I can give you countless stories on the walls of my office of folks that have used the word recklessly, more by lack of knowledge rather than ignorance. Stories of broken, devalued and low morale lessons in what we all think "family" is and was.
One thing we teach at OPT is family.
I have many families in my life, but to each holds the same description; honour of others, respect elders, help because you can not because you have to.
As a child I thought I understood family; as a young adult I thought I knew family; when i began my own I thought I knew family...they come and go just as the definition evolves.
Holding too close an attachment to what you believe family is not important; what is are the principles underlying what it means to be a part of one FULLY!
I would step in front of a truck for any member of my family; and they know it (ex's are my house family, my OPT trainer family, my big dawg family, my client family, etc...)
In one line/statement; give me your definition of family.
Coach -
Great question: family is the outpouring of love, service and loyalty to others and being able to count on the same without having to ask for it!
thanks again,
Family is selflessness and love combined, and then emanated onto those close to you.
To me, at least.
People you can count on, and for whom you can be counted, no matter if you are lock-step in thoughts and actions, or there are day to day differences or even bruised feelings.
union of shared commitment.
Those to whom I share an unwavering loyalty, commitment, concern, and desire.
Would be willing to do or give anything for family with out expectations.
Individuals that you would WITHOUT hesitation: help, save, comfort, hold, give honest thoughts/feelings, and most importantly be there for you at any time.
Family is the only thing worth living for while we're down here on earth.
It's moments like this post today that hopefully stop everyone for a brief moment so they can adjust their priorities towards family like we adjust movements and intensity towards better performances on a daily basis. I would give up anything and everything for my family without question, I just hope the opportunity never presents itself. I'm getting soft in my 'older' age...
The people you can be yourself with, and they still love you for it.
Family are the people in life that I share trust, respect and unconditional love with.
Family is where we safely risk our personal energy and resources to generate positive energy for others, and receive more back for ourselves; the foundation for and the product of greater depths of virtue (courage, love, honor); apart from which no "self-actualization" means a thing.
The pack you run with, share with, achieve with, learn with, love with and sacrifice for.
The people whom you love and support unconditionally and they love and support you unconditionally.
The people you would do anything for and people that would do anything for you.
Well said Geoff, Mike Molloy and RwCorson, I like those answers.
A family relies on each other, good times and bad.
This topic makes me think of the article about the power lifter that survived cancer (Coach posted here on December 16th) http://www.calgaryherald.com/health/From+chemo+hell+podium/2337369/story.html
Adam Price said about his wife ". . . I am the luckiest man on earth. I would gladly take on the hardest chemotherapy if it meant that I could spend just one more day with her,"
That my friends is family.
For me it's in the individual moments.
My wife and I up in the middle of the night comforting our little boy.
My great crew at work sitting on the bumper after a good fire.
My family sitting together after my dad's heart attack.
It's those moments, either during or in reflection, after you go through some hardship together where you realize what they all mean to you.
the collection(s) of people whose love/devotion/respect you can't live without. I would do anything for these groups of people in each of their respective roles. Letting them down would break my heart, however, I would forgive them in an instant if they thought they let me down in any way.
Family is community done right - when each individual is made stronger by what they share together
I had a really bad snowboarding accident a few years ago. My best friend Lindsay took me to the hospital. There was no one else I would have rather had taking me there. I felt so secure and comfortable in her care. My family extends much past relatives, it includes friends, the children that I teach everyday, my place of work, crossfit. Anywhere where I am accepted with open arms and where people give to me as much as I give to them :)
Family is the people in your life to whom you give and receive from - unconditional love, forgiveness, accountablility, respect, and honesty.
Family are the ones around you that never abandon you, the ones that pick you up when you are down and support and love you no matter what choices you make.
Family is an unbroken commitment to each other.
So many great answers!
I really think I agree with all of them :)
I had to really consider this approx. 8 months ago when I was creating my side of the guest list for my wedding. I thought long and hard and the one thing that REALLY meant something to me was that I wanted people at the wedding that KNEW me....TRULY KNEW ME....and that I would WANT to talk to at the wedding and that I would have something meaningful to say to. This meant that at the end of the day some of my "family" was left out to include those that I truly consider family.
I also agree with Geoff Aucoin.
Family is the people you love and provide a perfect peace for you under any circumstances through your faith.
Support. Simple as that.
People who you support and they support you in return. People who want to see you achieve your goals just as much as you want to achieve your goals.
Hey... speaking of family, just filmed this an hour or so ago... just had to share :)
"Oliver's First Burpees"
Family rx'd for life "Unbroken".
"Strength and Honor"
Forget About Me, I Love You...
I didn't come up with it but I like acronyms... what I would truly describe as family has adequately been expressed by the many wonderful thoughts 2day...
I would do anything 4 those that I consider family... whether or not the favor would b returned... selflessly giving urself... knowing trust, respect, loyalty, honor in a mutual fashion...
in addition 2 the many families in my life (nuclear, work, college, track, etc)... I consider this community right here a family, and m grateful 2 b a part of something so wonderful that honestly 15 yrs ago wouldn't have happened... the Internet is amazing providing a medium 4 people thousands of miles apart 2 b able 2 experience something so amazing on a daily basis...
unconditional love and support.
Matthew 12:50
I truly have a great love for everyone, all in this board included. But family I define in a different way.
Those that miss you when you're not around...
So many great thoughts and definitions of family so far. Several of them reflect the way that I feel about family. I also learned from several of them as well.
I would like to add a point thats important to me regarding family. Family not only includes those that are in our lives at present. It also includes our "family" members that have come before us and those that will come after us.
Those who came before have laid the groundwork and made many of the things in our lives possible. Those after us will inherit what we leave behind.
James, thank you for reminding us to reflect on the importance of family. I keep learning that this blog is about so much more than just physical fitness.
Pete (Crossfit Montreal)
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