part 1:
A. as many 1-5 ladders in 10 min - 225#/155# back squat; rest 5 min
B. BB jump squats - 30% of 1RM back squat; 6 sets of 6 reps; rest 60 sec b/t sets
C. GHD Sit ups - 5 sets of 20 reps; rest 45 sec b/t sets
rest 8+ hours
part 2:
AMRAP Double Unders in 45 sec
15 sec rest
AMRAP Chin Ups
2 min rest
5 sets for total points
(points are accumulated by multiplying your total DU reps/round by the chin up reps/round, then adding all 5 sets together, i.e. round 1 = 75 DU multiplied by 40 chin ups = 3000 points for that round...add this # to the other 4 sets and that is your score)
Ladder for A is...perform 1 back squat, rack the weight on stands, take weight off the rack and back onto you, perform 2 reps, rack weight again, take weight off the rack and back onto you again, perform 3 reps..up to 5 reps, then start again at 1 rep...each time you get to 5 reps, that is one ladder.
Jump Squats in B...ensure you explode through heels on hip extension, not toes, minimal ground contact time
post ladders and notes for part 1 and total points for part 2 to comments
single on Sunday
Jump squats are
1. Full squat and
2. go immediately into a jump
3. land, repeat
Man I hate to be such a newb, but I haven't trained this methodology long enough to know what my 1rm are, for basially all lifts. So for tommorow's Barbell Jump squats at 30% of 1rm Back squat should I just find a weight in my warm up thats makeable for 6X6, or should I go heavy in my warm up and get and idea what my 1rm is?
Thanks for the help.
Is this a good representation of the jump squat for B?
Noticed some more bruising around the groins down to the inner thigh, came to the realization that I need to take some days off... def should have listen to coach and took the requested days off prescribed last week... Dumb Dumb
Got to keep in my head Quality over Quantity...
A. @90kg 2 ladders + 2 sets = 33 reps total
B. @32.5kg unbroken, apx 10 sec/rnd
C. completed - last 4 rnds were broken
Part 1:
A. as RX'd, 2 ladders. A bit on the heavy side for me. Almost my 5RM. Pulled something on the inside of right thigh, hopefully nothing serious.
B. confusion set in and I used 40% of 1RM first 3 sets and then realized and did the last 3 sets with 30%.
C. First 2 unbroken, then broken.
Can't feel my legs!
A. 3 rounds plus 1 Rep.
B. 6x6 @ 90lbs. actually felt explosive.
C. 20,20,20, 10/10, 10/5/5.
My garage gym was ice cold this morning and the sun was just coming up and through the windows as I was working out, what an awesome morning.
Also in regards to Brent's comment about needing to take supplementation 101. Sign me up for that as well! I'm so confused about what supplements to take that I've pretty much given up on them outside of whey protein, a mutli-vitamin and a small dose of fish oil.
Also my legs are sore from part 1.
Part 1:
A. 1 ladder + 4 sets @ 155lbs = 25 reps total. This was harder than I thought it was going to be. I failed on my last rep of the 5th set of the ladder so I did not count that set.
B. 6x6 @ 55lbs
C. 20x5 with 50 sec rests, was sharing GHD with someone. All were unbroken.
Training againn at 3pm :)
Do we really take all 4 of the
45#ers off the bar on part A?
A 4 rounds
B easy, explosive 100lbs
C 4 rounds unbroken 5th round i had to do KE, unbroken, my GHD broke, not cool, only 2.5 years old.
I NEED suggestions on a good GHD for a good price. THANKS DAWGS!!
*Notes- i wasnt sure if coach met we had to take weight off our back or if we literally had to strip weight off the bar? i took weight off my back
- legs felt good, my right knee is starting to get alittle sore from all the leg work lately.
- I WOULD ALSO REALLY ENJOY A GROUP DISCUSSION WITH COACH AND ALL THE BIG DAWGS REGARDING SUPPLEMENTS AS I AM CONFUSED ALSO. I currently take a Multi, fish oil, ALA, NAC, VITAMIN D, Vitamin C. I am considering a probiotic, L Glutamine and Wobenzym N.
Hi all. Firsly I want to say thanks to OPT for making such fantastic programming available to us all. I am following this new cycle a few days behind as I want my rest days to coincide when the gym is closed which is Sundays.
2 questions
1) if I'm training for Crossfit qualifiers should I supplement this program with some wods?
2) should I still post my scores and weights even though I am following a few days behind and if yes should I post them on the current day or they day I am following?
Sorry for the long winded questions.
Need buddy lee rope for my wife, and maybe a spare one for me. But where to get them cheapest with lowest shipping to Europe? Any ideas?
Eric R
a. 4 rounds
b. 100lbs felt shockingly light after 225lbs
c. all unbroken
My legs feel beaten up. Lowering myself into a chair afterwards seems difficult.
1. the program is set up to follow only this program
2. start today and post here so i can see your scoring
3. find a gym to get to on Sundays
so if we go by the catalyst video for jumping squats you don't go to full depth??
Hi there
Im going away to take a course for a few weeks and will be living out of a hotel room and eating mainly out of restaurants.
Is there anything you would recommend eating/ taking with me for snacks? I know on the store website OPT sells organic bars? Would that be a good idea? How would you up the protein while taking those bars? Protein powder??
Any tips would be appreciated
Rob, jump squats are such that the amortization phase (time spent on ground) has to be minimal...so NO full squat as that would slow the movement down..
Heavy Evy, yes, build to a tough 1, then guess on the 1RM
bmizzle, Josh, when i use the word "rack", i mean to place the barbell on the rack, rest it there (unload it off you) then re rack it on you to start again..."take weight off" means take it off the rack...i.e. rack it, take it off the racks (back on you) then start your next set.. each rep in each set has to be unbroken when you start the reps
P2. Rested about 4 hours.
rnd 1. 21x30=630
rnd 2. 24x20=480
rnd 3. 10x20=200
rnd 4. 3x20=60
rnd 5. 8x20=160
My DU has definitely improved however, as you can see, it got pretty craptacular towards the end. My rope is still too long, so hopefully after this next cut, my DU performance will imrpove. I also should have rested longer but that wasn't an option.
Used DBs throughout, no BBs.
Part 1
A - 3 rounds plus sets 1-3 (used 2 x 100 lb DBs held at sides)
B - 50 x 6 / 50 x 6 / 55 x 6 / 55 x 6 / 60 x 6 / 60 x 6 (2 DBs held at sides)
C - 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 (Incline situps, unbroken)
Using DBs for the squats turned them into something more akin to a trap bar DL. A smoker for sure, but not a real approximation of what was prescribed. Same goes for jump squats.
Did a full squat on the jump squats. Jacked it up. Now I'll know for next time.
Part 2
Subbed DB Rows w/2x70 lb DBs, no PU bar
51/12, 55/9, 45/8, 42/8, 40/6
Breaking 50 on DUs in 45 sec is a big time PR for me.
8 hours in between workouts.
Should be back in the world of real gym equipment in a few days. Can't wait.
Part 1:
A. 3 rds and set of 3 reps.
B. 95lbs UB
C. 2 Rds UB the rest broken
Part 2:
Total: 8,350
Awesome WODs. 295 is my back squat PR, so 225 was challenging. 1 bad round of double unders with 4 trips hurt me, otherwise felt strong.
Forgot, chin over vertical plane on chin ups for part 2.
Thanks for replying and I'm glad it's just this programming as i don't think I could do a wod on top of it....
I am training in Europe and have already done thurs wod today and tomorrow was to be a rest day. I will jump In line on Tuesday after your monday rest day and start posting my results then.
Thanks again OPT.
Part 1:
2 ladders + 1,2
95# Jump Squats
GHD Sit Ups unbroken
Part 1:
A. PR is at 165lbs, so I did it with 130lbs: 3 rounds
B.6x6 @ 50 lbs, felt like I had nothing on my shoulders!
C.20x5, all unbroken with longer breaks, 3 on the same GHD
Part 2:
Couldn't wait 8 hours. I did part 2 after a 1 hour break
(26-20) (21-15) (20-12) (23-10) (22-12)
I've been practicing DU all week long, but I really have to work on it....... DU+Pull-ups, my shoulders are crying right now.
I've been working all night, time to go to bed now :-)
225 is a big weight for me, just about my 5 rep max since my back injury many months ago so I modified.
Each ladder went 225x1, 215x2, 205x3, 195x4, 185x5.
A: 2 ladders + 3 reps.
B: 85# (screwed up and did full depth squats. sorry Coach).
C: Unbroken. First 3 sets were very fast. 4 and 5 were brutal.
@Garage Crossfitter
I have a Sorinex GHD-M2 in my Garage and it's been rock solid. very happy with it. $575 plus shipping from Rogue Fitness. It's the same one they used at the '09 games
A: 2 rounds plus 4 sets and 1 rep into 5th set when ran out of time. All the posterior chain stuff we have been doing has really helped.
B: wow did that feel light!! 75#
C unbroken except for constant readjustments on my rigged up unit :(
Legs are seriously smoked now - that was fun!
Garage i have been researching the GHD and as JAM said that sorinex unit seems to be by far the best quality and price you will find.
A: 3 ladders + set of 4 reps
B: 105# w/full squats. I saw lifting blocks in the video so dismissed the partial squat on these.
C: Unbroken but slow
Can't rest the full 8 hours today, going to have to hit part II in 3 hours.
Part 1:
A. 2 ladders +3 reps = 33 reps @ 70 kg
B. 30 kg (1Rm = 95 kg)
C. 20, 20, 10/10, 10/6/4, 10/7/3
Legs are smoked, that was awesome! Definitely need more of that. Improving leg strength is number 1 training goal this year. BB umps felt explosive, nice cool down after the ladder. Abs still sore from last GHDs, so had to break these up.
Also interested in the supplementation issue. I currently limit my supplementation to Vit D and Omega-3 fish oil and Whey protein post WOD. I am under the impression that all other essential minerals and vitamins requirements are easily meet through dietary sources if you are eating standard paleo fare.
GC: interested in your choice of ALA...my current understanding of ALA is that it is poor source of Omega-3 fats, since it is only 2% DHA/EPA, which are the important acids controlling inflammation. Or is there some other reason for taking ALA that I am not aware of?
Also wondering what peoples thoughts are on Whey. I just get mine from Costco, but have been reconsidering lately after looking at the ingredients, as it contains soy lectins and stevia. What are peoples thoughts on whole foods or different sources of protien post WOD?
a. 4 rnds, 1+2reps - erectors were on fire!
b. 115, 135, 155, 155, 155, 155
c. subbed swiss ball GHD sit-ups - unbroken, broken, broken
Part 1
2 rounds + 4 sets - found the weight really heavy today.
95# on jump squats, but after reading the comments I did them incorrectly since I did a full squat then a jump.
Broke set 2 of my modified GHD SU's. Set 1 and 3 were much better than 2.
Part 1:
A: 5 rounds plus 3 reps
- Mental struggle in the beginning. Should have gone for 6+ rounds.
- Lower back (muscle, not bone) not happy with me at the moment.
B: 155#
- Felt light and fast.
C: Unbroken
- Hands at temples.
1. I am starting to understand a comment you made earlier regarding mental energy inevitably expended during a workout when you've got another one (or multiple) coming later that day. Never noticed before, but I'm paying attention to where I'm subconsciously holding back knowing I've either skipped a rest day (like yesterday), or that we've got more coming later that day (like today). Quality over quantity, dang it!!
2. I would appreciate a discussion on supplementation as well. After reading your advice to Kevin, I can see how ignorant I am on this issue.
See you guys this evening!!
PS. The garage is FREEZING!!
I've got two GHDs (by accadent. long story). One is a Power Max, the other is a York.
Bottom line: Power Max is good and cheap. York is expensive and bad.
Also, I've heard great things from Rory and April about the Sorinex
Coach, one more thing:
I absolutely love the picture from yesterday. Tell that guy thank you for me. Seriously.
Part 1:
A)3 Ladders plus 3
B)Rd 1 95#, 2-6 115#
C)5 rounds unbroken
Part 2:
Total: 1246
DU's getting better, was able to string 4 together at one point.
Part 1:
A) 3 ladders (had 2 minutes to go but lower back cramped up and had to stop)
B) 95# - unfortunately, did full depth but these felt light and explosive
C)2 rounds unbroken, last 3 broken
Just wanted to share this with everyone.
Amazing TED talk on longevity and living well. All about nutrition exercise and community. Can't recommend it highly enough.
A. 2 rounds +1+2= 33 total reps
B 6rounds with 90#
C 5 rounds unbroken
a. 2 full ladders and up through set of 4 on 3rd ladder
b. 50# ( may seem light, but last time i did a 1rm back squat it was 165, i think i got off easy on that one)
c. ghd’s unbroken
A. 2 rounds + 1 (210#)
B. 75# unbroken (full squat.. sorry Coach, read your comment too late)
C. 5 x unbroken
210# was my 5 rep max so quite pleased about how this felt. Took a wider than usual stance as I saw this done in my gym and felt MUCH more powerful / stable.
B. Tried to keep toes on tops of shoes to maximize heel/hip drive
C. I am the "little dawg" on everything except these. I have wondered why and I think it is due to former water polo (college), triathlon (all american), cycling (Cat.2) background with tons of hip flexor (esp with cycling stroke and flip turns). Who knows but I am happy not to suck at everything. This shit is humbling.
A. 3 rds + 2 reps
B. 105lbs very light
C. paused at the top a few times, otherwise unbroken
Part 2:
Round 1: 30PU/49DU
Round 2: 25PU/37DU
Round 3: 17PU/40DU
Round 4: 20PU/44DU
Round 5: 17PU/27DU
Messed up and did pullups first and then 15 sec before the double-unders... Would have been better for me to it the right way... Wellwell... Didn't have "it" tonight anyways.
If I multiply DU with PU (as supposed to) I get 4414.
A. 2 rounds plus 1 + 2 + 3 = 38
B. 83 lbs all 6 rounds
C. all unbroken - ~25-29 seconds each round
part 2:
rd 1 62/29= 1798
rd 2 56/17= 952
rd 3 41/20= 820
rd 4 44/10 440
rd 5 37/20= 740
total score = 4750
Used the nike rope again. Buddy Lee replacement cord can't get here fast enough.
Just have to comment on the brilliant day I've been a part of today.
I got to work out twice, but more importantly, I got to help my father, my brother, my fiance and one of my groomsmen in my upcoming wedding do Crossfit workouts today. It was positively awesome to workout or help them today.
My fiance and father have been crossfitting for 6 months. My father went from completely sedentary to swearing he will do crossfit as long as he lives and he has lost 23 lbs.
My brother and my buddy are new converts to crossfit and both have enjoyed it thus far.
Later today is my bachleor party, which means NY Jets football, friends and some cards.
Just an awesome day all around.
A. 3+1,2,3
B. 115# full squats, read coaches comment after
C. unbroken til last set which was just a short pause
A. 3rds + 1 & 2 reps - back and shoulders ached... capacity lacking.
B. 95lbs - fine
C. 20, 20, 12+8, 12+8, 14+6 - quads were on fire
2 ladders +1+2+3 - 36 reps
6 x 6 @ 95#
Ghd - 5 sets of 20 unbroken
Congrats PTS on the engagement and the training with family and friends. Sounds awesome. Are Crossfitting strippers coming to the bachelor party by any chance? I had a stripper that looked like she was a crossfiter for my bachelor's party-unfortuatley she also looked like Moe Kelsey.
Part 1:
A. 4 rounds 1 rep
B. 90# Focused on hight in jump through heels and this made the relative "lightness" of the weight a nonfactor inasmuch as just limiting my time touching the deck.
C. GHDs. 20/20/15,5/15,5/10,10
My legs are wicked rubbery. I almost fell down the stairs into my office. I haven't felt that way in a long time at least not since my bachelor party!
Part 1:
A. 1 + 3 reps
B. 90 lbs.
C. unbroken
3 hours rest
Part 2:
Score: 4,384
Haven't squatted in the six weeks since getting a cortisone shot in left knee. Knee still feels unstable sometimes, so I took it very slow today. Weight felt good, but I'm just holding back from intensity. Jump squats felt light and fast. GHD SUs were easier than expected, but then again I misread and rested :60 between rounds.
Double-unders continue to improve, but continue to bother the knee. Pull-ups stopped when my butterfly rhythm stopped. Felt strong.
I made an error adding up the weight and I only did 205 for the ladder. This turned out to be hard enough, as I only did 2 ladders + 1 rep = 31 re[s total
BB jump squats @ 88#
GHD sit ups - 4th rd broken 12,4,4
Part 1
A: 1 ladder plus 1, 2, 3.
This is 90% of my last 1rm...considered scaling, but trusted in coach. Tough mentally and physically.
B: 30%=75#'s
C: all unbroken
Wow, even though the numbers are pretty weak by big dawg standards, I felt good all the way through the ROM. Lower back felt stronger than ever maybe, which was great. Part 2 later.
I'm almost embarrassed to post my numbers especially on strength days, but I am working on that. This will make me pretty sore, no doubt. Now, off to read Tolles, eh coach?!
A. 4 rounds + time ran out on set of 3 reps
B. 95, 95, 105, 115, 115, 115- felt light and fast so went up weight a little
C. all unbroken x 20- hands at temples
my back felt very tight and sore during squats, but didnt feel like it limited me and able to push through
currently resting......
A:4 rounds
C.All unbroken rds 3to5 got slow.
A.3 rounds+1+2+3. Dam should have got to 4...next time.
B. 6X6 95#, Felt way to easy, I f'd up as well and went deep in my squat, but still felt very exsplosive.
C. 55s UB, 51s UB, 1:10 13/17, 1:30 5/5/5/5, 1:20 10/14/18.
Will be doing part 2 in the garage, think the chin ups on rings would be ok? Other wise I have to climb off a step ladder to reach the bar in the rafters.
Part 1:
A. 3 full ladders plus 1 rep
B. 135lbs for all 6 sets
C. All unbroken
Part 2:
DU. 60-40-40-48-38
PU. 24-14-20-16-18
Arms were just dead for some reason
A. 4 + 3 @ 95
B. 51
C. All unbroken
R1. 36 x 7 = 252
R2. 31 x 13 = 403
R3. 16 x 16 = 256
R4. 34 x 10 = 340
R5. 37 x 11 = 407
Total: 1658
I got 33 consecutive DU on last round. That’s a 14 rep PR!
Part I:
A: 3 ladders + set of 4 reps
B: 105# w/full squats. I saw lifting blocks in the video so dismissed the partial squat on these.
C: Unbroken but slow
3 Hours Rest
Part II:
Total: 6,011
Part II Notes: Forearms are smoked. Tripped up too much for comfort on the last 3 rounds.
Hey, that 77 in round 1 is a new PR for most unbroken DU's.
Part 1
A. 4 rounds + 1,2,2
B. 118.5 lbs., jump felt good
C. Unbroken, but challenging.
Part 1:
A. 4 rds + 1 rep
B. 110# - full squat jumps (doh!)
C. Sets 1-3 unbroken, 4&5 broken
Part 2:
Total score = 6,277
Round of 11 on pullups tried wrapping thumbs around bar and that was a miserable failure.
Did Heavy Rowing Grace with some other people preparing for sectionals at Crossfit Cedar Park. This was a WOD at the Hell's Half Acre Regionals last year.
10 155# squat clean thrust/jerk
500m row
3 rounds for time
Last year: 17:02
Today: 13:23
I'm happy with the improvement and could have gotten atleast 30 sec faster had I not failed on my last rep.
I would have done part A but I think the head to head competition is good for me and just as important. I'm working out solo most to the time. I will hit up B later today.
Thx coach
Last year at
part 1
3 ladders plus finished 4th set of 4 ladder
as Rx'd
subbed K2E for GHD Sit up
A. 3 rounds
B. Done with 100 lbs, did with full squats.
C. first set unbroken, the rest done but broken.
5 hours later.
I had a complete break down on DU today, it just can't possibly get any worse. I'm posting the numbers so when I look back I will someday laugh at it.
11, 25
7, 20
6, 10
7, 11
7, 12
Scoring is not necessary.
part 2 5.5 hours later
72,60,43,42,51 268
35,25,17,17,17 111
6332 total.
very unhappy with this workout. i adjusted the length of my buddy lee rope so the top of the handles come to the top of my shoulder while standing in the middle of the rope and that made this workout a disaster.
HOW do i determine the proper length that i should use with my buddy lee?
Part 1:
3 ladders
all full squat jumps, done before I saw coach's comment about limiting depth to keep ground time to a minimum.
GHD's no issues
Part 2:
65 x 23 = 1495
64 x 16 = 1024
55 x 15 = 825
46 x 13 = 598
65 x 10 = 650
Total = 4592
My grip was the limiting factor on the pull ups. However, this is the first time I ever hit more than 54 double unders in a row and I did it 4 out of 5 rounds!
Had to work out at the Globogym today so it was hard to get my mind right.
A. 3 ladders. Definitely started out too slow. I think racking the weight makes these so much tougher mentally. I wish I could give this another shot because I know I have more in me.
B. 100 pounds, all felt easy. Did full depth squats 'cause I didn't read the comments before going to the gym.
C. Globo doesn't have a GHD machine so did situps on a swiss ball and touched the ground on the decline. All unbroken.
2 ladders. All but the last set of GHD's un-broken.
Part 2
Chin-ups should have been stronger by arms were pretty blasted.
Part 1:
A)2 Ladders plus 4 ( have a back/hip injury so I had 60 kg on the bar)
B) 30 kg 6*6
C)5 rounds unbroken
Part 2:
Total: 6283
part 1...
A- 6 rounds = 90 reps (finished with 1sec left)
B- 115 x6 x6 (felt explosive on last 3 sets)
C- in sec... :43 / :38 / :37 / :36 / :36 (done on makeshift ghd at globo...)
8hr - 7hr 30min rest (30min rest)
part 2... used rock rings 4 pullups...
84 x 20 = 1680
77 x 15 = 1155
66 x 13 = 858
64 x 16 = 1024
65 x 16 = 1040
total ~ 5757
(4arms and shoulders r smoked...)
Part 1.
1 full ladder and 1-4 done at 85kg. My 1rm is 115. Second run of the ladder felt better form wise I just wasn't strong enough. This needs work!
Bb jump squats at 35kg. Felt good
ghd sit ups as rxd
Unit: impressive!
Had a good headache from the GHD's this morning, DANG.
Part Deux:
Total= 6349
My forearms were killing on the pull ups. WOW. Fun Wod :)
A. 3 rounds + (1+2)
B. 100lbs
C. still not full ROM
Hey guys, I've been following my own programming for a long time... but am really considering making the plunge... again ( I was following the OPTs programming about 6 months ago). It feels like I know my weaknesses better than anyone and that I should be focusing on, and adding, specific work geared towards them. Thoughts?
A: 4 rounds + 1, 2, 3
B: 118/6 x 6 felt great after the squats
C: GHDs unbroken, got hard towards the end.
Some of you guys have amazing scores. I'm very impressed with you all.
A. 3 full rounds scaled to 100# - approx 1RM 140
B. 45 x6 x6
C. Last set slooow but unbroken
15 min
32/16 (511)
28/12 (336)
39/12 (468)
30/14 (420)
30/13 (390)
Total - 2125
Forgot to mention pullups were jumping kip. After all the squats today legs were toast so the jump wasn't much help, was hoping for more pullups. But overall, fairly happy with today.
Part 2:
Thank you Rob Sifton. Switching to the shorter rope is the best thing that ever happened to my doubles. Hit a PR on the first round, could have kept going, I'll have that 100 unbroken soon. Arms were absolutely smoked after the first round, pull-ups went down the drain hard. Got just under half of my points on the first round. All in all felt great today.
word verification: "leges" cause they are sore.
Part 1:
A, 2 ladders + 3 sets @115# (1RM is 145#)
B. 45# 6x6
C. Subbed Swiss Ball Sit Ups due to lack of equipment 5x20 unbroken
Part 2:
Back squat felt extremely heavy this morning thought I would be able to do more weight and reps just wasn't happening. Jump Squats were fun, I've never done those before. Double unders were more difficult than expected and I just couldn't stay on the bar during my chin ups sets. Practice and patience is my new mantra.
part 1
A. 4 ladders in 10:10 (wanted to finish the 5 reps.)
B. 120lbs. (405 is pr)
C. 2 sets unbroken. 3 sets broken w quick breaks.
headed back the gym in a minute to do part 2 before the cowboy game comes on.
Part 1:
A: 4 ladders + 1.2.3
B: 6 x 6 @ 115
C: No GHD did them on situp bench unbroken with hands over head
About 15 min rest
Part 2:
No kipping pullups due to shoulder injury...did strict instead
51/5 (forearms dead)
Shoulder is starting to feel a lot better and looser.
Impressive scores today by a lot of people. Well done.
A:4rds,3reps @ 225#
B:@RX w/110lbs
felt really good during squats, and the jumping squats were probably the most fun thing i have done in a while. i howp this one comes up again, think i have a few more reps in me
= 3124 total pts
feel ok about the DU, i strung 50 unbroken for the 1st time. really need to work on my pullups. saving grace is that i am really concentrating on getting my chin well above the bar, not more chin wagging (to quote BK)
Part 1:
A.) Struggled through 1 full ladder at 155#. Lowered the weight to 132# and did 1 ladder + 2 reps short of a second.
B.) Done with 57# (1RM is 190#)
C.) GHD situps unbroken
Part 2:
Double Unders: 78, 73, 88, 78, 89
Pullups: 22, 15, 12, 20, 22 (low and disappointed with it. I really dislike the angled handles at the globo)
Total Score = 1716 + 1095 + 1056 + 1560 + 1958 = 7385
Had to do part 1 and 2 in the same session. No choice. The globo gym doesn't open until 8am on Saturdays and I work Saturdays 8am-1pm.
Butt and hamstrings are feeling it. I really feel like I'm working on my weaknesses these past couple of days.
Thanks James.
Part II
Total- 7653
1- 76-35 (2660)
2- 71-22 (1562)
3- 61-20 (1220)
4- 61-15 (915)
5- 72-18 (1296)
The double unders take a lot out as my PR is 65.
Part 2.
This really went horrible wrong.
DU: 70/63/45/44/46
PU: 11/9/12/7/6
The jump rope had a broken handle but what really messed me up was the pullups. Did them on a stud bar that was mounted to the wall. This was definitely not enough room for me (6'1) as I was doing butterfly (hope that is ok?)...anyway on the first set the back of my head hit the wall, my head came forward and my nose crashed into the bar. It was very bloody, fun stuff! Went to strict PU's after that. Got to get better at PU's!
A. 3 ladders +1
B. 105#
C. k2e, decline situps, k2e, decline situps, k2e... had to break the 2nd and 3rd k2e
225# felt heavy for the ladders... my hammies are still toast from thursday
DU - 66, 58, 54, 52, 58
C2B PU - 14, 9, 8, 9, 6
points - 2694
not sure why i tried to be a hero and do chest to bar, bit off more than i can chew there
oh yeah..my score
Yowza, Unit is just runnin' away with the total points. I'm coming for you, man!!!
Corson, it's time you and me stopped being Even Stephens!
Part 1 9:30 am
A. 2 rounds + 3 at 7:30 mins then lower back too pumped, maybe as a result of stiff legged dl and GHD work in past days.Couldn't continue at that weight.
B. 100lbsX6X6 with full squat. Easy
C. 20,20,20, (12-4-4), (10-5-5)
Part 2: 3:40 pm
Double unders/Pull ups
72/51= 3672
Total: 7852 pts
Followed by a good Ashiatsu massage!
Alright day overall. Dissapointed with the ladder but PR by 1 rep on the pull ups so happy about that
A. 225# 2 ladders +1-2 +1rep
hamstrings feel like I pulled something. But I massaged it and its better.
5 minutes rest
B. 6x6 @95# felt easy/fun rx rest
C. 5x20 GHD situps unbroken rx rest
........................................Part 2 to come...
Part 1 0930
A. 2 ladders
B. 80# went into a full squat.Bar speed stayed fast.
C. 5x20 no problem
Part 2 1830
Total: 6393 Pts.
Part 2 taxed my grip a lot. My forearms are still burning. My buddy lee snapped in half in the second set. Good thing I have a backup. Remember one is none! Not a bad day. Energy felt great and I felt strong in the squats and chin-ups.
Part 2
Not a big score but I'm working on my D.U. and I'm geeting better. Whatch out next time!! :-)
got to the gym for part 2 and realized i had forgotten my rope. to far to go back and get it. i'll make it up tomorrow i guess.
Did comp this morning ;
4 rounds,
5 C+ J @ 155
10 CTB
burpee ladder 1-5. Run 20 meters, backpeddle to start with 1 burpee increasing to 5
third place in 11.27 very happy.
4 hours later;
BS ladder 4 rounds and 1,2,3,4 complete. Right side smoking from 4 minute on. Sleep well tonight.
Part 2
Total = 6519
Had higher expectations for part 2 than my result. Was more gassed than I though, both mentally and physically.
Part II:
Total: 4,130
Faded fast on pull ups...1st time I've been able to do d/u's since ankle sprain (6 weeks). Last 3 rounds my ankle started getting sore but did not want to stop so I ended up doing d/u's hopping with one dominant leg and using other leg primarily as balance.
part 2
49/22 - 1078
52/14 - 728
50/17- 850
42/14 -588
Total= 4009
Chins were better today...slowly moving forward ,but still a long way from where I was.
A. 2 rounds + 1,2 (125lbsx1, 115x2&3, 105x4&5 on all rounds)
B. 45lbsx3, 55x1, 65x2
C. 2 sets unbroken, 3 sets broken
Part 2
total 936 points
Wasn't feeling so great today.
Mixed emotions about this one, but I gave it my best.
1. 43x15=645
2. 50x12=600
3. 47x10=470
4. 42x10=420
5. 24x10=240 Tripped over my dong this set.
T: 2375
1. A. 4rds + 10reps
B. 120 for all
C. unbroken
2. 86/13, 80/9, 81/7, 82/7, 84/6=3483
did dead hang pull-ups
Eric R
Workout 1
A. 2 Rounds - At the end of the First round my back seized up! I don't think I warmed up as much as I could have.
B. I did it as it was shown from Catalyst, it went pretty well. It was done at 32ish% 95lbs but felt really good every round
C. GHDs completed on Roman Chair as thats all the gym had
75/25 = 1875
66/21 = 1386
61/25 = 1525
56/21 = 1176
70/22 = 1540
Total = 7502
Part 2:
*tore my hands really bad after the 2nd round,kept on going.
Part 2
1. 83x45=3735
2. 79x20=1580
3. 77x20=1540
4. 76x20=1520
5. 66x20=990 *only broken set and it cost 10 double unders, this is the cost of breaking sets.
For me the pull-ups were pathetic, total mental breakdown on 2nd set.
Part 1.
A. 2rnds + 1+2+3+4 (225#)
B. 105#
C. all unbroken
Part 2.
DU/PU -Total
A: 2 Rounds @205#
B: 75#'s
C: 3sets of 20 pretty fast pace
No time today for part 2 but I did get in 2 sets of max reps pullups at 38 and 30 reps.
the buddy lee site says to take your rope and stand on the middle where the rope meets the handle should come to your armpit. I did this with mine and it seems perfect.
As Lisa said, but try shortening it as your technique improves. This is as per Rob Sifton, the Flight Simulator Captain or maybe General.
Geoff, the tie will be broken soon enough.
Ken C., great to see you posting. Great effort on the laddersI'm not going to get part 2 in tonight, so it will be early tomorrow for me.
Part 1: Did not do b/c of Right Knee injury. Resting it until MRI is done.
Part 2: 5174
Rested about 3 minutes and then did part C from this morning's WOD. Rounds 4 and 5 of the GHDs hurt like a MoFo.
PWO: 24gP (Jarrow), 2 Scoops Refuel
Notes: Can still feel my right knee during the DUs. I can't wait to just find out what the hell is wrong with it and get it fixed. I really wanted to try this morning's WOD, but common sense forced me to sit it out.
Coach: Is there any way for people (like me) who started on this programming after the 1st challenge to make up the one(s) they missed and have them counted in the overall standings? Thanks.
All: Anyone have experience with all three of the following:
1. Buddy Lee Aero Speed
2. Buddy Lee Rope Master
3. Ultra Speed Cable Ropes
If so, which is your rope of choice and why? I've been using Cable Ropes, but and considering getting another one for the rotation. Thoughts?
Part 1
A: 2 ladders + 1,2,3,1
B: 95lbs with full squat then jump
C: unbroken on swiss ball
Rest 9hrs
Part 2
Total = 5280
Did not warm up enough for part 1, i felt warm in my second ladder. Should have done some heavier squats. BB jump squats felt easy and explosive through the heels. GHDs felt solid.
For part 2, didn't warm up enough (whenever we have doubles I find it hard to warm up for the second part). Pretty happy with double under numbers and crappy rope. Hoped for higher chin ups.
Part 1: A: 2 ladders plus rounds of 1-3 and 2 of 4. Had to use 120#--max 1 is only 157. Form was horrendous all reps--haven't done these for probably a year except in CF total.
B> used 47#--seemed way easy after A
C. 1 round unbroken, rest broken up, single arm touches to preserve back
Part 2: 67/21; 63/18; 62/16; 58/16; 57/15. Total: 5316
Chins were not good--no kip rhythm--still on chest to bar kip from last day.
Part 2
66/16 = 1056
33/11 = 363
39/13 = 507
41/9 = 369
30/12 = 360
Total = 2,655
Part 2
57/30 1710
60/25 1500
52/20 1040
55/15 825
51/15 765
Total: 5840
2 Ladders @ 205.. 1st three sets of the first ladder @ 225# but my ROM was horrible so dropped down to 205# rom still not great..
5 sets of 20.. all unbroken until last two sets 15/5 10/5/5
part 2
3 sets is all I had time for
total score 2262
A. 1 ladder, +1,2,3,4,1
B. 70#'s
C. 5x20 unbroken.
4 hrs rest
Part 2.
Part 1 trashed my legs. 225 is my last 5 rep Back squat #.GHD's felt good. didn't have 8 hours between. D/U's were good, pull ups were difficult. Taxed my arms. Overall good wod. Post wod meals for both with a good meal 1-2 hours after.
a1. 2 ladders plus through set of 4
b. used 50#
c. all unbroken
part 2
did dead hang pullups ( didn't want to rip at all)
10, 8, 6, 5, 6,
can't remember the exact numbers
in the 20 mostly and a couple 30's
21, 24, 33, 31, 27, 24
was tired before starting, but felt good afterward.
my total score for part too was 1108, i do remember that.
see you tomorrow
part 1
A.2 ladders + 1,2
B. 80#'s
C. 1,2 unbroken. 3,4,5 broken (10's and 5's)
Part 2
D/U's felt really good. On the down side they fatigued me pretty well for the pull ups.
rested 7.5 hours
80/42= 3360
67/30 = 2010
64/20 = 1280
52/17 = 884
70/18 = 1260
total = 8794
*Chin break vertical plane for pullups except set 2 was butterfly
+! for the group discussion on supplements
Joey U R a beast holy crap. Too much crap going on in my life to hit second WOD tonight will have to do it tomorrow AM and hopefully hit tomorrows in the afternoon.
Part 1
5 ladders. Low back was weak point. Re-racking the weight took a lot of time.
Part 2
Score = 5568
Not happy with pull ups. Shoulders and forearms not feelin it.
A. 2Rnds+1 =31reps
B. Done with 80lbs did full squats felt good
C. all unbroken challenging towards the end
Part2. 8 hours later
A little disappointed with pull ups and last 2 sets of DU's forearms and grip are toast.
Part 1
A. 2 rounds + completed rep 1/2/3 of round 3...very tough weight for me
B. 95, 6x6
C. 5x20 unbroken
Rest 4 hours
Part 2
68/20(chin break vertical)
75/7 (CTB)
81/15 (CTB)
75/9 (CTB)
I can see why this was spaced 8 hours apart. I mentally lost it on pull-ups. Tomorrow is a new day and I would like to redeem myself before the rest day.
Work + baby + family visiting= no time for working out today, but I wanted to mention 2 things.
Garage- I got Rory the Sorinex GHD for christmas and it is rock solid. It doesn't move when Rory is using it. We know the owners of the company and quality is super important to them and it really shows in this piece of equipment. Solid investment.
OPT- on the standings I wanted to mention that Rob Ottesen and ROBO are one in the same!
Forgot to post my score for pull-ups/double unders
total = 6,286
Did my first WOD with CrossFit Portland at CrossFit Fort Vancouver. It was a blast having so many people doing a WOD together and meeting so many amazing athletes.
10 rounds for time of:
105# clean and jerks, 3 reps
15 wallball shots, 15# @ 10ft target.
Time: 20:58
The clean and jerks were light feeling, however the wallball shots killed me. I thought I'd never make it through.
8 hours later...
I did the the second OPT WOD for today.
Total points: 2886
6.5 hrs rest
Part 2
all regular kip, chin breaking vertical plane
total: 6063
I cut my Buddy Lee shorter a few weeks ago after the rope shortening discussion on here. I went from 100 UB to not being able to string together 30 after cutting it. After using the same rope for all warmups for several weeks, I finally got the shorter rope figured out and I feel stronger than ever with it. So my advice is to keep using the shorter rope, you'll get the hang of it. Mine comes to just above shoulder height for reference
I got 1 ladder + 1,2, and 3
and used 85lb for the jump squats
.. Part 2 was awful.. need to get better at DU
For a total score of 298 :(
Part 2: 65-25/72-20/59-15/69-16/
70-20 total points 6454
used chalk for the last set should've used for all. Great WODs both killer.
Whew, what a day! Basically did 3 wods today.
Wod 1: 7:30 am Arrange 12 3yr olds for soccer team pictures, then .5hr practice .5hr game, this was a mental workout, zen like patience!
Got part 1 in around noon. Watched my wife ref some college bball, got the soccer star to bed, and somehow got in part 2 in at 10pm in my gargage....what a disaster!
Did my chin ups on rings, and was a bit shy for kipping room so they were mostly strict with a quasi kip starting in 3rd set, and head above hands every rep. Still really disapointed in my pull ups lately, though maybe it has something to do with how much I labor at double unders! Anywho I'm rambling, and tired here's my lack luster numbers from part 2.
=1234 total points
Stay Classy
F 128#
Part I:
A. Scaled to 110# 3 rds + 4th rep = 55 reps
B. 30% of 168 = 50#X6X6
C. GHD alternated with AFT unbroken between 45 and 60 seconds
Part II:
Amrap DU's: 49/40/32/33/31
Amrap P-ups: 20/10/10/10/7
Total = 2247
Part I: OPT 1PM
A. 4 ladders + 1 rep = 61 reps
B. 100#X6X6
C. GHD 1 and 2 rds rapid fire and 3-5 less than rapid fire
Part II: @ CFC 7PM. Thanks Brett
Amrap DU's: 53/58/55/55/38
Amrap P-ups: 32/15/12/12/12
Total = 4342
part 2 done 2 hours after first
du: 66,53,53,47,51
pu: 7,15,15,13,16
Part 1
A. @102,5kg, 1 round + 1,2,3. A new 5RM for me. Very happy about the result considering my meager experience with heavy weight.
B. 35kg. Did full squat. Next time i will do them correct. The load was a bit to light also due to my modest BS.
C. 1-3. As Rx'd on a "bench press"-bench. I believe it makes them easier then on a GHD.
4. 20 unbroken KTE
5. 20 unbroken unanchored Sit Ups
Rested 8 hours.
Part 2
1. 26x42=1092
2. 26x23=598
3. 20x20=400
4. 18x17=306
5. 20x30=600
Something happened with the DU's just could NOT get them in to a flow. Very useful/painful experience.
Part 1
A. 1,2,3,4@225 (too heavy) 5, set 2, 1,2,3,2(of 4) @198#, so 2 rds + 2 of 4
B. 88# felt good
C. unbroken
Part 2
72,42 = 3024
60,18 = 1080
50,16 = 800
59,17 = 1003
55,20 = 1100
total 7007
I was shocked how hard the pullups were after double unders
A.3L+1.2.3 (lower back was cramping)
B.Full rom went well
C. Unbroken
Part 1:
A- 2 complete rounds and sets 1,2,3
B- 95#- 1RM is 305#.
C- 20-20-15,5-10,10-10,10
Part 2:
Had to work all day so I did the work outs with in the same hour of each other. Squat ladder was harder than I thought that it would be.
1) 85x25=2125
2) 75x15=1125
3) 69x12=828
4) 70x11=770
5) 70x11=770
I gassed hard & fat in the pull ups.
I did this on Jan. 10/10. I don't feel recovered from part 1 yesterday, it may be the lingering affects of the stomach bug.
Part 1
A. 3 full sets.
B. 95#
C. Unbroken
Part 2 (3 Hours Rest)
Double unders/Pull Ups (chin over bar)
1. 66/40
2. 45/20
3. 48/20
4. 44/20
5. 40/20
1. 2640
2. 900
3. 960
4. 880
5. 800
Total: 6180
Better late than never i guess...
total 4755
wow did my forearms ever kill! and that made me have some serious timing issues with my double unders. i also did them in my garage which for some reason seemed harder because i couldn't hear my rope hit the ground like i can on my matt downstairs so it messed up my timing. however this is good to get used to doing them in different environments
Part 1:
A. 225 is very close to my last 1RM attempt so went with 205 for the ladder. Completed 2 full sets and could have taken a good chunk out of round 3 if I wasn't distracted by Rebecca dropping a 1.5 pd on her toe from directly overhead. It was ugly...
B. 75/80/80/80/85/90
Part 2:
Total= 4675
Crazy grip killer!
@ Globo gym in Vancouver (Jan. 10/10)
A. 3 complete ladders
B. 95lbs x6x6
C. no Ghd so did 30 reps x 5 for reg sit-ups
Part 2 (8+ hours later) same gym
was trying for 35x35 every set...shoulders were smoked...still use them a lot for DUs which is not good...plus I had some split bar with curved, angled, handles for PUs...not sure how this affected PUs but the angle seemed to tax me..
A: 1 Ladder + 1 rep
B: 105, Full Squat (didn't RTFQ or the blog)
C: DNF interrupted by kids waking up.
Du: 53 70 60 60 49
CU: 15 9 5 5 5 (Rings)
Score: 2270
Notes: First section was wicked. Full squat jumps were rough. Double unders were difficult to get going. Felt very uncoordinated. DU sapped pullup strength, unexpected.
my date of wod should be Jan 9/10 (Saturday) not Jan 10/10...
Part 2 sorry late post
Double Unders- 76, 63, 47, 42, 57
Pull Ups- 35, 20, 20, 17, 15
Total: 6429
part 2 only:
DU: 67,88,58,76,70
PU: 16,15,18,17,16
total score: 5848
grip is my main failure on pullups, they will get better.
Thank you James
Part 2:
Used a 2.5 inch spinning PCV pipe for pull-ups. Chin breaking vertical plane.
Total: 2,914
All double unders broken.
I'm impressed with you guys keeping the double under numbers upwards of 80. Great job.
Pt 1
A: 3 ladders - lower back started burning after the first set, but after that I started focusing more on stretch-reflex at the bottom and the reps got easier
B: All done at 95lb, legs felt like jelly
C: legs still noticeable, especially during the raise portion
Pt 2
DU's were between 35-45 across the sets. Don't have better counts for those or chin-ups because I kept getting interrupted and lost count (did this during BJJ class).
part 1: Did this starting at 4:15am.
A. as many 1-5 ladders in 10 min - 225#/155# back squat; rest 5 min - Made 3 full ladders
B. BB jump squats - 30% of 1RM back squat; 6 sets of 6 reps; rest 60 sec b/t sets - 105x2, 115x4
C. GHD Sit ups - 5 sets of 20 reps; rest 45 sec b/t sets - All unbroken
Something just isn't right with my squats lately. I am sure the early morning stiffness didn't help. But I felt very weak. I did FULL squats on the jump squats, I didn't know any better, apparently that wasn't what I was supposed to do, was supposed to minimize time on the ground, period.
part 2: Did this after getting home from work.
AMRAP Double Unders in 45 sec - 44/25/28/19/29
15 sec rest
AMRAP Chin Ups - 44/21/21/22/14
2 min rest
5 sets for total points = 3873
Not really happy with myself here. I felt weak all day. My pull-ups and double unders were severely limited by my hands/grip/forearms. I started having to come off the bar simply out of fear of kipping myself staight to the ground. And I kept tripping up on the rope because my hands just didn't have any pop in them. Gotta work on grip/hand strength, I'm sure this helped.
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