and a shout out to Bill Tillipaugh - OPT client
congrats to Bill and the trainers here at OPT for helping to build another monster
pre stats:
221.1# BWT, 18.24%, lean mass - 82kg - Mar.10th, 2009
1st WOD - "Cindy" - 9 rounds - "thought i was going to die"
daily food example:
1 cup vanilla almond special K with skim milk and coffe with milk/quakers brown sugar oatmeal and raisins/chicken breast with tomatoes and cooked rice/1 activia yogurt and granola/1 serv Yangees pot roast and skim milk
post stats:
193# BWT, 6.95%, lean mass - 82kg - July 30, 2009
latest WOD - squat clean Grace - 5 min - "that was fun"
daily food example:
OPT smoothie - whey, berries, full fat yogurt, ground flax, nut butter, water/2 oz raw milk cheddar, 30 almonds/chicken salad with lettuce, tomatoe and cucumber and oil dressing/1 small yogurt and 45 cashews/Cobb salad - ate out
Congratulations Bill!
Your results are proof that the program works, but your attitude & intensity are what really make you a success! Keep up the great work.
Love to hear these stories. 18% BF to 7%BF is huge. Obvious that a lot of strength & energy came up while the BF% went down. Good lesson for everyone; listen to the coach.
Way to go Bill!
Note to the gynastics cert students; anyone else finding it difficult to get the rhythm for both types of chin-ups when done concurrently?
No s^%t good job, the man is a machine. Keep up the hard work, Bill, I enjoy kicking your ass!!
Keep up the fantastic efforts Bill.
Be my guest and come on down to CrossFit Lethbridge anytime :-)
It takes practice, don't give up on that. I personally use both the circle and gymnastic kip styles depending on the WOD. I find WODs with fewer pullups it is easier to use the gymnastic kip as once you have the technique dialed in it is just as fast as the butterfly for small numbers. However WODs with more pullups (20+) I tend to use the butterfly (and resort to gymnastic if I lose my swing or going for AMRAP so I dont have to come off the bar).
I look at it this way. Everett usually split cleans and split snatches because he is stronger and better at it. He still practices the squat versions because we need to be master of all trades. I'm sure James has his own thoughts of this too.
Great group photo...
Billy, awesome work brother!!!! I knew you would embrace this lifestyle. Keep up the great work!!!
A wise man once said; "Committment my friends, that is the lesson"
Excellent work Bill. Now you have the challenge of the bar muscle ups. Katrina, I wanted to say that you were very impressive as a coach at that Cert on the weekend.
Great job Bill! Very impressive!
Feel like I've been hit by a bus, legs, shoulders and tris are just shot! Good times!
I just tried the OPT smoothie that was apart of Bill's awakening.
I made up the proportions and the smoothie turned out awesome.
Do you have specifics for that smoothie? Or is it just weigh what you need?
what a testimonial...congrats bill!
Thank you for hosting the gymnastic cert. The 5 of us that came out from Regina all really enjoyed it. 3 from our group said it was their favorite cert, and we've been to quite a few!
Thanks to Tucker, Michelle and Katrina for outstanding coaching. We brought home some new "gym challenges" for all our members.
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