Michael McElroy
part 1:
Power Snatch - 10 sets of 3 reps; rest 5 min b/t sets
rest as needed
part 2:
Sprint Run 800 m @ 100%
rest 6 min x 3
A1. Front Squat @ 30X0; 4-6 x 5; rest 20 sec
A2. 25 kipping chin ups; rest 180 sec
B1. DB Forward Lunges @ 1010; 6-8/leg x 3; rest 90 sec
B2. Powell Raises @ 3010; 8-10/arm x 3; rest 90 sec
C. Tabata Sit Ups - low score
post scores and notes to comments
schedule still pending based on how everyone does over next few days
Monday off for everyone
A1. 5@225, 4@225, 4@225, 4@225, 4@225
A2. unbroken, unbroken, 10+7+8, 12+6+7, 5 then hands ripped and did not complete
B1. 8@55, 8@55, 8@60
B2. All sets 8@15#
C. Low score of 10 reps
A1. 6x70kg, 6x80kg, 4x82.5kg, 4x85kg, 4x85kg (1 sec rest in top before last two reps..)
A2. 21 (CTB), 20/5 (CTB), 20/5 (CBVP), 15/5/5 (CBVP), 15/5/5 (CBVP)
B1. 8x(2x24kg), 8x(2x26kg), 6x(2x30kg)
B2. 10x6kg, 8x7kg, 8x7kg
C. 11
Grip destroyed on A as usual. Got DA PUMP!
A1 155,160,165,170,170. last two sets i took quick breaks at the top, which is why i didnt go up in weight.
A2 unbroken butterfly (tough)
B1 95 (Barbell on accident),50,70, all 8/leg.
B2 Powell Raise, * did trap raise on accident, i was half asleep this morning. 10(8),10(10),10(10)
C 12
Lots of heavy breathing and sweating this morning. it took me 10 min to recover from A1-A2. Goal was 14 on tababta situps, no pop today.
A1. Front squat - 110,120,125,125,125 all six. I kept the weight low.
A2. three rounds unbroken, 13,4,3,2,1,1,1/13,4,3,3,2
B1. I did walking lunges in the 1st two rounds @ 30X8,35X8 the forward lunges 45X8.
B2. 15X10,15X10, 17.5X10
C. 14
Not feeling very well this morning.
I made it through the first three sets
A1. 190, 190, 190
A2. Unbroken, 20+5, 10+10+5
I started to get tremors and felt very sick. So I stopped there. I don't know what the happened. I'm going to eat and take a nap. If I feel better I try again this afternoon.
A1: 155/175/185/195 x 6, 205x5
A2: 25, 15-5-5, 10-5-5-5 x 3
B1: 35x8, 45x8, 50x8
B2: 12x10, 13x8-2
C: 15
A1. 225(5)-245(5)(5)(4)(4)
A2. unbroken/15-5-5/10-5-5-5/8-7-5-3-2/5x5
B1.1.5 pood(18)-2 pood(16)-2 pood(12)
B2. 20(forgot tempo)-15-15
C. 14 anchored + abmat
this workout ruined me....
A1. 132,152,162,167,172
A2. unbroken X3, /18,3,3,1/tore hand so didn't do the 5th set
B1 30,45,55
B2 7.5, 10, 12 (right arm weaker- limiting factor)
C. 8 - did unanchored
A1. 185x6 all sets
A2. All sets unbroken
B1. 55#/arm x 8/set
B2. 10#/arm x 10/set
C. 15
5'11'' 167 28yo.
Down in D.C. again and visiting Primal Fitness. Had to adapt to work into their class schedule. Couldn't quite do the exact workout, but I hit similar muscle groups.
A: 10 sets of 3 Front Squats at 200#. Used the 30X0 tempo.
B: 4 Rounds
25 Double Unders
7 Thrusters w/ 45# dumb bell. (3:50)
C: 5 sets of 25 pull ups with 2 minutes rest. Unbroken, chin over bar.
A1: 135/6, 155/6, 175/6, 185/4, 195/4
A2: 25, 25, 25, 20-5, 15-10 - butterfly
B1: 35lb/10, 45lb/8, 45lb/8
B2: 15lb/8 x 3
C: 9 - unanchored abmat
@ OPT @ 10AM
A1. FS all 6rep's full depth (plus) 132/142/152/162/165
A2. 25 kcu's x 5 unbroken
B1. DB FL (not alternating & not walking) 55/65/65
B2. Powells all 17.5x8. Started with weaker left arm & kept @ 8
C. Tabata 16/16/16/16/16/16/12/12
needed to get higher. Anchored.
A1: 225,230,235,240x5,240x3
A2: ub, ub, 17/3/5, 15/5/5, 15/6/4
B1: 53, 56, 70x12
B2: 20lb x 3 ( right arm weaker)
C: 13 ( butterfly w/ abmat)
Rx'd is 180sec between last set of A's and first set of B's, and 90sec rest between last set of B and set C.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
A1. 155x6/175x6/185x6/195x4/185x5
A2. 25repsx5 all unbroken butterfly except 2nd set
B1. used 1.5 pood in one hand 2 pood in other so total of 123# all 8 reps/leg
B2. 12x10-arm/14.5x10-arm/17x10-arm
C. 15 low score unanchored
very tough on grip. did chin break vertical plane on second set of pullups and it was soooo much harder than butterfly just kills the grip. Great WOD thanks coach.
thats what I did Chris
B2.8 each at 15lbs,last 2 at 20lbs 10 each.
C. low score-10.
A1. 4x185/190/195/185/185
A2. 3xunbroken 2x15+10
B1. 8x36/52/52# KB
B2. 10x20#
C. 13 unanchored abmat
I had to drop weight a little on the front squat to keep the tempo as RX'd. The chins felt strong, I have a handle on the butterfly kip with a chin grip now. Tough workout, the rest time flew by.
A1. 140,150,160,170,180
A2. all sets unbroken
B1. had to use barbell 95,115,125
B2. 10, 15,15 --used 15lb barbell
c. 16
Felt pretty good during the WOD after a good warm-up. Quite fatigued at the end of WOD.
Chris you have it right. Under the OPT FAQ #2 it says:
Once you have completed the A1/A2 series, you move to B1. You start B1, 120 seconds after your last set of A2.
A1.205(5),205(5),205(5),205(5),205(4)PR 225 5x5
All Unbroken but switched from Butterfly to Kipping.
B1.8@55,8@55,8@55 each hand
B2.10@15 x 3.
C. 14 Low Score
Not feeling it yet. Legs feel a lil weak but not horrible. That's my own fault though haha.
A1: 205(5),215(4),215(4f),205(5),205(4)
A2: unbroken,15-10,15-5-5,10-5-5-5x2
C:15 for all 8
Powell raises were new to me, not sure how they are supposed to feel or if I was doing then right.
A1. 185, see below
A2. unbroken butterfly with whole head over bar
B1. see below
B2. 3 x 10 @ 15 lbs.
C2. 11
Taking a few weeks off from deep knee flexion, so... for A1 I simply unracked the weight and held it in the rack position for :30 to at least simulate the forearm/wrist fatigue of the FS. For B1 I subbed 10 reps of a single leg bridge for glute activation. Abs are still sore from the 100 for time on Wednesday. Tabatas thoroughly sucked.
Kind of a funny question but does anyone know while doing Powell Raises I only have KB's Should I let the KB Hang loose in my hand or Bring the KB bottoms up? Not a big deal but dunno.
A1. All at 95; 6-5-4-4-4
A2. 15,6,6 - 13,6,6 - 9,5,6,5 - 12,8,5 - 9,5,6,5
B1. 8/25 - 6/30 - 6/30
B2. 10/5 - 9/5 - 9/5
C. 10
A1. 155(6)/ 175(4) x 4 sets
A2. ub, 20/5, 13/4/3/3/2, 15/5/5, 9/3/2/4/3/2/2..alt bt kip and bf
B1. 40#DB's x 12 reps x 3 sets
B2. 10# 8/8 x 3 sets
A1. Fronts squats are a BIG weakness for me so the tempo was nice. Really helps me find the correct path for body and bar.
A2. PU's are another thing I need to improve on, especially when we get over 60 or so I poop out.
B1. These were easy so did extra reps, didn't have anything heavier than 40#
B2. Reminds me of baseball. My long arms could only handle 10# with that 3 second drop.
C. Anchored with abmat, full range. These were easy and fast, could have held a higher score.
Also...talked a fellow PT I work with about my knee pain. She suggested unloaded, high rep therapy for thirty minutes a day. Very boring but very effective. The past three days I have been on the bike (extremly light resitance) x 15 minutes and total gym (pain free range squats) x 15 minutes and it has made a HUGE difference! I've been doing these before my workouts. It helps to remodel the tissue and will work on patella/meniscus/cartilage problems. I highly suggest to those having knee pain to give it a shot.
A1. 110x5-100x6-100x5-100x5-100x4
Fist set was a bit too heavy, wanted to focus on good form.
A2. All 5 sets x 25 unbroken, did butterfly pull ups
B1. 20lbs for all sets x 8 each leg
B2. 10lbs for all sets x 8 each arm
C. 15
A1. 115# 6 reps all sets. I went light today because I'm still really physically fatigued from deadlifts and split squats.
A2. all broken
B1. 30# DBs 8reps all sets
B2. 10# DB 10 reps all sets
C. 17,16,15,13,13,13,13,13. Tabata score 13
Marcher, Bodyweight 162
A1. 135x6, 155x6, 165x6, 175x4, 165x6
A2. all sets unbroken exactly 20 seconds after FS
B1. 25'sx8 per leg, 50'sx8, 50'sx8
B2. 10lb dbx8 per arm all three sets
C. Low score:10
A1. 195x4x5
A2. 4 rounds unbroken, 5th set-15/5/5
B1. 30/handx6, 45/handx6, 45/handx8
B2. 15lbsx8 for first 2 sets, 15lbsx10 for last set
C. 12 abmat + anchored
FS: Disappointed with FS. My 3RM is 255 so I expected higher...however fourth rep was a struggle for all sets.
PU: pleased with 4 rounds UB (though 4th round was not very fluid)
Lunges: should have used 2 pood KBs
Powell Raises: Very challenging with tempo...
Tabata: Perhaps I could go higher but I was pleased with this...
A1:225x4 for all 5 sets
A2:Hands are still tender so did 5 dead hang wide grip with 30#.
B1:40#x8/50#x7 for 2 sets
B2: 20#x8 for all 3 sets
C: 15.
A1: in KG. 120/5, 124/5, 124/4, 124/4, 124/4
A2: unb/unb/unb/unb/18+3+2+2
B1: 53/8 each leg, 61/8, 70/8
B2: Therapy band, focused on quality
C1: 14;
15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 14
A1: Felt strong, the tempo REALLY changed things. Made breathing a lot harder and stressed legs a lot more because there was no pause on top.
A2: Ripped on the last set. But even if I hadn't ripped I probably would've had to break anyway.
C1: Was using arm momentum and an abmat.
A1 95-115-125
A2. All unbroken
Time constraits so only 3 sets. Did it during the lunch break at the gymnastics cert.
B1. 16kg kettlebells in each hand
B2. 7.5# - 8 reps
Exhausted after a long day with a lot of demoing. Good times though! James you are the talk of the town out here with your programming.
A1. 135x6, 145x6, 155x5, 155x4, 155x5
A2. 4 sets Unbroken butterfly, 5th set 16/4/5
B1. 60#/arm-8/leg x 3
B2. 15#x10/arm, 20#x10/arm, 20#x6/arm
C. 13
A1. 185, 195, 205(4), 205(4), 205(4)- last rep very challenging
A2. all unbroken chin over vert plane- last set challenging
rest 5-7 min
B1. 65lb/arm, 75lb/arm, 80lb/arm (x12)
B2. 10lb/15lb/15lb
rest 5-7min
C. all 18 reps
* Thanks for the clarification Chris, I always rested as needed between couplets, I will change that to the Rx'ed rest asap!
A1. 110x6-110x5-110x5-110x4-110x5
Concentrating on good form, breaking 90 degrees on each reps, with good tempo
A2. All 5 sets broken, 15-5-5; 10-8-7;?;?;15-10
B1. 25 lbs for all sets x 8 each leg
B2. 5 lbs for all sets x 10 each arm
C. 15
*Nice to see my training partner's name at the top of the page!!! GO MIKE!!!
A1. 205,215,220,225x3,185(1&1/4)x3
A2. R1 C2B, R2-4 b-fly w/20# vest, R5 B-fly
B1. R1-2 1.5 pd x 8/leg, R3- 70#x8
B2. 12#x10,15#x10,15#x10
C. 15 (anchored w/abmat)
A2.all broken
B1.35x8,45x8,50x6(per leg)
B2.10lb x 10 (each arm)
part 1
part 2
better than last time over all decent day.
A1. 135X6,185X6,205X4,205X3(wrist gave out), 205X2(wrist gave out)
A.2 All unbroken
B1. 8,8,8 with 45lb dbs
B2. 10#X10, 15X9, 15X10
C. did Tabata on GHD. Low score=7
A1. 40 kg, 50, 55x5,60x4, 60x4
A2. 25, 25, 20/5, 10/5/5/5, 10/5/5/5
B1. 25 lbs x8, 35x8, 45x6
B2. 7.5x10, 10x10, 15x8
C. 12
Last 2 rounds of A were very challenging. Still wrecked from the 100 GHD situps...made the sit-ups more difficult than usual.
A1: 225,235,245,255,265 X6
A2: UB,UB, 15/7/3,10/5/3/2/2/2/1,
10/5 -hand torn,done.
B1: 50,50,50
C: 7.
Anterior sore as hell before workout and 10 degreees here in NE this mornin. Warmed up solid run/row/ropex2, I love that warmup to get the juices flowing.
FS all arse to grass. Worked diligintly on descent as soon as extension was reached. Tempo on point. Last 2 reps of 5th set took 2 breaths, and wanted to rack ity at 4 glad I pushed through..
Butterfly pullups felt real good ,without chalk so grip was issue, hence the torn mit.
Lunges solid and controlled.
Abmat/anchored and it was just survival. Hit 14,11,11 then chronic pain in abdominal wall and just blasted 7 and stopped with no will or want to do any better every set.
Pls tell me your abs are smoked after GHD 100, and I am not some soft ....?
A1. 135, 145, 155, 165, 175(3)
A2. 20/5, 17/8, 15/10, 15/5/5, 15/5/5 - GRIP!
B1. 30, 35, 40
B2. 12.5/12.5/12.5
C. 13
A1. 225, 245, 265, 275(3), 275(3)
A2. All Unbroken Chin cross vertical plane
B1. 50# DB's, 65# DB's x 2 sets
B2. 20#
C. 11
A1. 225x4 230x4 235x4 240x3 225x4
A2. UB UB 20+5 15+5+5 15+5+5
B1. 55x8 55x8 60x8
B2. 25x8 25x8 25x8
C. 15 all the way across
front squats real tough. low back still sore from deadlift. powell raises hard to maintain the 3 sec. decent. sit ups felt strong. should have pushed for 16 or 17.
A1. 75/75/80/80/85 - 6 for all, these felt terrible for some reason today so kept weight low and (tried to) stay explosive on concentric
A2. All sets broken but getting better, jumping kip
B1. 25/30/35 - 8/leg/set
B2. 10(10) all 3 sets
C. 13 - anchored
Felt like I didn't have it today. Gotta do better.
A1. 95(6)-100(4)-100(5)-100(4)-100(6)
A2. Kipping... unbroken.
B1. all at 25x2 8 reps each
B2. all at 10 8 reps each
C. 19,19,17,14,15,14,15,16
Low score=14
Question for the chin ups: when it doesn't say unbroken should we go for least amount of sets or fastest time? Today I went for time. Section A was tough
A1. 80#/6, 85#/6, 95#/5, 95#/4, 95#/4
A2. all broken
B1. 15# x8, 25#x8, 25#x8
B2. 10#/8L/10R, 10# 10L/10R, 10# 10L/10R
C. 15
A1.125(6),145(4), 150(4), 155(4), 160(4)
A2. Kip was off today and ended up getting pretty frustrated so I subbed jumping pullups
B1. 40# (9reps) for all cause that was the heaviest DBs I had access to.
B2. 10# (8 reps for all)/both sides
C. 10
PreWod: 5g Creatine, 16g BCAA-G
A1. 135x6, 135x6, 155x4, 155x4, 165x4
A2. All UnBroken
B1. 1.5 pood x 8/leg x 3
B2. 13# x 8/arm, 13# x 10/arm, 13# x 10/arm
C. 13 AbMat Anchored
PWO: Shake (32gP: Jarrow, 24gC: 1 scoop Refuel), 5g Creatine, 8g BCAA-G
60 min later: chicken sausage, broccoli, applesauce, mac nuts
A1. Stayed light b/c or my right knee. Got really low and worked on having my hamstrings touch my calves. My knee felt really good and I am glad that I was able to get full ROM w/out pain.
A2. Started off w/ butterfly kip in each set, but at about rep 15 (of each set) it broke down. I switched it to the regular kip there and was able to stay on the bar for all 5 sets.
B1. These felt really good and didn't have any issues w/ my knee. Would have liked to move up in weight, but I only have one 2pd KB. No DumbBells at the house, so I had to stick with the 1.5pd KB.
B2. No incline bench, so used a yoga ball and made due. Again no DumbBells so my choices were a 13# KB or a 1pd KB...I chose the 13#'er. Could have gone heavier...would have liked to have 20# DBs here.
C. Used the AbMat and anchored my feet. 13 in all rounds, maybe should have pushed for 14...next time.
- Started adding MRM's Creatine and BCAA-G into the pre/post WOD nutrition/supplementation routine. Anxious to see how this plays out.
- Finished building the Oly Lifting platform in the garage last night...good times.
A1. 135/155/165/175x5/185x4
A2. 25/25/15-5-5/15-5-5/10-5-5-5
B1. 55#x8x3
B2. 15#x10x3
C. 12
Alternated butterfly kip (2 and 4) and regular kip (1,3,5) on pullups.
B2:10 lbs
A1. 185x5/205x5/215x5/225x4/235x4
A2. 15-10/11-6-8/10-5-5-5x3
B1. 60(8L-7R)/65(8L-7R)/70(7L-6R)
B2. 15/20/20
C. 13 (15/14/13x6)
Notes: everything was hard today, but manageable except the chins. Total body fatigue on those. Happy with the Tabata sit-ups...all the GHD is paying off.
A1: 145x6/155x5/160x6/165x4/165x4
A2: All sets un-broken but last was a serious grip killer.
B1: Only have 40# DB's so 40x8 for all three
B2: 10x10 for all sets couldn't manage 20# and don't have any 15's
C: unanchored low score 14.
A1- 135x6 165x6 175x5 185x5 195x4
A2- Only the first set unbroken
B1- #35 x8/leg
B2- #15x8
C- low score 13
A1. 6,6,6,6,6 - 85lbs
A2. all broken
B1. 8,8,8 - 25lbs each hand
B2. 10,10,10 - 5lbs
C. 11
A1. 155x5,165x5,175x5,185x4,185x4
A2. 25 unbroken across all sets
B1. sub'd 95# barbell lunges, 7 each leg
B2. 8#x10 each arm
C. low-15
kept the weight low on the FS so I could maintain the tempo
Pull ups felt strong
situps anchored, felt very strong
part 1
part 2
subbed 800m row; 6min rest bw sets
2:47 / 2:38 / 2:33
500 du's and shoulder stability work
A1. 135#x6,135#x6,135#x6,135#x6, 135#x6
A2. All unbroken, CBVP
B1. 40#x8, 50#x8, 60#x8
B2. 15x10, 20x10,
C - Low Score 14
Notes : I kept it light on the front squats since my lower back is still really tight from the heavy deads and kb swings. Last time I tried to go heavy on my front squats with my back feeling this way, my lower back went into spasm and I was horizontal for 5 days. Decided to learn from that experience so I scaled it and focused on tempo down and quickness up.
Ang: Working out in Mexico and making due with what little equipment they have at her resort.
A1: 6x50#db's, 6x60#db's,6x60#db's,5x60#db's, 5x60#db's
A2: 25 reps on pull-down machine.
B1: 6x25#/arm,6x30#,6x35#
B2: 10 reps each time with 5#
C: 12-12-11-11-11-11-11-11
Front squats: Having an O-bar would have been fabulous as I found it tough to do with the DB's
Front Lunges: Yay something i could do RX!! felt good!
Powell Raises: Weak, I found these hard :(
A1 215-205-205-205
A2 4 set unbroken (butterfly and kip interchangably)
B1 35# plate
B2 10#
C 12
Notes: Felt like crap. I just came back from coaching a wrestling tournament for 14hrs. Full stomach.
A1: 205(5), 210(5), 215(4), 215(4), 215(2)
A2: unbroken, unbroken, 15/10, 15/10, 10/7/8 (chin broke vertical plane for all)
B1: 1pood kettlebells x8, 1.5pood x8, 1.5 pood x8
B2: 15x10, 15x9, 15x10 with kettlebell
C: 15 across
Front squat felt ok, not great, lost all my energy on the last set. It's tough doing tempo, I could increase more weight but going down slower is hard. Grip was factor for chin ups. Lunges were good, should have increased weight but I think 2 pood was too much. Never done powell raises before, tempo was a little off. Situps were just right.
A1. 225x6, 235x5, 245x4
A2. UB, UB, UB
Pulled the plug. Suffered from strange bout of insomnia last night and slept at most 45-60 minutes. Should've just taken the day off.
A. 175(6)/185(5)/190(5)/195(4)/200(4)
A2. unbroken, butterfly.
B1. 45(8)/50(8)/55(8)
B2. #15(10) x3
C. 11 unanchored with ab mat.
Front squats felt good. tempo was a bit tough.
Pull ups felt quick and light. hands started to hurt a bit.
Lunges weren't too bad, grip was a bit tired from the pull ups.
Powells were a good touch, kept it light to focus on perfect form and tempo.
Tabata's burned the core like no other. wanted 12, ended with 11.
A1. 200x6,200x6,200x5,200x5,210x4
A2.UB, UB, 10/?,15/?,12/?
B1. 35/h, 50/h, 50/h all alt legs for 16 reps.
B2. 15x8x3sets
C. 11 anchored feet.
Notes: Hands are sore after this, one. Pretty sore in general, took awhile to warm up. And could have went heavier for all except for B2, just abit gassed, 3yr old hasn't been sleeping well lately, hence nether have I!
C. Gamed to much should have 14 easy next time.
4 sets only for A1 & A2 as I left myself too little time for WOD today...
A1. 108x6/118x6/128x6/132x5 (paused at top of last couple reps of last set.)
A2. 25; 22,3; 12,6,7; 10,4,3,3,3,2
B1. 30x8/35x8/40(8/7)didn't alternate for any sets.
B2. 10x10/11.25x10/12.5x9
didn't have time to rest as rx'd for 'B' and didn't do 'C'.
A1. 89kgx6/93kgx5/93kgx4/93kgx4/93kgx5
-Front squat is my weakest of the lifts, I am constantly working on it. This will continue. The timing of todays reps messed with my breathing pattern a bit, and im sure thats why it was programed that way. :)
A2. All Broken. I got 18 unbroken on my first round, and did the 2nd and 3rd set with 15 unbroken. During the 4th set, I tore. It messed with my focus a bit, but I got through the last round okay.
B1. 24kgx8 for all 3 rounds.
B2. Therapy Band to focus on quality.
C. My first round was 12. i was hoping for 15, but my abs are still sore from the GHD Situps. I maintained 12 for all 8 rounds.
Great training.
Spent six hours today running up and down 20 flights of stairs for work so..
A1. 135, 145, 155, 155 (4), 155 (4)
A2. Unbroken, unbroken, 18+7, 15+5+5, 12+6+4+3
B1. 50, 50, 50
B2. all at 15 x 10
C 18
A1. 80kgx6,82,5kgx5,85x5,87,5kgx4,90kgx3
A2. 25 unbroken across all sets, chin breaking vertical plane
B1. subbed 60kg barbell lunges, 6 on each leg
B2. 2kgx8 left arm
C. low:11
Part 1: 115/135/135/140/140/145/145/150/155/160(1)
wasn't aggressive enough on third pull after first good rep at 160...weight was right, technique still needs work
Part 2: 2:42/2:42/2:42 (treadmill)
found a nice indoor track but didn't get there on time so did the 3 sprints on a treadmill
A1. 6/155 6/175 6/185 4/185 5/185
A2. All unbroken
B1. 3x8/50
B2. 10/15 9/18 8/18
C. 13 anchored with abmat
Started light with front squats back is still tight got to 185 and started to feel it in the back so I stuck with that weight for the rest.
PU's were good last set was challenging
50# DB's are the heaviest I have for the lunges
A1. 185/205/215x4/215x4/215x3
A2. UB for all. COVP
B1. 55/65/70
B2. 15/20/20
C. 9 w/ Abmat w/ legs butterflied
Very difficult to get moving today. Winded through the entire workout. Had to shut it down on 2 days ago doing thursdays DL workout.
A1. 185(5), 195(5), 205(3), 195(4), 195(4)
A2. All unbroken
B1. 45(8), 50(8), 50(7)
B2. 15(10) x 3
C. 11
Notes: Pull up felt better than they've been in a long time. Front squats felt like crap.
A1. 115(6), 125(6), 135(6), 145(6), 155(6)
A2. 24/1, 19/6, 12++, 15/5/5, 10++
B1. 20(8), 35(8), 35(8)
B2. 8(10) x 3
C. 12 unanchored
Notes: Left front shoulder still really hurting. Felt it a good bit on B2.
A1. 225x6/230x6/230x6/230x5/230x4 - could not catch my breath at top after 4th rep and drop without a pause at top, hence the reason I stayed at 230.
A2. 30x5 unbroken
B1. Used a BB (DB only go to 45lbs) 135/145/155
B2. 25/30/35x8
C. 15 (unanchored, non-abmat)
A1: 103.110/155()/115(4)/115(2)--these were terrible today
A2: did 15 reps x 5 unbroken sets to preserve neck/shoulder
B1: 22.5/27.5/35/35-did an extra set becasue I started too light
B2: 10/10/12.5(7)
C: 12 for all sets unanchored
all unbroken except last round
65,70,75 all x 8
15,25,25 all x 8
ran out of time didnt do sit ups
Part 1:
45-50-55-55-60-65-65-70-70-70 Kgs
Part 2:
Were pressed for time and due to very bad whetherconditions in Denmark I had to run on ice.
Managed to do all three laps with less rest between, no timer.
A1. 225/225/225(4)
A2. 20/20/20
B1. 65 x 8/leg x 1 set
B2. 25/arm x 6 reps x 1 set
C. Lying on floor
Not feeling good...still a little sick.
A1. 215-225-235-240x4-240x5
A2. 25-25-25-25-15-5-5 (forearms started to spasm and I fell off allotted time after third set. Took a 7 min break.)
B1. Used barbell. 135-140-145
B2. 20#
C. ran out of time
A1: 135(6), 135(6), 155 (6), 155(6), 155(6)
A2: 15/5/5, 15/5/5, 10/5/5/5, 10/5/5/5, 10/5/5
B1: 55 lb (6) x 3
B2: 15 lb
C: 12
A: X-portion became markedly slower in sets 4 and 5. Pullups on rings
B: stayed at 55 lb to maintain tempo.
C: 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 12
First full-strength workout in about 10 days (long work hours, sick family). Felt good, tomorrow may be another story.
A1. 185x6, 205x6, 215x6, 225x5, 215x3 - Just fell apart at the end, lost it down low in the bottom.
A2. Managed the first 5 sets all unbroken. The last set I did 20/5. My grip was giving out on my again.
B1. The biggest matching dumbells I have is 52.5#. So all both legs by 8x52.5#.
B2. These were very weird and my shoulder was really not cooperating and after looking at tons of videos I am not even sure I was doing them right. Just made the best out of it. All both arms by 10x22.5#, 10x17.5#, 10x15#. When I started having form issues I just lowered the weight so I could do it as right as possible.
C. 15-14-14-14-13-12-12-13 = Low score 12.
This was a pretty good WOD. The A1/A2 part got pretty tough there at the end. I really wish I could have held on to the bar for those last 5 pull-ups. Really wanted them all unbroken. But my grip has got to be getting smaller.
I am still working DUs during my warm-up. Now that I lengthed my rope it only took me a few attempts to get a staight through of 35. Getting better.
Ha! I meant my grip has got to be getting stronger! Not smaller!
Have been in dDnmark for the weekend and have not been able to workout as planned..
Did a outdoor workout on friday:
3 rounds of:
500 m running
20 boxjumps
10 strict pullups in the garagedoor:)
I did managed to workout on saturday though..
A1. 40-50-50-55-55
A2. Unbroken- unbroken - 15/10- 20/5- 15/5/5
B1. 12 kg- 16 kg - 16 kg
B2. 6 kg - 6 kg - 8kg
C. Tabata Sit Ups - low score - 12
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