4 sets:
1 min row (cals)
1 min knees to elbows
1 min db burpees - 25/15#/h
rest 4 min
part 1:
A. Dead Lift - 2-3 x 3; rest 2 min - 80%
B. Press - 2-3 x 3; rest 2 min - 80%
C. GH Raises @ 2010; 15 x 3; rest 120 sec
rest 2 hours
part 2:
5 sets @ 95%;
20 sec burpees
20 sec box jumps - 20/14"
20 sec chin ups
rest 3 min
post reps and loads to comments as well as what is the 1st thing you would do with a 16 million dollar salary
I'm not trying to get caught up in the hype surrounding Miami's big signing, but I'm not convinced they can work together right off the bat in such a long season. Three guys used to being #1 is going to be tough, who gets the ball in the clutch?
I thought LeBron should have stayed, but I'm old school. I stopped watching NBA a while ago when it became more about your clothing line and record contract in the off season. Hell, even one the NBA's biggest screw-ups,Ron Artest, plugged his album in an interview after he hit the biggest 3-pointer of his life in the Finals a few weeks ago. Lame.
How else are you supposed to sell records these days? Ron Ron also thanked his shrink, awesome post game interview.
DB Burpees: do you press overhead, or just hold them at your sides after the jump?
LBJ us class-less. Nowhere near the talent and spirit of Michael Jordan, Larry Bird etc. He will only ever be a second-tier, greedy, self-centered player. Good riddance.
3 sets (girls waking up, weekend my turn to watch out)
Row (did SDHP @42kg): 30,30,28
K2E; 20,21,24
Burpee Thruster with 17kg BB; 16,15,14
Not feeling 100% recovered from the other day
I agree with Geoff- stopped watching NBA 8-10 years ago, too much trading, no team loyalty. College bball only way to go!
16 million dollars- Put enough money aside to cover airfare-and all of OPT's cert's, and poliquins certs that would be awesome.
- Stress reliever- Sit in my tree stand anytime of the year (now is the best with fawns walking around and the big boys growing there horns). I sit for 2-3 hours at a time, and think.
- Going into week two of structural balance program, feeling good. I am attacking 1 OPT wod per week (saturdays), todays was
45 sec SC-Thruster
45 sec BOX jumps
45 sec swings
45 sec burpees
56,57,52 Total 165
Happy with this total, extremely humid this AM, and havent done an AM wod in months especially at this intensity. good stuff...
Following 2 days behind for logistics:
HPC - 95/105/110/110/110
HSPU - barrier, pin 8 on pwr rack, all unbroken - scale up next time
PJ - all 95# - unbroken was HARD last two sets
chins (ha) - 9/6/5/6/4
Th - 3x75#, 2x65# - shoulders smoked
DU - subbed 60 SU (I know, go fix it - plan to do 10 minutes DU practice in am of rest days)
P1: A. 275x2, 275x3, 275x1
B. 105x3x3
C. quads too sore for the GHD (waaah, I know) so I did supine leg curls on ball
Box: 17,16,16,16,15
Pullups: 17,16,18,16,15
We decided to hit different pullups, so the sets went: Chest to bar, kip (chin over bar), butterfly, C2B, then choice (butterfly again)
row calories 25, 24, 23, 22
KtE 24, 23, 18, 20
DB Burpees 11, 13, 15, 14
Db Burpees arms at sides not overhead, not sure if that was right or not.
Row: 28, 25, 25, 27
KTE: 23, 22, 23, 20
Burpees: 13, 11, 10, 12
That sucked. Really wanted 30 on the row...
ROW: 29/25/26/26
KTE: 18/21/21/19
BURPEES: 20/20/15/17
Left dbs at side for burpee. Chicago humidity making these wods tuff at times.
My one stress relief is music: singing, songwriting, and (lately) covering forgotten 90's tunes with a bunch of friends.
In honor of my fellow Big Dawgs, I give you my little Crossfit song "Fran is in Your Kitchen" which was posted on the main site prior to the 2009 games.
2011 from thursday
Forgot to post
5 sets:
10 unbroken hang power clean heavy
rest 90 sec
135 / 10 UB
145 / 10 UB
150 / 10 UB
150 / 10 UB
160 / 10 UB
Was having trouble keeping the hook grip with the fat globo bars. Could have managed a bit more with good bar.
5 sets:
10 unbroken push jerk heavy
20 unbroken chin ups
rest 2 min
145 / 20 UB
135 / 20 UB
125 / 20 UB
125 / 20 UB
125 / 20 UB
Last 3-5 pullups got very hard from round 3 on. 145 was a bigtime struggle, each set got progressively harder.
5 sets:
10 unbroken thrusters heavy
30 double unders
rest 2:30
95 / 30 UB
105 / 15-15
110 / 30 UB
110 / 30 UB
110 / 27-3
holy. That was enough for a week!
Besides pay off all my debts. The first thing i would do is buy a piece of land in the South end of Calgary and build my dream - a Crossfit gym linked to my Chiro practice and have a whole wellness center that has everything a person would need to achieve complete true health and happiness - it would have chiro, massage, physio, naturopath, accupuncture, nutritionist and all staff in the Crossfit gym would be OPT certified it would be FRIGGIN amazing and we could start to change the health of a whole city one person at a time!!!!
Row: 25 24 24 26
K2E: 15 14 14 15
Burpees(db overhead): 9, 11, 12, 11
Melissa you freakin ROCK i loved that. Oh yeah with the some of the other left over cash i would hire a personal chef to cook paleo meals for me and my family and anyone else who wants to come over and eat, and someone to do my laundry. Do you think that i have thought about this way too much in the last few months!!!! I have the details worked out and even been scouting out land and all the professionals i would have in the clinic maybe it will come to fruition one day...
row calories 24, 22, 26, 24
Toe To Bar 12,10,10,12
DB Burpees 9,9,10,10
I messed up and thought i saw Toe to bars
With my new contract from OPT I would:
1. Donate a large chunk to the medical community to try and find a cure for Orthorexia
2. Hire an assistant to do my workouts for me
3. Spend the rest on lotto tickets, because it would be AWESOME to win a million dollars.
Row: 28, 26, 25, 26
K2E: 25, 23, 25, 25
DBBP: 10, 10, 10, 10 (done man-maker style with clean and press rather than jump)
Great workout.
I decided to compete in the Garage Games in late August and they place you in heats based on the following workout that I did today:
1 min AMRAP pull ups
1 min AMRAP sit ups
1 min AMRAP push ups
1 min AMRAP squats
1 min AMRAP 275lb Deadlift
Pull ups- 48
Sit ups - 39
Push ups- 56
Squats - 54
Deadlift - 13
I PR'd unbroken pull ups (42)but then was only able to do 6 more before time ran out. Everything else I thought I would have done better at. Sit ups felt really slow and hard.
The NBA isn't even on my radar anymore. I couldn't care any less about LeBron or the Heat.
With that type of scratch however, I'd buy a lifetime membership to that Japanese porn site that keeps getting posted here on the blog.
Row (Cal.) 17,16,17,18
K2E 22,22,20,20
Burpees (25#) 12,13,14,13
Dragging ass this morning, I got a good 8 hrs sleep last night but I don't feel recovered. My day off included some moderate work though.
First I would give my parents $$ to retire then I would buy a radio station in Denver and play some good music while I ski all winter.
modified Thursday wod and kept it light... 5 sets of each, all with 90 sec rest...
1- 10 hpc (135 all sets)/ 10 hspu- sets bw 27-30sec
2- 10 pj (135 all sets)/ 50 dus- all sets 40-45sec
3- 5 hps (135 all sets, 10 reps last set(ez))/ 10 L-sit leg lifts- ~20sec
finished with 6x 40yard sprints... felt quick... refreshing wod...
2010 part 1:
A. 374-394-404(2)
B. 155-165-170
C. 15-10-10
10 mins rest (work and wedding got in the way)
Part 2:
Burpees - 10 x 5
Box jumps - 16-17-16-16-16
Pullups - 10 x 5
Row: 20, 21, 20, 20
KTE: 18, 23, 23, 24
DBB: 12, 13, 13, 14
You know what I would do if I had 16 million dollars? I would invest half of it in low risk mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in securities...
at lake no rower, so subbed 65lb SDLHP for row.
SDLHP 33,30,30,28
K2E 24,20,17,15
burpees 17,16,14,13
grip was limiting factor. k2e after sdlhp was killing grip.
16 million is not a number I can fathom, so I'm not sure what I would do.
I say good for those 3 guys to get together as friends and try to win it all together. I admire the fact that they are going after their goals in the manner in which they choose and not the way anyone else wants them to go about it.
4 sets:
1 min row (cals)
18-24-21-19 = 82
1 min knees to elbows
8-9-9-9 = 35
1 min db burpees - 10# (too light)
8-9-9-9 = 35
rest 4 min
16 million - i'd bring everyone and their families first class to calgary for a big dawg 5 day seminar, training blowout Anthony Robbins style (without the stage and that stuff...as well as i am not as tall)...
we should plan it anyhow or maybe a central locale in the states next year...anyone up for that?
Row: 30,25,23,27
K2E: 12,11,10,10
DBBurpees w/40#/h: 14,11,12,14
Used 40# because 25s thru 35s were in use.
Any tips/cues on stringing consecutive K2E together would be greatly appreciated.
Did some snatches at sub-maximal weight instead of part 1 since I did a mini Diane yesterday.
Part 2:
Burpees - 10, 9, 9, 9, 9
Box jumps - 18, 17, 18, 18, 17
Pullups - 9, 9, 9, 9, 9
this felt great - wanted more...
with 16 million I wouldn't change much in my day to day life, but I would hire a full time receptionist/admin person for the gym so that my mom wouldn't have to do all that work. I would also pay for all my coaching staff to do OPT CCP. And one last thing - a beachfront house in Mexico or Costa Rica, with a private jet to get there at a minute's notice.
James - YES to a Big Dawgs bash, but let's have it somewhere warm in the winter so that we can escape the Canadian cold.
Row (cal)
KTE (on rings)
DB Burpees, 25# x 2
Blew my wad on the first row, took a little while to recover from. Happy with the consistency. Those DB burpees crank the suck factor through the roof...
Burpies:15,14,14,14 (only with 10#/hand, only thing available this am)
I can guarantee both my own attendance and that of several others at my gym who have followed your programming to fine performances in the Regionals.
In fact, I'll host it here in lovely Cincinnati...
with 16M I would pay off my friends and families debts....wow I'm such an accountant ;(
Row: 21, 23, 22, 22cal - damper at 4
K2E: 15, 15, 15, 13
Burpee: 6, 7, 8, 9 - 30# vest and 10# DBS
Running clock for three exercises
53 yom/218#/5'11"
James - YES!! I'm in!
Lisa - LOL thanks glad you enjoyed it. :)
DL: 185, 195, 205 - deads feel different and way better since Dr. Spider helped me rehab / fire glutes
Press: 75, 80, 80
GHR - unbroken, feeling good.
Part 2:
Burpees: 11, 11, 11, 11, 11
20" Box Jump (had to keep up with the boys): 14, 14, 15, 15, 15
kips (where is my swing? chest to bars feel better these days): 10, 9, 8, 8, 8
Thanks to BK for great coaching this morning and always.
A. 330 x 3 x 3
B. 133 x 3 x 3
C. 15 hands on head x 1 set x 15
Rest 10 min
PUB - 10/10/10/10/10
BJ - 16/16/17/15/15
CU - 15/15/15/14/14
James I am soooo IN!! I vote for Phoenix as i know you are partial to there as well or maybe somewhere with a beach and we can do some serious WODs in the sand and ocean. NO offense Stephen but it is damn cold here in the winter so might as well escape to somewhere warm.
Went for a very hilly 25km bike ride down here in Montana didn't break any speed records as i was on a mountain bike and very bumpy roads but felt good.
coach!... count me in!... what could b more central than Kansas city?!?...
I'd be keen for a Big Dawgs Seminar for sure!
Running clock interval timer.
Row: 26, 26, 25, 24
K2E: 19, 16, 15, 14
DB Burpees: 21, 16, 15, 14
16m...house with more than 1 bathroom, a little land with a view. Once off probation it would be sweet to have a little box to be run OPT CCP style with another FF. Maybe New Dawg Travis! I'm pretty conservative with money...so most would be saved I guess.
cals: 23/22/23/22
K2E: 21/21/15/13
burpees: 16/16/16/17(used 20lb db)
I would take a million and 10 of my friends to vegas and celebrate.
row: 21, 23, 25
k2e: 21, 23, 20
db-burpee: 11, 13, 13
Notes: tried to memorize wod rather than writing it down, and I forgot to include 4 rounds!
With that kind of salary, my first move would be to buy some land and a house!
I'd try to make a OPT congregation!
Rd 1. 24/24/11 - 59
Rd 2. 24/21/11 - 56
Rd 3. 24/18/11 - 53
Rd 4. 24/19/12 - 55
Total - 223
Pretty hot today, but felt pretty good. Row was steady, knees to elbows suffered the most, and burpees were steady and slow. Used 35lb db's because there weren't 25's at the firehall.
I'm in on the seminar:)
$16 Million a year...treat my family to whatever they want.
a. 255, 260, 265 x 3
b. 85, 95, 100 x 3
c. 15 x 3
1. 11, ?*, 11
2. 11, 19, 12
3. 11, 19, 12
4. 11, 21, 9
5. 11, 21, 8*
*not sure count on first box jumps, either 16 or 19. stopped for chalk last set pull-ups, so sweaty!!
Row: 20, 18, 19, 18
K2E: 15, 12, 11, 10 (grip ttly gave out)
DB Burpees (hands overhead at top) 11, 11, 11, 11
Rows: 35/25/25/25
K2E: 25/18/18/18
Burps: 17/16/16/16
Score: 254 (77/59/59/59)
A little tired from the last two days. K2E go south really fast. I need work on the t2b and k2e.
16 million, hey? Golly, what would I do? I supposed after I got debt-free and helped out my family I'd try to help out my fellow Dawgs. You know, I'd get Mike Fitz some confidence training and DJ a good hair cut (and use the hair for some plugs for me).
Or maybe I'd just pay off Trevor's physio/chiro/osteo/naturo bills and with the 2 grand I had left over I'd have a wicked good party up to my house!
Row: 20/19/19/19
KTE: 16/16/14/14
Burpee: 14/13/13/15
With 16 million: First pay off all our debt, then arrange for a vacation for my parents and in-laws with us, since they've helped us out a ton over the last couple of years!
I'd also start a foundation for people who climb trees to stare at fawns and horny boys. Get help, Josh!!
A. 365X3X3
B. 140X3X3
bj :20,18,20,18,17
pu; 14,13(covp) 18,17,15(bfly)
1. Fly to Indo and surf Mentawii Islands with 8 mates.
2. Gonna offend some crocodiles here but Basketball and Baseball, there are soooo many games a season that ya head spins and the games mean absolutely shite during the year, playoffs are ok but very ordinary games to watch. Ice Hockey ,now that another story.
Check this little vid from the Aussie State Of Origin Rugby League(NOT rugby union) between hated States NSW(blues) and Queensland (maroons). My beloved Blues have gone done 3-0 for the last three years but every game is an absolute cracker of end to end action and brutal physical confrontations.
Good fight in here as well!
James, I will shut down my brand new box(5000 square feet) to host everyone here in CT. There is a 2on 2 ice hockey rink next door and an indoor rock climbing wall along with indoor soccer in my complex. Oh and a huge Gymnastic facility.
Have I twisted your arm yet?
Check out;
Seriously, I would love to host this event and get all Dawgs together!!:)
sorry...footy vid link attached.
1: (25, 15, 11) = 51
2: (23, 14, 9) = 46
3: (21, 11, 9) = 41
4: (20, 12, 10) = 42
Total: (89, 52, 39) = 180
Las Vegas anyone?
Round 1: 21/32/16 - 69
Round 2: 21/28/17 - 66
Round 3: 21/25/16 - 62
Round 4: 21/22/16 - 59
pulled easy on the rows(70% effort)
I had to drive to PA to take care of some family business. So no opt wod today.
An OPT bash is a great idea. We should all meet at Miami Beach, or the Keys. Or how about Charlotte?
row calories 20, 25, 24, 20
KtE 11, 13, 12, 10
DB Burpees (17.5#) 14, 14, 16, 12
In Lake Tahoe for the weekend. Having not trained for weeks and altitude really made this one tough.
row- 26,27,26,25(damp.#7)
kte-18,14,10,11(keep slippingoff due to extremely sweaty hands)
db burp. #25-14,15,16,15
-then played 60 min of badminton. I felt really good today.
Row: 29/29/26/26
K2E: 14/15/14/15
DB Burpee: 15/15/14/15
James, you do a summit-type gathering, I'm there.
With 16mil, I'd buy land and build my wife's dream house (and my dream gym).
Rows - 27,25,24,20
KTE - 25,18,16,16
DB Burpees - 16,13,14,16 (30lb/hand)
Wife and I are in for a state-side OPT seminar extravaganza. We are about an hour away from Stephen down in Cincy, that would be our first vote but will meet you guys wherever.
BK, would love to play some indoor soccer...
part 1:
A. 295/315/325- back felt good, didnt push it
B. 145/155/165
C. all UB- good
rested 2 hours
part 2:
burpees- all 11 reps
BJs- 16/16/17/16/17
COVP- all 16 reps
@ James, I would love that big dawg fest! I vote for BK's place!
Rows: 30/23/23/23
K2E: 20/18/17/17
Burps: 17/16/16/16
I used to love the NBA, but lost most of my interest over the years. Garnett's passion and drive was inspiring as a Boston guy and brought me back. Lebron is putting my resolve to the test with the groin punch he delivered to the city of Cleveland.
With a 16million dollar salary I would buy a massage therapist, a nauturopath, a physio therapist, a chiropractor, a professional cook, a running coach, a weightlifting coach, a power lifting coach, a gymnastics coach, a natural foods store, James FitzGerald and OPT and win the crossfit games...
Oh and get Geoff a psychiatrist cause that dude is messed up!
Row: 33/29/27/27
K2E: 27/27/24/26
Burpees: 18/18/17/16
coach... you cant throw out that bone and not expect us all to jump all over it! BK is on to something, check out the sportplex in fairfield, ct. i'll open my house to some dawgs (better be house broken).
row: 28,27,27,26
kte: 21,15,17,21.. damn pull up "handles" with the multi grip fcked up my hands... cuts on the back hand side
burpee: 21,17,17,18
now you said 16mln salary, does that mean i would have to keep my current job? that would sux, but... pay off house, redo kitchen, deck out garage with training gear, get kid a horse... that would hold me for a while... if you just hand me 16mln? buy a small farm kona, hi
At CF Portland. Met Wes Hendricks. Always a great time with Scotty and Rochelle.
I'm in for the bash.
MIssed the WOD today. 2 hours sleep after doing a 24 hour shift in the field.
I'm in for a Big Dawgs seminar anywhere anytime!
Muggy as all get out in the gym tonight.
Set 1: 31/15/14
Set 2: 27/16/14
Set 3: 25/15/15
Set 4: 23/13/14
If I had a $16,000,000 salary I would buy snow leopard pelt bath mats, a life size golden rhino, John Merrick's skeleton, a cod piece made out of cod, an iPhone, a robot to wash my feet, I'd enroll in the tapeworm diet plan, I'd buy a round of drink for the BP guys at the yaught club, two 22-year-old Brazilian nannies, I'd buy the Texas Rangers then trade our best player away, I'd buy CrossFot and move the games to the park across the street from my house, and happiness, I'd buy happiness!
I think I would have some left over cash after all the OPT Certs and would pitch in with DJ to get Geoff a psychiatrist, only he would think fawns and big boys with horns= horny boys
haha disturbing
YES, im in for an OPT party-CERT-Workout Fest- Whatever- with the big dawgs. I'll bring a tree stand to give to Geoff to hang in his neighborhood and check out little boys...
Dave X- haha you would be the one to click on the porn spam, hahaha
konichiwa bitches!
I'll start saving for the Big Dawg Bash immediately.
16mil: I second Lisa M, and along DeeJay's lines, I'd hire Kelly Starret to fix every tweak I have.. though 16mil might not be enough!
Todays Training
row: 23,23,25,21
K2E: 20,16,10,14
DBB: 16,15,15,14
Running clock, lost a bit of time transitioning from rower to bar. Not a great showing today.
Your not as tall as Tony Robbins nor do you have that mouth of teeth, I swear every time I see that guy smile it looks like a line up of yearnals.......
Row: 23, 21, 19, 18
K2E: 19, 12, 11, 12
DB Burpees (25#) 13, 11, 10, 10
With LBJ money, I would definitely open up a gym, hire my own paleo chefs, attend an OPT seminar with everyone I know.
Glad I'm not a Cleveland fan (stabbed in the heart)
James, ooo, now your talkin! Count me in! All this talk about 16M has got me worked up, I'm going to buy a lotto ticket tonight, it's at 72M! Where are my keys!
Part 1
A: 215(3)x 3
B: 75(3)x 3
Didn't know to increase weight, or not?
C: 15 x 3
Part 2
Burps: 9,10,10,10,10
BJ's: 16,15,17,16,16 - 20"box
PU's: 9,9,9,9,9
16M - get Lucy's teeth fixed and all her lumps removed, and then expand the Hound Pound.
i would travel from Aus to that 5 day seminar! - make it close to the coast!!
And, Robbins smile sucks! It is too fake!
DJ your mom is my psychiatrist.
Rows: 34/33/33/33
K2E: 17/15/15/15
Burps: 12/11/11/11
I don't have 25# db's, so I used a 55# barbell. I'm assuming that with these, you end the burpee with the weight overhead? I became very aware how difficult breathing while pulling your legs up for the k2e was while trying to recover from the row....great workout.
K2E: 25/20/17/18
DDB:19/18/13(almost puked...ha)/16
spent the day at the beach and was beat for an 8pm WOD...too late for me...gas tank was empty...love the burpees though
$16 million...
After I took care of my family, I'd build a totally 'green' off the grid self-sustaining home deep in the Canadian wilderness, on a lake, close to a river full of mean high-volume rapids. I'd spend my summers there, but I'd spend my winters in the south Pacific scuba diving off my sailboat and livin in a hut on the beach!
James-the bash sounds incredible! I'll go wherever you put it on!
Cut it down a bit as I did the workout right after an OT shift
3 Rounds
1 min SDHP (16kg): 31, 32, 33
1 min K2E: 20, 22, 21
1 min DB Burpees (I did it with a pushup on the DB's, into a clean, into a push press): 9, 10, 10
rest 4 min
Opted out of this one in support of my ongoing effort to be able to lift adult male size weights. Instead did
A. Deadlift 6X2's 315/315/315/315/315/335 Focused on activating posterior chain, and explosiveness.
B1. DB Split Squats 6-8x3 rest 90 30/35/35 Kept weight lt focused on staying on heel and keeping glute working.
B2. DB Ext Rot 6-8x3 rest 90 20/25/30
With 16 million, I'd like to think that I'd give half of it to the people that have helped me along the way. The other half would allow me to build the house on a lake that the wife and I always talk about someday having. The house would be on 200 acres so that I could take in every stray dog I came across. I would of course love to open a gym as well. Thats about it, I really wouldn't want the money to change my life too much
And an OPT gathering, Hell Yes. I would be there no matter where it was
pt 1-A. 285(3)-315(3)-325(3)
B. 115(3)-120(3)-125(3)
C. all UB
pt 2(done at work, pullups on rings, yes i have set up gymnast rings in my place of work)
total reps per set
rings really slowed the pullup action down.
....16 million, eh? probably buy more Skins gear.....are there such things as compression hats?
Row Cal: 26, 25, 24, 26
K2E: 26, 24, 18, 24
Burpees: 20, 19, 20, 19
Did not have db's for burpees, so did them at btw.
4/12 am, 2 days back
4 sets:
1 min row (cals) - 21/24/23/23
1 min knees to elbows - 15/14/13/12
1 min db burpees - 25/15#/h - done as straight burpees - 14/12/10/11
rest 4 min
kte and burpees are a gaping weakness
part 1:
A. 255, 265, 265
B. 75, 85, 95
C. unbroken, but more difficult on the GHD at CFC.
rest 2 hours
part 2:
20 sec burpees - 10, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9
20 sec box jumps - 18, 18, 19, 18, 18
20 sec chin ups- 8, 9, 9, 9, 9
with 16m I would to costa rica and build a gym down there. All big dawgs welcome to come visit and train anytime!! especially in the winters!
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