part 1
Back Squat @ 30X0; 1,1,1,1,1; rest 6 min
rest 20 min
part 2
5 sets:
Run 400 m @ 90%
15 unbroken OHS - 95#/65#
rest 3 min
(keep all sets even in speed and effort)
rest 2 hours
part 3
for time:
5 clean and jerk - 185#/135#
10 chin ups
10 clean and jerk - 135#/95#
20 chin ups
15 clean and jerk - 95#/65#
30 chin ups
(athlete is responsible for moving weight)
3 sets:
45 sec amrap squat clean thruster - 95#/65#
45 sec amrap box jumps - 24/20"
45 sec amrap KBS - 1.5/1pd
45 sec amrap burpees
rest 6 min
post loads, notes, times and reps to comments
single on Sunday for both groups
I'm guessing this is one of those WOD's where Masters shouldn't scale the weight to 80 percent?
What about scaling the Box Jumps to 20 inches for men?
Squat Clean Thrusters: 12,12,13
Box jumps (did D/U instead, knee not too happy with big jumps: 33,33,50
KBS: 21,18,18
Burpees: 18,18,16
Part I: 205, 225, 245x, 235, 235x
Part II: 2:33, 2:22, 2:24, 2:31, 2:32
Part III: 7:55
-did 165, 135, 95 on the CJ's (185 is too rich for my blood)
Squat Clean Thrusters:8,7,5
First time doing thrusters with 95#, transition was off.
Box Jumps: 16,15,12
Did box jumps on a tire, a bit awkward.
KBS 12,10,8
Back was fatigued from yesterday.
Range of motion wasn't till full extension, higher than a russian swing though.
Burpees 16,15,12
Rested 10 mins. Did 3x3 snatch and muscle up practise.
Thanks Coach!
SQT. 12,7,8
BJ. 13,12,14
KBS. 16,9,9
B. 12,10,12
- Figured out pacing a bit better by the 3rd set.
Squat Clean Thrusters: 13,12,7!?
Box Jumps: 25,20,20
KB Swings: 27,20,10
Burpees: 15,12,10
Felt exhausted after the first set. Don't know if I had too much breakfast or what. I would normally crush something like this. Oh well, gonna put it behind me. Oh, and I puked after each set. Great, HA.
Heading to the lake today. Probably try and do some hill sprints, double under, bodyweight stuff.
Happy belated Canada Day and Happy 4th to everyone!
Squat clean thrusters: 8,7,7
Need to work more on my technique
Box jumps: 15,15,12
KBS: 9,10,11
Burpees: 10,9,8
Was still a little sore from funbobby's charity bootcamp on thursday, but felt good overall.
2011 **scaled** amrap in 30sec
rd 1. 11/20/14/12
rd 2. 11/21/15/11
rd 3. 12/20/15/12
trap 3: 20lbx10, 21x8, 23x6. 1:30 rest b/t sets
part 1:
225, 235, 245, 250F, 250F
part 2:
part 3: 6:54
felt shaken up after the failed reps in part 1. part 2 was good, kept "cruising" pace on 400s. part 3 felt very undisciplined/hectic on the c+j.
2011 (scaled)
Sq (75#) - 9 / 10 / 10
BJ (24") - 14 / 17 / 17
KBS (50# DB) - 14 / 15 / 14
BUR - 11 / 9 / 13
First round took a fall on the 13th Box jump, and didn't recover for the rest of first round
Second round, burpees were horrible, but fought through them
Third round, form was good throughout and put everything on the line.
Squat Clean Thrusters: 9,9,10
Box Jumps: 12,12,15
KB Swings: 16,17,19
Burpees: 9,9,7
Felt drained after, running a 5k this morning.
What a great workout. I love lung burners like this one.
SCT: 13, 12, 12
BJ: 18, 19, 20
KBS: 22, 20, 19
BP: 15, 10, 10
Added an extra set between rds 1&2:
Wife came in to discuss (non)emergency in friends life:
1Rd amrap 6mins: head nods:72 head shakes: 89 uh-huhs: 132 (PR!) looks of astonishment: 7 I donèt knows: 12. Went for 1rm of Honey, In the middle of something, can we talk about this later, form broke down terribly and suffered debilitating injury. Probably the worst hazard of home gyms.
Great workout OPT, thanks.
Clean/Thrusters: 12,12,11
Box Jumps: 20, 17, 16
KB Swings: 19, 18, 20
Burpees: 15, 12, 11
What a tough WOD. It looked a lot easier than it actually was. The burpees were way too slow. Happy with the Thrusters.
Squat Clean Thrusters: 12,12,13
Box Jumps: 20,20,20
KB Swings: 23,23,24
Burpees: 17,16,14
Although a lot tougher than I thought it would be, I am extremely happy with my consistency today.
SC/Thruster 10,12,12
BJ's 15,14,15
KBS 10,10,9
Burpees 15,17,16
155 reps total.
Sub'd 50# dumbell in absence of KB's.
gassed the fck out today! not into morning workouts at all...lol. Still enjoyed myself a great deal though! found KBS hardest part after hittin BJs. Had a hard time recovering. Transitions were slow and cut into my times.
SCT: 12, 10, 11
BoxJump: 14, 10, 11
KBS: 18, 15, 18
Burpee: 11, 12, 12
A gasser indeed. Feel pretty out of shape after that one. Box jumps were much tougher than expected.
Part 1: 375,365,385,395,400
Made schoolboy error on second set, thought I had 385 on the bar.
Part 2: 2.10,2.11,2.10,2.10,2.12
Part 3: 5.59
Scaled to 25 seconds with 5 minutes rest(I am following coach's advice and scaling the work for the first two weeks of this phase)
SC Thrusters 6/7/7
24" Box Jumps 12/13/13
KBS 12/12/13
Burpees 8/9/8
Clean/Thrusters: 8,8,8
Box Jumps: 19,20,19
KB Swings: 18,18,18
Burpees: 13,12,11
SQT: 9/9/9
BJ: 25/24/25
KBS: 22/24/21
Burp: 13/12/14
Didn't post comments 1st time, so hope this isn't a double post. Anyway, all things felt good and light today except burpees are always slow.
replaced thrusters with hang power clean and press.95lb
Box jump- 15,14,15
burp- 12,11,10
need to work on burpees more.Starting to feel normal again after the last 5 days.
2010 part 1:
having issues with squating so stayed away from heavy weight and played around with low bar technique at light to moderate loads
Part 2:
1:50ish (watch malifunction)
1:50ish (watch malifunction)
runs went to shit...
Part 1. 205,215,225,235,245..previous 1rm was 250 and didnt feel it today..even the depth of the 245 was shaky...
Part 2.
Part 3...right shoulder was giving me trouble with jerks during warm up so did Cleans instead and added push ups, 5,10,15
pullups as rx'd
only cleaned 125..then 95 and 65...
time 11 min.
Back is feeling better after thursday's deadlifts. Erectors are still really stiff so I warmed up a lot and backed off intensity just a bit on the thruster and KB.
SQT: 12/11/11
BJ: 15/16/14
KB: 16/17/14
Burpee: 12/11/11
Clusters: 10, 11, 9
Box jumps: 18, 18, 17
KB Swings: 18, 18, 20
Burpees: 13, 13, 13
pt 1
195, 205, 215, 225, 235
pt 2
2:08, 2:06, 2:09, 2:09, 2:08
54,57 & 63 reps. More B Jumps/round and quicker transitions. Felt like an old, fat chain-smoker out there today. Serves me right.
SCT- 10,10,9 -
BJ - 10,17,19
KBS - 21,19,22
burpees - 18,15,15
194 total.
sclusters: 8, 8, 8
box jumps: 13, 11, 11
kb swings: 20, 14, 13
burpees: 14, 10, 10
Working out on my own on the road today, had to change things up a bit. Switched from time priority to task priority as I couldnt count on switching accurately on 45sec intervals.
Did 3 rounds of
10 sq cl thrusters @ 95lbs
15 Box Jumps
15 DB Swings
10 Burpees
3 min rest
Rounds were around 2:15, 2:25, 2:30
And for an update on my 'summer coolie' drink, I tried it again today with 1/2 cup of coconut milk instead and it's pretty damn tasty, too; it's just a lot heavier than with the goat's milk. 1/2 cup coconut milk and 1/2 cup of water with the other ingredients over ice is pretty solid.
And quite a few calories...
you had me with "calories"
Rough one today.
Part 1:
160, 170, 180 - stopped. Feeling uncertain of back spasm issue and was alone in the box at the time.
Rest 10 minutes
Part 2:
Legs and back felt very tight.
Rest approx 20 minutes.
My 1RM for clean & jerk is 140. I got 1 c&j at 135, failed 2 clean attempts, got the next clean attempt but failed the jerk twice before dropping the bar.
Reset the clock and did the workout with 125# 95# and 65# clean and jerk.
Time: 9:04
Very tough to try to get these done in one session.
SqtClnThrst: 11, 10, 10
BoxJump: 11, 12, 14
KBS: 18, 14, 14
Burpee: 10, 12, 14
Did this after doing mainsite wod, 20 rnds in 15 min of:
50lb DB Push Press x5
30" Box Jump x7
SCT- 12, 9, 10
Box jumps- 25, 24, 26
Swings- 18, 18, 19
Butler's 14, 9, 10.
cl/thruster: 10, 10, 10
bj: 18, 17, 17
kbs: 18, 19, 18
burpees: 13, 13, 13
round totals: 59, 59, 58--total of 176
46 (7,14,18,9)
39 (6,11,14,8)
43 (6,13,15,9)
= 130(19,38,47,26)
20 inch Box Jumps
Squat Clean Thrusters - 10, 10, 10.
Box Jumps - 25, 25, 25.
KBS - 20, 20, 20.
Burpees - 12, 12, 15.
Great workout - I ate horrible the past three days so it made this very difficult. It's amazing how much of a role nutrition plays in your performance.
Part 1
155, 160, 165, 170, 175 - was a little cautious about the squat since I hadn't back squatted in a while and last time I did it felt horrible, but 175 went up easy and I finished wanting more.
Part 2
did the whole thing outside in the heat wave and humidity (it was one of the few really, truly HOT days in Winnipeg). used the CFW 480M loop for the run. that had to be one of the sweatiest wods in a long time. times ranging from 2:45 to 3:00.
Part 3
8:21 using 105#/85#/65# for C&J (could have gone a bit heavier)
2010 part 3:
5:39 - grip was smashed. Three different bars set up due to traffic at OPT
Threw down with thunder Dan (canadas fittest male) and Funbobby(canadas sexiest man over 40). Good times.
Pt 1.
Pt 2.
Rest 3 hours
Pt 3.
5:23 - paced the chin-ups well. Felt fine immediately after WOD - 95% effort. Forearms were fried.
part 1
265/275/285/285/295- back felt good
rested 20 min
part 2
rested 2 hours
part 3
* broke 2nd and 3rd set of pullups, everything else unbroken
part 2
7:22 - also 3 different bars for the different weights
pull-ups felt hard- grip.
Fun day with the locals!!!!
1) 13/19/21/16 = 69
2) 10/14/18/9 = 51
3) 10/15/16/10 = 51
This workout almost made me shed some tears. No pacing or strategy today other than giving each exercise 100%. I wasn't expecting 3 fran-ish efforts back to back. All kbs were vertical, burpees jump/clap. I'm perplexed on how someone got 27+ on those especially 1.5 minutes into the grinder. Paul Smith, kudos on a smashing performance today and nice to see your post geoff!
I am posting before I look at anyone's post, otherwise I may not post at all!
Usual warm up - with DU practice.
Squats to the grass with 135 #'s - 3 count down, straight up, I think that's what 30X0 means.
400 m at 1.45 per, 15 OHS with the bar 44#'s. Tried to do OHS with 95 #'s and I would have been there for a while. Better to get through unbroken and add weights next time.
3.0 hours off - back to gym for warm up and then...
5 x 110 #'s C & J
10 PU's
10 X
20 PU's (12 & 8)
15 X
30 PU (10 - 8 - 7 - 5)
9.56 mins....Now on the couch waiting for my dinner...........
Have a nice day all. Enjoyed the newsletter - good to know that the big dawgs need moral support as well - buena suerte en Carson City boys. I will be looking for the Master's WOD and competing offsite.
A. 10, 9, 8
B. 23, 29, 33
C. 14, 16, 16
D. 13, 15, 15
Thrusters: 12/11/11
Box Jumps: 23/18/18
KBS: 19/16/15
Burpees: 16/13/15
Squat Clean Thrusters: 8, 10, 10
24" Box Jumps: 18, 16 ,15
1.5pd KettleBell Swings: 16, 16, 15
Burpees: 12, 12, 12
- Have been practicing Oly Lifts a bunch lately and lost time in 1st round with shooting for perfect form and approach/set-up on the bar b/t lifts.
- First BoxJumps in 3 months...ouch. Made that 45 seconds burn and the remaining 90 suck.
Threw down with my affiliate today.
Wod was For Time: run 400m as fast as possible, and do x number of wallballs. (X being the number of seconds it takes to run the 400m)
5:28 was my time, ran 400m in 66sec.
Squat Clean/Thrusters 12 11 10
Box Jump 17 16 16
KBS 17 17 17
Burpees 11 10 10
Set 1
10 - 29 - 27 - 17
Set 2
10 - 28 - 20 - 13
Set 3
9 - 28 - 20 - 12
At my gf's parents for the weekend. Hit up Crossfit Connection for this one, due to a change in plans ended up eating less than an hour before the workout...really had to back off on the burpees in set 2 and 3. Almost threw up during/after each one.
Tough 3 minutes!
SCT: 11/12/11
BJ: 20/21/22
KB Swings: 22/23/23
Burpees: 15/15/14
Did a couple of rope climbs after. Fun working out with everyone at CFC.
SCT: 8, 8, 9
BJ: 19, 20, 22
KBS: 20, 21, 16
Bur: 11, 9, 10
Total Score: 172
Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Used 3 bars - 135/95/65
135 is my 1rm so the first 5 reps took 1/4 of the time. Missed one rep too.
Fun day with the Calgary Dawgs.
Heres of video of part 3 today
I didnt make the video, but thanks Matt for putting it together
I seem to have slightly injured my left shoulder (lateral part), hence "The Ostrich": within 10 minutes time frame, 30 front squats, then run max. distance barefoot. Used 40 kg, ran 1530m in VFF (tartan was too hot to be barefoot).
Had a shoulder massage after the workout, it helped a lot.
57/61/57 reps
Still trying to "ease" back into it. Did the back squat 1-5 ladder from early june 3 days ago and legs are still wrecked. Goal today was steady pace through all of the movements.
done a day behind
Set 1: 10, 25, 16, 14 =65
Set 2: 10, 28, 17, 12 =67
Set 3: 11, 28, 15, 10 =64
Total =196
First post for an opt wod...
Squat Clean/Thrusters 9, 10, 7
Box Jump 15, 15 , 14
KBS 18 18 17
Burpees 9, 9, 7
burpees almost killed me.
RND 1 10/20/18/12 = 60
RND 2 10/21/18/12 = 61
RND 3 10/20/17/12 = 59
Didn't really feel it today. felt stupid slow, couldn't keep up.
SCT: 6-6-7
BJ: 18-28-24 (takes a few to get the beat)
KBS: 20-20-18
B: 13-13-12 (barf :P)
Completed this wod at PTS's place. Awesome gym and awesome atmosphere training with the Apex crew.
Squat Clean Thrusters: 11/11/10
Box Jumps: 15/15/15
KBS: 19/19/19
Burpees: 12/10/10
Total reps: 166
SCT: 12, 11, 8
Box Jump: 26, 31, 30
KBS: 21, 16, 16
Burpees: 14, 13, 13
Totals: 73, 71, 67 = 211
Stacked bumpers for box at 22.5"
2011-performed 7/10/11
Set 1: 13, 24,21,15 =73
Set 2: 13, 20, 21, 14 =68
Set 3: 12, 20, 19, 14 =65
Total =206
Box Jumps felt the worst. Also wanted to drop the KB very badly during the last set, but pictured how pissed off I'd be posting a single digit for that round.
2011: performed 7/10
Round 1: 12/30/19/15 = 76
Round 2: 12/24/21/13 = 70
Round 3: 12/22/19/12 = 65
Very, very tough. Just pleased I got through it. Box jumps were much tougher than I thought they'd be. Really got my heart rate through the roof.
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