it. CTB are coming along which is nice, still not good but better.
Had to make this up today.
A. 165,205,255,275,300x(got the first two, missed the third, reracking wore me out)
B1. 135,155,185,195,205 (Really tried to focus on tempo, Made it difficult)
B2. UB,UB, 19/1, 13/7, 10/5/5
Struggled with pullups.
A. 185, 205, 215, 225, 245(failed twice)
B1: 185x4
B2: 4 sets unbroken (ran out of time to do 5th set)
2011--performed 7/11/10
A. 195,210,220,230,245
**Felt better than I ever had with this. Previous PR for SJ (and C&J) was 255, and I couldn't pass up the chance to try, so I rested about 2.5 mins and did 260x1. It felt easy, so I got a little greedy and went for 275, but failed.**
B1. 165(4), 175(4), 195(4), 210(3), 220(4) (don't know how I failed on rep 4 at 210 but not on 220, but I'll take it!)
B2. UB x 4; 5th set felt good until I heard a bolt pop out of the wall--went 16+2+2 trying not to break the whole structure on the last couple.
2011: performed 7/11
A. 165,175,185,195,205, 215(1)
B1. 115,135,145,160,175(2)
B2. UB
A - felt pretty good, but need to work on shortening the dip, be more explosive, and getting under the bar quickly (i.e. the whole friggin' move). Tweaked my neck on the 195 piece, but pleased I could gut through the rest. Did 215 just to test it.
B1. - Only meant to hit 170, but was pleased I could get 175 for 2. Starting to feel better.
B2. First 3 sets w/ butterfly kip, last 2 with regular. Going to start working regular more often b/c I always do butterfly.
Going to roll and try to work out this knot in my neck.
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