sat, jan 1, 2011

another day at the office


16" Close Grip Bench Press - find your 1RM
(compare this to the latest power clean 1RM)
"Flight Simulator"

post highest load as well as comparisons to power clean 1RM and time for DU's to comments
double tomorrow
(i.e. what we're looking for here is the ratio of power clean to bench press)

thurs, dec 30, 2010

Bill T breaks 3 min on Fran...congrats Billy

 "the simple truth"


A. Back Squat - 3 x 3 @ 80%; rest 90 sec
B. Front Squat - 3 x 3 @ 80%; rest 90 sec
C. Overhead Squat - 3 x 3 @ 80%; rest 90 sec

rest as needed

5 sets:
30 unbroken wall balls
rest 20 sec
25 unbroken chin ups
rest 3 min

post loads and notes to comments

wed, dec 29, 2010

love this analysis of Boston marathon 2009; can you imagine doing the 1st 5K in 14:33 then repeating close to that over and over?


10 min dynamic hip warm up
Run training:
5 min @ easy pace
6 sets:
3 min work @ 90% max HR from this day
3 min recovery @ 70% max HR from this day
5 min run @ easy pace

post your estimated marathon time if you were to jump in right now - all jokes aside - please estimate as well as notes on todays workout to comments

Tues, Dec 28, 2010

no tears, only blood on Saturdays at OPT lifting club

part 1:
7 rounds for time;
245#/165# Dead Lift x 10
50 double unders

rest 8+ hours

part 2:
As many rounds in 15 minutes:
10 burpees
10 push ups
10 ring dips

post time for part 1 and total reps for part 2 to comments
(i.e. 6:23 and 240 reps)
compare to here
chest to deck, NOT belly to deck for push ups and burpees
arms come to full extension at the start of every ring dip rep and the end of every rep

dec 27, 2010

DJ enjoying some squat clean thrusters with lava in Hawaii... the same day in Labrador and my hometown - my Dad and his prize possession Beau - I hope to provide as much to my family as my father did for me...and more
If there is one traditional sport that your training could carryover to the best, which one do you think it would be right now? Post to comments.

sun, dec 26th, 2010

all i want for X-mas is 300+


A. Clean Grip DL @ 11X1; 12 sets of 2 @ 55% 1RM Dead Lift; rest 45 sec
B. 1-5-1-5-1 ring HSPU ladder not for time - perfect reps
C. GH Raises @ 10X0; 10 x 4; rest 60 sec
D1. Front Leaning Rest on rings - 45 sec unbroken x 4; rest 30 sec
D2. GHD Sit Ups @ 2020; 12 x 4; rest 30 sec

rest 4+ hours

5 min warm up @ 50% effort
8 sets:
1 min @ 90% effort constant pace
1 min @ 50% recovery pace
5 min cool down @ 50% effort
(record avg cals/hr for 1 minute efforts @ 90%)

post loads, notes and avg cals for all 8x1 minute 90% sets to comments
Mon off, Tues double, Wed single, Thurs double, Friday off, Saturday single tester, Sunday double, Mon off..repeat

post # 700, Dec 25th, 2010

instability and load variance can lead to...
...acceleration and proper timing


5 sets:
5 front squat/5 push press/5 thrusters
rest 20 sec
20 unbroken CTB chin ups
rest 4 min
(add weight per set for FS/PP/TH)
1 Thruster every 30 sec from rack for 10 min
(change loads as needed - work @ 90% effort per rep)

rest 6+ hours

Run warm up 10 min @ easy pace
Run faster every minute for 5 minutes getting to a high HR only in last minute
rest walk 1 min
Run 2 min all out - record max HR at last 30 sec of this 2 min interval
rest 5 min
Run 20 min @ 65% of this MAX HR score above

post loads and run HR scores to comments

fri, dec 24, 2010


Power Clean - build to a 1RM
rest as needed
Row 500 m x 1

post highest load only and time to comments
(as well, divide the power clean 1RM into the back squat and post % as well as avg watts for row divided by BWT in # - i.e. PC-300/BS-400 = 75% and 300 watts/150 # BWT = 2.0)

Last chance to attend the Level 1 - OPT CCP Assessment Module held in San Diego, California at CrossFit Invictus January 8-9, 2011.  There are a few spots left and no plans on hosting another Assessment module in the California area in 2011.  Start off the new year with a focus on developing yourself as a Coach - register now

The Assessment Module:
- understand the importance of assessment and data (why, when and what)
- perform body fat testing for males and females (norms, data, goal setting) and how to communicate the data to client
- physically test a client by using functional movement screens and upper, torso and lower body specific muscular testing under load and non loading environments
- effectively observe and identify overtraining /overreaching

Refuel and VMG

Buy 3 REFUEL, get a FREE VMG...and... FREE SHIPPING!
Offer expires today!
Canadian orders - click here
USA/International orders - click here

Click on the "special holiday offer" link

Rory and AJ Sqt Clean/MU from Garry Michael Martin II on Vimeo.

Rory vs AJ

wed, dec 22, 2010

walking with Red tonight, I could not resist - ensure you take the time to take a second every now and then....
...and reflect how fortunate we are


12,9,6 rep rounds for time:
Squat Clean - 155#/105#
Muscle Ups

compare to this
post time to comments

...and if you can take a second; I've been analyzing the last few days' data and I should have asked for the BWT and avg watts for the row effort - I want to compare this so if you could please...go back and get #1 your total reps for the 85% of back squat score, and then find the avg watts for the 60 min row and divide that by your BWT in # as a score (ex. 200 avg watts/200# BWT = 1.0)....and PLEASE post those scores on this current day (Dec 22) as well if you can, thanks a bunch! It will help us all; like this;
BS reps - 7
Row score - 1.5

tues, dec 21, 2010

the road back is a long one the more advanced you get

Best finish of year on FloTrack

What was your best training moment of the year 2010?
Post to comments.

Hannah's workout last night:
- ring swings off box x 20
0 sec rest
- 5 rope swings
0 sec rest
- clean and press 12# bar x 3
10 sec rest b/t sets
- 10 assisted chin ups
0 sec rest
- at least 50 ball swings to med ball target
giggling as rest
- 20# ball to shoulder
then of course she wanted to check her form on the video...

mon, dec 20, 2010

reaction when i told her there was a true endurance test upcoming for everyone


for meters:
60 min row TT

post total meters and notes/experiences to comments
Tues off, Wed - testing single, Thurs off, Fri - testing single, Sat double training, Sun double training, Monday off

sun, dec 19, 2010

when folks like Danny have mastered a skill and a sport, it becomes truly beautiful to watch - same as in an extended set in volleyball, a John Wooden run offense, a double skull for much skill needed and time devoted; no one really understands it until you see it captured like in this film - watch it all, it increasingly impresses.


part 1:
A. Back Squat - build to a tough 1; rest as needed
B. 85% of A - amrap @ 3010; 1 attempt
C. Chin Up - build to a 1RM; rest as needed
D. 85% of C - amrap @ 3010; 1 attempt

rest 4+ hours

4 sets @ 90%:
1 min burpee broad jumps
1 min db thrusters - 25/15#/h
1 min ball slams
1 min box jumps - 20/14"
rest 4 min actively

post loads. reps and notes to comments
single on Monday

sat, dec 18, 2010

OPT Weight Lifting Club version 2.0 - working sets
..then some fun...
...and to finish
Mat Lalonde - our resident expert for the OPT CCP Nutrition modules is heading to OPT CCP coach Scotty Hagnas' place in Portland - January 8th, 2011 from 9 am to 5 pm - "the Science of Nutrition - the basics".
If you want to create change in your facility, your family, your friends - the exposures they get to the optimum way to live and more importantly eat - send them to this day. Mat will lay out the answers to all the basic questions on current nutrition practices and why!
Sign up today!

fri, dec 17, 2010 - part of the the two hour body

Heavy figured the FLR out and decided to send in a pic..


part 1:
A1. Hang Power Snatch - 3 heavy; rest 10 sec
A2. Toes to Rings @ 1010; 10 unbroken; rest 10 sec
A3. AMRAP HSPU; rest 3 min x 7
B. Front Leaning Rest on Rings - rings @ 2", feet @ 6" off ground - accumulate 300 sec

rest 6+ hours

part 2:
10 min @ Z1
30 sec @ 80% effort
30 sec @ 50% effort x 5
30 sec @ 90% effort
30 sec @ 50% effort x 5
30 sec @ 100% effort
30 sec walk x 5
10 min @ Z1

post loads, reps and notes to comments

thurs, dec 16, 2010

the differential - a VERY interesting way to sort out what we talk about in the CCP program design certs about "prioritization" and balance in fitness; would you want a long career in which you had a high differential or a low differential? an interesting dilemma..or is it?


2 pd/1.5 pd KB Swing Breathing Ladder
(1-15; 1 swing, 1 breath, 2 swings, 2 HAVE TO attempt the next set when breaths are done - if you complete it, post the time; it is for control, not speed)
rest 5 min
For time:
1 muscle up, 10 unbroken ring dips, 1 muscle up, 9 unbroken ring dips...down to 1 muscle up, 1 ring dip
(you must start the ring dips immediately AFTER your muscle up attempt, i.e. muscle up INTO the 1st ring dip and begin the dips; muscle ups from COMPLETE hang and arms straight; if you come down from the dips, you know what happens!)
rest 5 min
AMRAP AirDyne cals in 2 minutes

post notes, times and cals to comments

milk glue
meat glue

wed, dec 15, 2010

Nancy Mansolino - OPT CCP Coach/Athlete


part 1:
A1. Front Squat @ 30X0; 2-3 x 5; rest 10 sec
A2. Chin Ups; 25 unbroken x 5; rest 4 min
B. 100 GHD sit ups for time

rest 6+ hours

part 2:
5 sets:
Row 250 m @ 90%
12 burpees
35 double unders
rest 90 sec
(rest 10 min)
5 sets:
35 double unders
12 burpees
Row 250 m @ 90%
rest 90 sec

post loads and times to comments
single on Thursday

rest day

they work you so hard at the Anvil that you might lose your arms and legs over it

If you get a chance, I just had a quick question for you regarding an ongoing shoulder problem that I've had.  I have extremely little anatomical knowledge, but from what I have read and the type/kind of pain that I get, it seems to be an issue with my biceps tendon.  Overhead presses and HSPU are the main culprits for pain, as well as supinated positions with a straight arm, and there is audible popping when put through a circular swing.

My question to you, do you know of helpful therapy exercises that I can start working on to address this?  I plan on taking at least a month off of any pressing/overhead work, but would like to be more proactive than that if possible to speed up the process.  Any input you have would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

Most times it is not the bicep tendon that is the problem, so moving away from the OH movement will remove the pain, but not the problem. Most times when pain is less and we assess the ability of the person to retract and depress the scapula on cue, they have a problem doing this as well score poorly in the scapular assessment we do measuring the ability of the scapula to work under load in relation to the pressing movements.
This is why isolated movements are important in training and why following ONE training program is imperative, and why skipping around from here to there on training will cause problems long term. The re-occuring issues fitness athletes in those SC, GH, ST joints comes down to too much volume of pull ups and horizontal pushing movements - both causing more work on internal rotation and NOT enough work on scap retraction and external rotation humerus in numerous planes, speeds, actions. (this "plan" is not take into consideration on a haphazard regime - the person who said "no programming is bad programming" is not a professional coach, and has not coached anyone)
Fixing it is as simple as ensuring you perform technical work on all the movements that caused pain, not intense movements; focus on the scap work 2-3x/week - trap 3 work, scap retration, external rotation of humerus and accompanying this with work with a therapist who knows that lying on a bench means liftng heavy weights, not a massage.
I've had clients have this problem fixed sometimes with NUCCA, ART, graston, massage, chiro, IMS, acupuncture, etc...but ALWAYS has gotten better by removing the painful movements and focusing on the balance in the scapula and not forgetting this. These folks that are also prone to this have to ensure keeping that scapula healthy as they divulge into specific training or are in season as well.

mon, dec 13, 2010


I added this one to see the difference in the temperature - early AM same day, doors open - Refuel in the background; the pretty boys at Redline in Naples


A. Split Jerk - 2 x 2 - 80% effort; rest 1 min
B. Split Jerk - 2 x 2 - 90% effort; rest 2 min
C. Split Jerk - 2 x 2 - 100% effort; rest 3 min
D. On the minute for 10 minutes:
Power Clean x 1/Split Jerk x 3 - 65% of C
E. 10 toes to bar; rest 45 sec x 5

post loads and notes to comments
tues off, double wed, single thurs, double fri, sat off, sun double, mon single, tues off

they call him DUTCH

sun, dec 12, 2010

"Stach" as he's known @ OPT started with me in the summer of 2003 at 13 years of age. With no training previous and after 6 months with us he did a 6/12/20 leg day of 265# BS x 6, 10 sec rest, 65#/h x 12 lunges, 10 sec rest and 20 barbell jump squats with 65#; rest 3 min TIMES THREE...then some supp work after; then a 400# DL 2 weeks later. Here he is doing 370 with ease for 1 today with Mike "caring". Some are born to lift, god love 'em!


5 sets:
8 Hang Power Clean - tough
Row 150 m @ 100%
rest 3 min
(intent is quick transition; high grunt effort on clean and high power output on row)
5 sets:
8 Dead Lift - 50% 1RM
Airdyne 30 sec @ 100%
rest 3 min
(intent is high grunt effort on DL, then high speed all out on bike)
3 sets:
20 back extensions
30 jump switch lunges
rest 1 min

post loads used and notes to comments

sat, dec 11, 2010




A1. OHS @ 1010; 10 reps x 7 sets: rest 1 min
A2. CTB Chin Ups; 10 reps x 7 sets; rest 1 min
In 4 minutes from an empty bar find your 1RM Press
rest 10 sec
Tabata Sit Ups anchored no abmat - total
rest 10 sec
AMRAP Double Unders in 4 minutes

post loads for OHS, and total for part 2 to comments
(part 2 total = load in # + total reps + total reps)

fri, dec 10, 2010

Johnny O - 35 years old biological age - "you can't bank fitness"
"never will you see a peak performance WITHOUT previous hard work a part of that picture"

One knows the price we pay without creating balance in life/sport/etc...are you truly working hard enough? Do you see how not "working hard" can carryover to how you "work hard" at life and just living. Or conversely are you focusing all of your efforts in the wrong "work hard" place - i.e is there truly an equilibrium in that? Or do you not understand a thing I am saying? If not, why?

thurs, dec 9, 2010

so bright and shiny; i just wanna hold it and squeeze it and do bad things....


A. Clean Grip Dead Lift @ 11X0; 10 sets of 3 @ 50% 1RM; rest 30 sec b/t sets
B. Power Clean - 3,3,3,3,3; rest 3 min - last 2 sets are tough
C. KBS - 20 heavy russian swings; rest 90 sec x 5

post loads and notes to comments

wed, dec 8, 2010

weighted chin ups strict - part 4 in the OPT model of chin up progression for strength, injury proofing and longevity; negatives, weighted negatives, positives, positive weighted, a fixed strict unweighted number, then kipping.... in that order, along with proper scapular stability; a big thing at OPT - females with strict chin ups - "money"!


Row Sprints:
275 m @ 97-100%
Rest 2 min x 5
(rest 10 min off rower - total 120 sec of handstand holds in this time frame)
Row Sprints:
275 m @ 97-100%
Rest 2 min x 5

post times to comments
goals are 0.5 sec faster per set for 1-5, then faster again from set 6-10
(i.e. 46,45.5,45,44,5,44, rest, 46,45.5,45,44.5,44 sec)

tues, dec 7, 2010

Chef Casey thinking about his next dish as he digs into the pain of the burpee/KBS combo


A1. Push Press x 1/Power Jerk x 3; rest 2 min
A2. 20 unbroken chin ups; rest 2 min x 5
B. AMRAP DU's in 30 sec; rest 30 sec x 5
C. Toes to Bar x 10 unbroken; rest 45 sec x 5
D. Side Bridge - 60 sec/side x 3/side; no rest b/t sides

post loads, reps and notes to comments

rest day

a great set up and initial movement off the floor...

always leads to proper execution to move weight overhead in one movement

Congrats as well goes to OPT client Kathryn Waslen  - 3:03 marathon on Sunday - goal time of 2:55 within reach, well done!

sun, dec 5, 2010

then 5 hours later FGB - 422


row 10 min warm up - sprint last 10 sec of every minute
rest 3 min
3 muscle ups on the minute for 10 minutes
rest 3 min
1 challenging HSPU every 30 sec for 10 minutes - adjust height as needed to "just get" rep every 30s
rest 3 min
5 sets:
20 walking lunges controlled
20 push ups contolled
20 GHD sit ups controlled
rest 3 min
row 10 min cool down - sprint last 10 sec of every minute

post notes to comments

singles all next week - monday off, tues-thurs on, fri off, sat-mon on

sat, dec 4, 2010

OPT X-Mas Gifts!
Enter "happy holidays" in the coupon code area



Power Clean Cluster - x 5; rest 4 min
3 rds for time:
10 Dead Lift - 115% BWT
25 box jumps - 24"
(rest 10 sec b/t reps on cluster; rules for box jump - jump up, hips to full ext @ top, STEP DOWN, repeat, you CANNOT jump up and jump off - we will test this again with jump up - jump down over time and compare)

post loads and time to comments
work on recovery - we are just finishing up some volume work; stay with it

fri, dec 3rd

Dec 2nd - 310 cals, rest 10 min - 303 cals, Dec 3rd - 303 cals, rest 10 min - 154 cals in 5 min, rest 2 min - 52 cals in 1 min
No one can run a mile in 4 minutes; Bannister does it, then 4 people do it in 1 year, now high school kids do it regularily; how much are we limiting ourselves based upon what we know?
The athlete I want does not know why they are doing what they are doing; they are just doing!

thurs, dec 2, 2010

my gym at the cabin - what's the name of yours?


A. Overhead Squat @ 32X1; 5 x 5 - 80%; rest 2 min
B. 3 muscle ups, 10 breaths x 10
C. L Sit on rings - 120 sec total work
D. 25 double unders, rest 30 sec x 8

rest 6+ hours

For cals:
"300 FY" on Airdyne

post loads, notes and cals in 10 min on airdyne to comments
rest well Friday