part 1:
12,9,6,3 rep rounds for time;
Dead Lift - 315/225#
Muscle Ups
rest 1 hour
part 2:
3 sets for total working time:
3 x [1 hang power clean/2 hang squat clean/3 push jerk - 135#/95#/5 burpees/6 cone touches]
rest 2 min
DL - you cannot drop weight from top
muscle ups - arms at full extension at bottom and top
part 2 - 1 set = 3 rounds of 1 HPC/2HSC/3PJ/5 burpees/6 cone touches - 20' apart; i.e. you perform the BB complex, back up and perform 5 burpees, then proceed to cone # 1, touch this cone and another one 20' away from that one for a total of 6 times (i,e each cone 3 times)...then go back to the BB complex and perform the entire set 2 more times; TIME this set, rest 2 minutes and repeat the 3 rounds 2 more times timing each round; add all times together
A. Dead Lift 55% of your 1 from Thursday; 10 sets of 3 reps; rest 45 sec b/t sets
B1. Ring Push ups @ 31X1; amrap (-2) x 3 sets; rest 60 sec
B2. 10 Power Clean "touch and go" unbroken x 3 sets; rest 60 sec
C1. Clap Push Ups @ 10X0; amrap (-2) x 3; rest 10 sec
C2. Push Ups @ 10X0; amrap (-2) x 3; rest 10 sec
C3. KBS - 20 unbroken x 3; rest 10 sec
C4. 20 Back Extensions @ 1010 x 3; rest 180 sec
post scores and notes to comments
rest on Monday for all